Month: June 2019

Yes, the site is acting up.

There was a massive issue last night with Host Gator and other places. We were out I want to say sometime after midnight and was still out when I went to bed at 2 am.

By the tone of the Host Gator Tweets when the complains came in, they were caught off guard and trying to figure out why several servers were attacked and apparently the Optimized WordPress servers were taking the biggest hit.

So my apologies and please be patient.

Update: They posted this after I went to bed

And in the “No Sh**, Sherlock” files

After a weekend in which more people were shot in Philadelphia than in any other 48-hour stretch in at least three years, Police Commissioner Richard Ross questioned Monday whether gunmen are increasingly carrying illegal firearms because they believe they can avoid being held accountable even if arrested.
During a news conference at Police Headquarters, Ross, backed by three top deputies, said police have nearly doubled the number of gun arrests this year compared with the same point in 2015.

Philly’s top cop wonders if gunmen are emboldened by perception of ‘no consequences’

So, if you have doubled the arrest for illegal possession of firearm and Jose Jamal Jones is not giving a crap if you arrest him or not, where is the problem?

Pressed on whether he was suggesting that District Attorney Larry Krasner’s office was being too light on accused gun criminals, Ross declined to say, adding that he did not know how many gun cases might be ending with a figurative slap on the wrist or if any individual office was responsible.
Krasner — sworn in last year on a pledge to curb mass incarceration — has drawn frequent criticism from the police union. Its leader, John McNesby, has accused him of having “great disdain” for law enforcement and siding with accused criminals over victims.

You know? When addressing a problematic issue as what is going on in Philly, I’d wish the comish would stop with the fake politeness and go to town on what he sees as the problem:

“Hey, don’t look at me. I am not the one who elected a pasty Civil Rights shyster as top prosecutor for the city whose first priority in office was to  make such a mess out of his office to the point of issuing a memo to “reduce mass incarceration” and giving a bunch of criminals a pass.”

I like the second screen cap a lot. How many times we had seen complains of cops messing with the stats so it would look like there was a crime reduction? And we see a DA actually making reducing charges for political crap a rule in his office.

But I can see the future and I will promise to the Civil Rights activists of Philadelphia that even the arrests will drop (not the crimes, just the arrests) by the police implementing the very successful F.I.D.O Program.

Fuck It. Drive On.

F.I.D.O has been a total success in a Post Ferguson St. Louis as at least a couple of readers will tell you. Police misconduct and arrests are way down so the goals of the “Civil Rights” cadre have been achieved.


Swalwell thinks there such a thing as too much ammo

Douche Nukem released his anti-gun plan today.

There is lots in it that is bad, but the one that is total, absolute, ridiculous shit is this one:

Prohibit individuals from hoarding ammunition in quantities exceeding 200 rounds per caliber or gauge.

Two hundred rounds.

A single USPSA stage has a max of 32 rounds.  Six stages in a shoot.  That’s 192 rounds for a match.

A full course of Sporting Clays is 100 rounds.

A two hundred round limit means I can have one match worth of FMJ  and a single mag of JHP for self-defense in the same same caliber.

This is the dumbest, most unenforceable, out-to-hurt-target-shooters, bullshit imaginable.

The only consolation here is that he’s polling at 0%, even in his own state.

This guy is an unbelievable jaggof.


UPS Update – 6/17/2019

My gun from Wilson Combat was delivered to West Chester, Ohio.

I am in Huntsville and Wilson Combat is in Arkansas.  How it ended up in Ohio is something the woman I’ve talked to at UPS cannot explain.

Here is my supposition:

I told the people at UPS on Friday I would be reporting this to both the Huntsville Police and ATF, and that they should remind the UPS employees at the facility that stealing a gun is a 10-year minimum sentence.

I called UPS and let corporate know that they lost my gun, that went up a few layers of management.

So I have the feeling that some UPS employee tried to pocket my gun and at a morning meeting on Saturday, realized he done fucked up and didn’t want to get caught with the evidence, and so then tried to make it disappear by sending back into the system.

Now the question is, can UPS recover my package from Ohio and get it back to me?