Month: June 2019

News Flash: Concealed Weapons Permits in the USA deemed a “hindrance” by Chest Thumpers.

The “I Hate The NRA” game reached new levels by people declaring that the greatest advancement in Gun Rights of the 20th Century and the beginning of the avalanche in our favor is a hindrance and unconstitutional.

The level of imbecile

The logic part of me is saying that we cannot have people this stupid within our movement. They have to be well-paid plants or trolls, but not this irrevocably ignorant gun owners moved to re-write history because it is cool to hate the NRA.

We were a nation with few states having any kind of carry. Whatever carry we had was May Issue and the issuance and laws changed within state from county to county. We are now a country where all 50 states have Concealed Carry which had led the way for 13 States to have Constitutional Carry and hopefully more in the way. Alongside with CWP, we have expanded Stand Your Ground, and Immunity From Prosecution, reinforced Castle Doctrine and even managed to get a couple of interestingly favorable cases in the Supreme Court to fall for the Second Amendment.

But no. That movement is bogus because the NRA did not get Constitutional Carry from day one.

What is next? To say that Gun Rights are valid only if you belong to a Militia?


Bette Middler Impeccable “Gardening.”

I saw her very strange tweet and I had butt in:

And then there is the little detail that anybody who actually does gardening in June, does not look that fresh and that clean. The frigging gloves are so brand new, the hand with the flowers looks strange and the other hand digging does not have a speck of dirt on the glove of the handle of the little spade.

Click to enlarge

Posers will pose for Gun Virtual Signaling

One to avoid: The Hot Zone.

This is a mess. The premise is that an Ebola outbreakĀ  (that at the end turns out it was not Ebola) happened in the US sometimes in th late 80s and how it was fought and we are barely alive because of one brave colonel and her Teacher Zen Biomaster who hs been rejected by the scientific community but you just know he has been right all along because the movie formula is older than a Ford Pinto.

The movie is chock-full of production errors. Two that as former audio guy made me scream, was an old dual cassette answering machine (I had the damned thing) having an digital voice menu. The other was this old school electro mechanical cash register again going with digital “beep bop” when the cashier was entering a price.

Absolute lack of use of logic like a warehouse in the middle of winter with no power and no heat apparently so hot people were passing out, yet somehow the freezers where they kept dead monkeys were working like a charm.

And here and there you hear small script things that made you think you were listening to PETA and other ultra liberal crap. And you get your confirmation at the end of the movie when our hero, now retired from the evil Military-Industrial machine, has become a spokesperson for Gaia and warn us that Ebola, HIV and other viruses are the Earth’s response to the planets deadliest pathogen: Humans.

Save your neurons.

Old News: Train Wreckers. How much of the Old West is romanticized?

One of the iconic images we have of the old West is the train robbery. It is mostly a polite affair where the bad guys are either already inside the train and proceed up and down the aisle to collect the goodies from the passengers (cue the pretty lady who the bad guy allows to keep one sentimental piece of jewelry) or they block the train track so the conductor stops and the band of merry bad guys go gain, politely go confiscate goodies at gun point.

I am not saying that did not happen, but what I have seen in different papers the most is terroristic stuff like above.: Make the train derail, damned be the lives of those inside and they go pick the remains like hyenas.

Train traveling was a dangerous affair back then. Beside the robbers, you had the Tramps (Hobos) who would derail a train out of revenge for being kicked out and the just plain crazies that liked to see things break and blow.

“Fun” Fact: When a train derailed, the ones more likely to die were the engineer and the fireman and the cause of death would be crushed to death against the scorching hot boiler. Basically like bacon on a pan with the cast iron press on top.