Month: June 2019

This is why I seriously consider running for office some times

I saw this Tweet from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

The explosion occurred at the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery in South Philadelphia.  That refinery was the old SUNOCO, Inc. refinery before they merged with The Carlyle Group to form Philadelphia Energy Solutions.

I know that refinery quite well.  It was my first job as a chemical engineer.  I was on the fuel gas management team.  My office was on the building off Passyunk Avenue.

That was the job that inspired me to go to grad school because refining was so boring.

I have no idea what the cause of the refinery explosion was, but I know it wasn’t global warming.

There is going to be a Congressional hearing on this, I can guarantee it.

Why?  Because it is going to affect fuel prices.  Also, people have political motivations to do so.

It’s times like this that I want to be in Congress.

Because they are going to invite a bunch of oil refinery representatives to be grilled by a bunch of Members of Congress who are nothing but fucking lawyers, liars, activists, and an ex-bartender.

And I want to be the one engineer and PE in that room who actually knows something.

Inject just a tiny bit of competence into that den of mentally defective jackals.

Sunday Music

From yesterday’s post about going mercenary in the Congo in the 60s, a Facebook friend shared this song with me.
I may need to check the works of Warren Zevon

Hat Tip to Jesse B.

Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner

Roland was a warrior
From the Land of the Midnight Sun
With a Thompson Gun for hire
Fighting to be done
The deal was made in Denmark
On a dark and stormy day
So he set out for Biafra
To join the bloody fray
Through ’66 and 7
They fought the Congo War
With their fingers on their triggers
Knee-deep in gore
The days and nights they battled
The Bantu to their Knees
They killed to earn their living
And to help out the Congolese
Roland the Thompson Gunner
Roland the Thompson Gunner
His comrades fought beside him
Van Owen and the rest
But of all the Thompson Gunners
Roland was the best
So the CIA decided
They wanted Roland dead
That son-of-a-bitch Van Owen
Blew off Roland’s Head
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Time Time Time for another week of war
Norway’s bravest son
Time stands still for Roland til he evens up the score
They can still see his headless body
Stalking through the night
In the muzzle flash of Roland’s Thompson Gun
In the muzzle flash of Roland’s Thompson Gun
Roland searched the continent
For the man who’d done him in
He found him in Mombassa
In a bar room drinkin’ Gin
Roland aimed his Thompson Gun
He didn’t say a word
But he blew Van Owen’s body
From there to Johanasburg.
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Talkin about the man
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
The eternal Thompson Gunner
Still wanderin through the night
Now it’s ten years later
But he still keeps up the fight
In Ireland, In Lebanon
In Palastine and Berkley
Patty Hurst
Heard the burst
Of Roland’s Thompson Gun
And bought it

Caricature of the Irrational, the Racist and the Stupid

Just add all the assumptions Swalwell is doing about Hispanics.
– We are all illegally here
– We are too dumb to understand the laws.
– He thinks we will become violent against Trump on his command like we were his puppets.
– All of us are Democrats.

How many Hispanics does Swalwell employ? Besides the maid and landscapers, the token ones in his staff? Compare that against all the Hispanics that Trump has been employing for years just in El Doral and Mar Largo in South Florida which are probably more than the amount of Hispanics that attend 50 Swalwell’s rallies.

He cannot be that stupid (I may be very wrong) and figure he has a chance to even appear in the polls. I guess he is doing a Bernie Sanders and getting the down payment for his next home via campaign donations.


Hat Tip @MalRoadkill

Ilhan Omar: AOC said something stupid about Concentration Camps? Hold my Non-Alcoholic Beer.

It is a camp, they are concentrated.  CONCENTRATION CAMPS!

If video was not available, I would have sworn it was a Babylon Bee post.

So that is why Joe Biden did not have a lot of people in his latest rally. He did not want to give the appearance of running a concentration camp.

This is what happens when Tribalism is the main tool for casting a vote. And yes, I mean tribalism as in African Tribalism.