Month: June 2019

Old News: Power Unrestrained

One of the principles I have seen in History is that once you “create a machine” to deal with your enemies on undesirables, the machine will require to be fed till it it dies down (if ever) and will not stop just because the initial enemies are no longer available. That means ne enemies will be created by means of loosening the parameters (AKA moving the goalposts.) We saw this with two historical examples: The French Revolution and the Soviet Purges.

The Klan was created to deal with the “Negro menace”  and it was astute enough to imbed itself in the power corridors so it would remain untouched or at least  get warnings of upcoming troubles. But the time came when the “Negro Menace” was pretty much under control and the machine still needed to be fed and that meant setting their sights on other prospects.

Morals were the excuse for the actions of the Klan. They could not allow the Good White Folks to be affected by the perceived moral inferiority of the Black race so they acted upon that. The problem was that the same very loose definition of morals got looser and ended up being used against White people because the machine needed to still be fed. That is why you see Klan chapters supporting Prohibition and Temperance before it was cool  or Federal. And that is why you see them going into a house in the middle of the night to whip a white woman for allegedly stepping out on her husband.

I fear we refuse to learn from the past.

Why the subterfuge?

I saw this and it made me think once again how the media manipulates the message in order to make it palatable to the majority

So they have a picture of Stormy Daniels, who jokes and all, is a high end prostitute. Even the pic does not show her like one but as a wholesome American girl next door.  Hey! Prostitution cannot be that bad if it looks like that, right?

But how about we inject a dose of reality and use the make and model of prostitute more commonly found on the streets?

All of the sudden, the idea is not that appealing for selling.

I am not talking sides on the issue, just making a point on Truth in Advertising.

Later: You know? There is a meme screaming to be created.



Bad day for Democrat race relations

Yesterday, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suckered her Democrat compatriots into trivializing the Holocaust.

It’s hard to imagine things going worse for the Democrats among the non-deranged, but it did.

From The Washington Post:

‘We got things done’: Biden recalls ‘civility’ with segregationist senators

Um… what now?

Joe Biden wistfully recalled on Tuesday an era in which he was able to get along with segregationist senators even though they “didn’t agree on much of anything.”

Dismissing criticism from his party’s left-wing flank that he is too conciliatory toward political adversaries, the former vice president told a crowd of about 100 people gathered for a fundraiser at the Carlyle hotel in New York that one of his strengths was “bringing people together.”

He knew this made him “old-fashioned” in the eyes of restive Democrats, he said. But he remained adamant that political fellowship of the sort he maintained with white supremacists in the 1970s was not just possible in today’s climate — but the best answer to the forces elevating President Trump.

“If we can’t reach a consensus in our system, what happens?” Biden said at the fundraiser, according to a pool report. “It encourages and demands the abuse of power by a president.”

As evidence of his ability to forge personal bonds, the former vice president pointed to his 36-year career in the Senate, which stretched back to 1973 and overlapped with the service of leading Southern Democrats. Biden cited the late Sens. James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman E. Talmadge of Georgia, who were both steadfastly opposed to civil rights and racial integration.

That is one hell of a stance to take.

Senator James O. Eastland, a Democrat from Mississippi encouraged states to willfully violate Brown vs. Board of Education and continue to keep schools segregated after the Supreme Court ruling.

Herman Talmage, Democratic Senator and Governor of Georgia, closed schools rather than desegregate them.  He also boycotted the 1964 DNC Convention to protest the signing of the Civil Rights Act by LBJ.  Just for good measure, he was a raging drunk who was censured for embezzling everything that wasn’t nailed down.

These are some real quality guys for Biden to reminisce about.

“Sure he had a white hood in his closet, but he was a hell of a nice guy and a great drinking buddy.”  Sure, Joe, just go with that.  That’s going to win hearts and minds.

But if that’s not enough, watch this:

That is so beautiful I want to fap to it.

I don’t think anybody there was expecting that.

Holy shit.

Maybe the DNC needs to take a couple of days off and regroup, because this is not boding well for them

AOC and her fawning media hit new heights for antisemtism

The other day, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did another one of her live streams to her followers on Instagram.

Instead of demonstrating her ignorance about garbage disposals or explaining how growing climate-appropriate crops was racist, she decided to shit on the memory of the Holocaust.

Yes, really.

She claimed that the detention centers on America’s southern border are concentration camps.  And if that is not enough of an invocation of Nazism, she had to include saying “never again.”

Also, just as a side note, she also immediately dismisses anybody who disagrees with her assessment as lacking any sort of humanity or morality.  Her’s is not an opinion, it is right, and to disagree with this is evil.

The thing is, she’s factually wrong.  Like just about always.

Due to Federal law, political squabbling, and some court decisions, the government has created a disastrous situation that many people are taking advantage of on our southern border.

