Month: June 2019

We’re gonna have to start keeping an eye on Queens

Tiffany Caban Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and ran for District Attorney of Queens in New York.

She was heavily endorsed by AOC herself.

Caban won the election.  This is how she chose to announce it:

I don’t care that she is either queer or Latina.  That she clearly has made this central to her political identity does not bode well.  As we have seen so often in recent history, identity politics and social justice are almost always in conflict with actual justice.

So what I’m reading here is that violence in Queens is going to go up.  Qualiy of life will decrease as quality of life crimes skyrocket.  The streets will run red with blood and brown with human shit.  Open-air drug use will be everywhere, and makeshift tent cities will appear in every lot.

It’s not hard to predict this, because Caban’s rhetoric is the same as every politician in every major West Coast city that now has a standard of living that is comparable to the slums of Mumbai.

I’m going to start following the news out of Queens to track the decline.



David Hogg thinks of himself way too much.

Blog Brother George from The Universal Spectator just sent me this:

Dear David, talk to the Secret Service about assassinations and they will tell you something like this: If you are breathing and unhurt, you are not a target.  Brother George points something out that bears repeating here: “This kid has acute narcissistic personality disorder” and he is right.

David did not know that the “victim” stars in the Gun Control constellation come with an expiration date in both usefulness, freshness and Media appeal.  And he is feeling the lack of Media love also because let’s face it, Getting inside Harvard with an SAT that is good enough for community college only made you look bad. Add to that the scandal about parent buying school entrance for their kids and even the least suspicious mind starts to wonder how the heck di you manage to get into the big H.

And now that your ego is hurt because you are not getting video fluffed by Jimmy Fallon or George Streptococcus you come up with this assassination thing. Now, it may work within the core Left and up north, but down here in South Florida? In South Florida full of people who escaped dictatorships that used the “assassination attempt” excuse to order mass arrests and extra-judicial killings?  Used to restrict or eliminate basic human right? Used and abused so much it became a joke? No kidding, Hugo Chavez on average while he was alive claimed one assassination attempt every six months. And not to be less, President Maduro constantly claims the US is trying to kill him.

Bravo David, trying to get your star shinning again, you chose the path of South American dictators.

Actually, it is fitting.

Michael Bane’s take on Hogg’s claim.

I am done with the Concentration Camp argument

This “the detention centers on the border are concentration camps” has dragged on.  The latest piece of this fray has sunk to new depths.

The US Holocaust Museum released a statement on social media.

The text of that statement:

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum unequivocally rejects efforts to create analogies between the Holocaust and other events, whether historical or contemporary. That position has repeatedly and unambiguously been made clear in the Museum’s official statement on the matter – a statement that is reiterated and reaffirmed now. The link to the Museum’s statement is here.

The Museum further reiterates that a statement ascribed to a Museum staff historian regarding recent attempts to analogize the situation on the United States southern border to concentration camps in Europe during the 1930s and 1940s does not reflect the position of the Museum.

The Museum deeply regrets any offense to Holocaust survivors and others that may have been engendered by any statement ascribed to a Museum historian in a personal capacity.

I’m pretty sure that the people who manage the Holocaust museum know what they are talking about.

The previous statement linked above is long, but select parts make a very good point.

American politicians from across the ideological spectrum, influential media figures, and ordinary people on social media casually use Holocaust terminology to bash anyone or any policy with which they disagree. The takedown is so common that it’s even earned its own term, reductio ad Hitlerum.

This trend is far from new, but it is escalating at a disturbing rate in increasingly polarized times. The Holocaust has become shorthand for good vs. evil; it is the epithet to end all epithets. And the current environment of rapid fire online communication and viral memes lends itself particularly well to this sort of sloppy analogizing. Worse, it allows it to spread more widely and quickly.

This oversimplified approach to complex history is dangerous. When conducted with integrity and rigor, the study of history raises more questions than answers.

