Month: June 2019

Put your money where your Virtue Signaling Mouth is. ( #MayfairWalkout @wayfairwalkout )

Hundreds of Wayfair employees are expected to walk off the job Wednesday to protest the online retailer’s decision to furnish a detention camp for migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The workers are expected to walk out from their Boston headquarters at 1:30 p.m. and head to Copley Square, about a seven-minute walk away. Organizers are calling on employees who are based in the headquarters and remote workers to participate in the protest.

Wayfair Employees to Walkout Over Sales to Migrant Detention Centers

Why just a walkout? If you really feel for the cause, just quit. You do not need to be getting a paycheck from those morally corrupt filthy Capitalist, right? And not only that, that paycheck money you have been getting every pay period is tainted with the blood and tears of the poor immigrants suffering in concentration camps. That is worse that Judas’ Thirty Pieces of Silver! What you must do is either return it to the company or donate it to an Immigrant Care organization. That you already spent the money? I am sure you can sell your belonging and at least partially use the money for good use. That you need to feed and clothe your kids? How dare you compare your Gringo-Privileged kids born in this country and enjoying all the benefits with the kids warehoused in the Treblinkas of Texas and Arizona!

Your cause is fantastic and you must  be willing to make a real sacrifice, not just take half a dy off and go to Starbucks while you Instagram your Virtue Signaling.

/end sarcasm>

He’s right, but there’s an even bigger issue here

I saw this Tweet from Congressman Dan Crenshaw:

He is, of course, 100% right.

Why should a guy with a high school diploma working on a DOT road crew pay taxes to cover the education of a sociology major who is just going to berate him for his “Men Working” sign?

But there is a much bigger criticism of the free college movement that I have not seen from anybody else yet.

There is an issue that has been studied in the field of economics for almost two hundred years and was discussed by ancient Greek and Roman philosophers before that.

It is the Tragedy of the Commons.  In its strictest sense, the Tragedy of the Commons says that people will abuse or misuse a common resource.  This first entered the field of economics when William Forster Lloyd noticed that farmers would overgraze on public pastures but not on private ones.

The bigger picture of the Tragedy of the Commons is that people do not respect what they do not own or pay for from the fruits of their labor.

It has been shown that poor people who do not receive food benefits budget their food purchases better and buy better food.  Those who receive food benefits budget poorly and buy more junk food.  Simply for the reason that they are spending money that they didn’t work for.

We see the same issue in public or subsidized housing.  That falls into disrepair and dilapidation quickly, because the natural incentive to take care of what you work for vanishes.

So what happens when we extend the Tragedy of the Commons to the public college or university system?

How quickly will it be abused?  Predictions are not hard to make.

The flunk out rate will go up as kids who lose interest stop attending class.  The number of kids who change majors frequently or fail to matriculate in a field will go up.  The number of economically useless niche majors will multiply.

Free public colleges will complete their transformation into daycares where kids go for four, five, or six years after high school.  Any outside incentive that kids have to earn a degree and get a good job will evaporate.

That leaves only those who are self-motivated to achieve and stuck in a devalued institution.

The other economic law of note, the Law of Unintended Consequences, will kick in and the only institutions with degrees that have any value will be private institutions that are not free.

This will further segregate society as the kids who can’t afford private schools but are motivated find themselves lumped in with the academic overgrazers and are unable to get jobs because a public college degree will be worth as much as a public high school diploma, i.e., senior burger-flipper.

The natural laws of economics – those derived by watching how people behave in the real world – are just as unavoidable as the natural laws of science.

Free public college will destroy the public college and university system quickly and as effectively as public housing is turned into slums, and for exactly the same reason.

Why I can’t be a cop.

Abandoned baby in Georgia wrapped in a plastic bag.

Georgia has a Safe Haven law which allows mothers to drop babies in hospitals to any employee and leave, no questions asked.  Many mother have chose to take advantage of it but leave them in police stations or fire houses. But in a plastic shopping bag? Mother of God what can of perverse creature can anybody be to this?

If I was the officer in the video, I’d be going home that night to cry and possibly get a shot of bourbon or two. And as investigator who locates and apprehends Mommy Criminal? I would need back up just to make sure she does not fall off the car several times before on route to jail.



Wrong item to prove your worth.

I read J. Kb’s post and I had to shake my head

So you are in jail, arrested after some dust off at the local night establishment or some incident in the streets and your Public Defender shows up. You ask her what are her qualifications and she throws at you the fact that her box is only munched by those of the same gastronomic tendencies and that should be enough. This is the moment you need to go to a Loan Shark and get money for a real lawyer.

The latest Trump Rape accusation took a leap into the WTF.

It would appear the accuser based her story on an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit up to the point of the name of the store, the article of clothing and where in the store.


Listen, I understand you hate Trump with all your guts and are ready to bring him down by any means necessary, but stop messing with rape. People are now so sicked by the misuse of the accusation they are bound to cast a serious doubt in the real events and that only favors the real sexual predators.

Th OG’s of golf


Five dead after golf-course dispute leads to shooting, fire in California

What?  No way.

An argument that started at a California pitch-and-putt golf course led to five people being killed in a shooting and fire, according to the Santa Maria Times.

Santa Maria residents and police said that a long-standing feud between three men boiled over on Friday at the Casa Grande Mobile Estates golf course, about 140 miles northwest of Los Angeles. After the three men were seen arguing, gunshots were fired. One of the men was shot inside the clubhouse, while another was found dead on the grass nearby.

A golf feud turns deadly, I bet you never thought you’d read about that.

Police identified Kurt Backe, 70, and Richard Hansen, 78, as the victims who were fatally shot at the course. The shooter has yet to be identified.

Holy shit, wow.  I’m going to go out on a limb and postulate that the shooter was a septuagenarian too.

Police believe the suspect returned to his mobile home after the shooting. The gunman’s home then went up in flames after a small explosion, and the fire spread to nearby homes before it could be put out. The situation was made even worse by ammunition exploding from the gunman’s home.

“All throughout the firefighting efforts, ammunition was cooking off,” Police Chief Phil Hansen said to the AP.

Live fast, die young, go out with a bang.

Authorities initially found two bodies, one of which is believed to be the gunman’s, in the rubble of the house. But a third body was found in the rubble of the burned-out mobile home on Saturday, bringing the total number killed up to five.

Somebody was not having a relaxing retirement, that’s for sure.

What I learned here is: the next time the old dude wants a mulligan, just let him have it.


I hate Summer

Seriously, with all my heart. I can’t wake up without a raging headache, I had two cases of sun strike so I can’t go outside between the hours and June and November. The car is still burning to the touch inside at midnight and shit still needs to be done and that means I have to leave the Cocoon Of Cool.

And then you have the overly-cheerful people going “Yay! It is the summer! Let’s go outside and have fun!!”  and the only reason you don’t pop their asses from your air conditioned shooting perch is because it is more fun to watch them burn their skins and suffer sun strokes themselves.

And of course, life laughs at me. I lived all my life in a tropical country hating the heat and I get to move to South Florida where the heat is in constant copulation with humidity and you get to “enjoy” it like an ugly live porn show in Mombasa .  With my luck, next I have to move in the Everglades or the Louisiana Bayou.

I have to go out now….