Any person who enters the United States under any condition and says the word “asylum” must be processed through the immigration courts.  Border Patrol or INS cannot say “you’re not from a country suffering from a recognized humanitarian crisis, no asylum for you.”  An asylum claim requires a hearing, and we don’t have enough judges or lawyers to process people quickly.

Any person who comes to the US with a child and claims asylum can only be held apart from their child for 72 hours.

As a result of this and other things, people who enter the United States illegally with a child and claim asylum are essentially let go into the US after three days, with a notice to appear in the future at an asylum hearing.  If they don’t show up for it, they can be deported, but there is no great movement to find, arrest, and deport these people.

Pretty much our government has created a magic word that allows anybody who can get two feet inside the US border to stay in the US illegally indefinitely.

Because of the value of children as a “get out of jail in 72 hours” card, children are being smuggled back and forth across the border and recycled to be used as cover for multiple illegal immigrants.

As a result, over 100,000 people per month are pouring across our Southern border.  We’re not talking just about people who came on foot from Central or South America.  People from Africa and other parts of the world are traveling to Mexico to cross illegally into the United States.

We have no idea who they are, if they are criminals or terrorists, what diseases they might have – remember that there is an Ebola breakout in the Congo right now.

Our usual processing centers are full so the Federal government has had to build tent cities along the border to hold and process these people as best they can.

The Federal government is not kicking down doors to mass arrest American citizens because of their ethnicity or the color of their skin.  They are not starving and working people to death, or gassing them and burning their bodies.  The Federal government is trying to process a hundred thousand people per month who are crossing into the United State by swimming across a river or hopping a fence in the desert.

By every objective standard, there is nothing similar between a Concentration Camp and what is happening at the US border.

When that was pointed out, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubled down.

So after slandering what Border Patrol/INS is doing on the border as concentration camps in the most Nazi sense of the term by invoking “never again” she does for broke and wants to change the terminology of what the Nazis to justify her stance.

Also, the part of “the mass detention of civilians without trial” is horseshit since these are people being held while waiting for a hearing.  A trial is the next step for these people.

Congresswoman At Large fo Wyoming, Liz Chaney called AOC out for her ridiculous and offensive comparison and AOC shot back with more nonsensical Social Justice horseshit.

This is so insane I can’t parse it.  Congresswoman Cheney didn’t defend concentration camps, and I’m not sure how “exterminated” co-opts the language of the oppressor.  That is exactly what happened.

This is crazy-eyes, batshit insanity.

Temporarily detaining people who wantonly, flagrantly, and willfully violated US law until we can do some paperwork on them is in no way tantamount, let alone similar to the systematic mass arrest, imprisonment, and extermination of a group of people because of their religion and/or ethnicity.

Holding people who broke immigration law is not dehumanizing.  Calling Jews rats and vermin, or depicting them as octopuses trying to take over the world is dehumanizing.

I have not heard one Republican use language about illegal immigrants that in any way is equivalent to what the Nazis said about Jews.

I have heard a Democrat Congresswoman say that the Jews have hypnotized the world to ignore their evil.

I could go on and on, for those that care about objective facts, but the group Americans Against Antisemitism did a really nice bullet point breakdown of this.

I would say, Dov Hikind is wrong about one thing.  Nazi concentration camps did have doctors, they just didn’t treat patients.

Speaking of which, have there been any reports of illegal immigrants vivisected or twins sewn together?  I haven’t heard of any.

You’d think that something this viciously wrong would be easy to condemn, but the media is so in against Trump and so in support of AOC, that they too had to defend this ludicrous position.

Because “never again” hasn’t become something associated with Jewish education about the Holocaust?  That seems to be the tip-off right there.

That was so terrible that the Auschwitz Memorial had to correct him.

In Roman times, when a man embarrassed himself in public as badly as Hayes did, he was forced to regain his honor by placing the pommel of his sword on the ground and falling onto the blade.  Some intern needs to fetch Chris Hayes a sword.

A Leftist historian decided to jump into equating our border situation with Japanese internment and trying to back up AOC.

This may be a fine “well actually…” but it makes the same point.  Japanese Americans, as in US citizens (born or naturalized) and legal immigrants were rounded up out of their homes in the US.  They were also going to be held for an indeterminate amount of time (as long as the war lasted).

That is different than the temporary detainment of illegal border crossers.

One Tweet I saw in this thread made me wish I had Twitter just to respond.

Zerlina Maxwell is a political contributor at MSNBC.

She’s deep in the Lefty bubble, but it’s clear that she doesn’t realize that we on the Right know all about Japanese internment.  It is one of the reasons that many of us are gun owners.  It is also something that we point out every time a Democrat praises President FDR for one Progressive reason or another.