Careless Holocaust analogies may demonize, demean, and intimidate their targets. But there is a cost for all of us because they distract from the real issues challenging our society, because they shut down productive, thoughtful discourse. At a time when our country needs dialogue more than ever, it is especially dangerous to exploit the memory of the Holocaust as a rhetorical cudgel. We owe the survivors more than that. And we owe ourselves more than that.

It is not unacceptable to use the Holocaust as a measure of enormity and to compare other events to it.  But it is the obligation of those making the comparison to be honest in their assessment.

A contemporary (sort of) event that would be honest in its comparison was the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi.  It was not as mechanized as the Holocaust, which was carried out with German efficiency.  But the language that the Hutu’s uses – calling Tutsi “cockroaches” and alike – was equally dehumanizing.  The Hutu led military factions whipped the Hutu people into a murderous frenzy, not unlike Kristallnacht, and scapegoated the Tutsi for the economic problems in Rwanda.  As a result, almost a million Tutsi were hacked to death by Hutus with machetes.

It was an orchestrated, racially motivated genocide of an ethnic minority.

What is going on, on our southern border does not in any way comparable to that in intent, rhetoric, or action.  You can compare it, but an honest, rational person would dismiss it almost instantly.

If you go through the responses to the US Holocaust Museum’s Tweet, they are just about 100% negative, from people defending AOC telling the USHMM how they are wrong, racist, white supremacist, and on the wrong side of history.

If you see nothing but parallels and history repeating itself with Trump being just “Orange Hitler” than of course, you think that the temporary detainment of people crossing illegally into the United States prior to an asylum hearing is a prelude to the genocide of Hispanics.

If you believe that so much that you are willing to tell the US Holocaust Museum that they are a bunch of Nazi bootlickers, the conversation is over.

There is nothing left to say.  All the rational arguments in the world fall of these willingly deaf ears.

One more thought on the ICE raids

The same Leftists who are saying that arresting and deporting illegal immigrants who have been found in violation of the law, and have had arrest and deportation orders signed by judges, are having their human rights violated by a fascist President, and American citizens should hide them and shield them from federal law enforcement…

Are the same Leftists that cheer on the idea of warrantless door to door raids by law enforcement to arrest and kill gun owners that refuse to give of their assault rifles and high capacity magazines after they pass some broad sweeping gun ban.


I’ll answer Mr. Vargas’ question

Mr. Jose Antonio Vargas wants to know how you will use your privilege to stop ICE from deporting illegal immigrants.

Consider that according to the law, ICE can’t just round up and deport people at will.  An arrest requires a warrant and deportation requires an order, both signed by judges.  In this regard, illegal immigrants have the same protections as US citizens.

No local, state or federal law enforcement officer has the right to grab someone who “looks Hispanic,” ask for papers (proof of citizenship or lawful alien residence), and finding none, tosses said person over the fence into Mexico.

So if you are on a bus, and you see ICE arresting some guy, a judge has signed a warrant for his arrest due to some criminal activity.

Such as…

White Center man convicted of rape accused of attacking victim days after his release from jail

A 35-year-old White Center man who was recently released from the King County Jail after serving time for rape is now accused of tracking down the victim last weekend, pushing her out of her wheelchair and strangling and beating her in front of her young son, according to prosecutors.

Francisco Carranza-Ramirez was supposed to board a flight to California and return to his native Mexico on Monday after King County Superior Court Judge Nicole Gaines Phelps agreed not to impose community custody, or probation, following his release from jail last week, court records show. He is now wanted on a no-bail warrant for violating conditions of his release on the rape charge, according to court records and King County sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Ryan Abbott.

So if I’m somewhere in public and I see ICE putting a guy in handcuffs, I’m going to be thankful that my tax dollars are being put to good use.

Again, these people are not like Anne Frank, hiding in an attic because of their ethnicity.

Every single one of these people has a deportation order signed by a judge for violation of the law to some degree or another.