It’s always really sad when you discover how little Democrats know about the horrible atrocities other Democrats have done to POCs.  Japanese Interment, the Trail of Tears, and Jim Crow being on that list.  Maxwell assumes white people don’t know because I doubt she’s ever talked to a Conservative white person.

And just to drive home the insanity of all of this, here is George Takei to be an utter fool on this topic.

A man who was thrown into a concentration camp by Democrats as a child comes out to defend another Democrat for trivializing concentration camps.

Progressivism causes brain damage, there is no way around that fact.

There is one logical reason that AOC and the radical Left has chosen to trivialize the enormity of the Holocaust or even Japanese internment, and that is because they have no alternative.

Temporary detainment in tent cities is a terrible option but it is what INS has been reduced to by Congressional inaction.

If this is equated to concentration camps and the public demands the end of this practice, what else is there?  How does the government hold and process over 100,000 people per month?

It can’t.  Catch and release simply defaults or open borders.

What AOC is doing is deliberately misusing the history of the Holocaust and insulting the victims to manipulate America into an open borders position.

It is ugly, evil, vile, and antisemitic, and totally on brand for the Progressive Left in the United States.


Why I think my missing gun is malfeasance

I thought I would address why I believe my gun going missing through UPS is not an accident but deliberate malfeasance.

This is a screen grab of the most up to date tracking history for my package.

It went from Wilson Combat in Arkansas to an attempted delivery at my house in Huntsville.

I missed the delivery to my door and requested a hold for pickup.

You can see that was completed last Thursday.

Then Monday it was delivered in Ohio.

Why did it come out of holding for pickup and go out again on a truck?

Well, I did a screen grab of that from last week for my records.

At 5:53 AM Thursday morning my gun was ready for pickup.

Less than an hour later it was relabeled as “incorrectly sorted” and back in transit.

Again, how if my package was set aside, ready for me to come by and pick it up was it later incorrectly sorted and back in transit?

Why did anybody have any reason to touch it before I walked in the UPS door on Friday to get my box?

I have asked people at UPS and their answer is “it’s weird” and “that shouldn’t have happened.”

I believe somebody saw it in holding, pulled it out, and labeled it as “incorrectly sorted” in order to make it disappear.

If it was accidentally put on the wrong truck, why was it then delivered in Ohio?  It shouldn’t have been delivered to the wrong address.  It had to be signed for, so how did nobody in Ohio notice that the address on the box was Huntsville, Alabama?

This tracking history doesn’t look like an “oopsie, we put it in the wrong pile.”

This looks like a lot of deliberate fuckery to make a gun disappear.

An Opinion piece that misses the target.

Scott Martelle (WTF is going on with the people with that name?)  penned an opinion piece for the LA Times that the Miami Herald dutifully regurgitated in its pages (also cheaper than actually paying a salary to somebody)

I am just going to quote the top and the end of his article:

As bad as the pace and scope of the nation’s mass shootings have become, with death tallies sometimes counted in the dozens, chances are good that they are only going to get worse.
And you can blame gun manufacturers and firearms enthusiasts who are driving a market for ever-larger high-capacity gun magazines.


Congress did prohibit outsize magazines and assault weapons in 1994 as part of a sweeping anti-crime bill. But lawmakers let those provisions expire in 2004, and Congress has refused to renew or revive them ever since.

The biggest advertiser who helped push “larger gun magazines” was the Federal government, not the manufacturers. It was Clinton and Congress passing the Assault Weapons Ban (notice how Mr. Martelle does not use AWB but only mentions the “sweeping anti-crime bill.”) He does not mention that even though no new “High Cap” magazines were manufactured during that 10 year ban, the manufacturers went into crazy production schedules to the point that albeit expensive, the market was never without those magazines. Martelle also fails to mention  when that law reached its sunset and it was possible to partake into buying the magazines that were designed to go with these weapons, people changed their shopping strategies and no longer bought a gun with a spare magazine, but the new normal became to have at least 5 extra magazines per firearm owned and that led to many companies opening up for business and providing the demand.

But you know what really drove the market for people to buy big magazines by the truckloads one the prohibition was lifted? The insult that the government had no problem buying the “large magazines” for themselves during that time and rubbing it in our faces by stamping them like this:


“Restricted Military/Gov’t/Law Enforcement/Export use only.”

And the last insult was that the Government had no problem selling the magazines to some corrupt foreign entity who would probably either use them against its people or sell it to the local organized crime enterprises. But selling them to Law Abiding Joe Schmoe? Hell no!

So dear Mr Martelle, it is not the manufacturers “pushing” from large magazines, the pushing was done by the Government and it was so powerful 15 years later still drives the business. Of course, drivel like yours also gives sales a little push. I may need a couple of mags myself now that I think about it.

Hat Tip Mike V