Month: October 2019

Did we need any more proof that #MeToo was bullsh*t?

Let us review:

Katie Hill was a United States Congresswoman from California.  She is openly bisexual and was married to a man.  Sometime around the start of her campaign, she began engaging in a sexual relationship with a female campaign staffer eight years her junior, which she described as a “trouple.”

She and her husband divorced.  During that time, she allegedly had sex with a male Congressional staffer who is on her official Congressional payroll.  Hill allegedly paid this staffer and her a bonus and paid additional funds to her female throuple staffer.

According to the rules of the House:

Rule XXIII – Code Of Official Conduct
There is hereby established by and for the House the following code of conduct, to be known as the “Code of Official Conduct”:

18. (a) A Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not engage in a sexual relationship with any employee of the House who works under the supervision of the Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, or who is an employee of a committee on which the Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner serves. This paragraph does not apply with respect to any relationship between two people who are married to each other.

(b) A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House may not engage in unwelcome sexual advances or conduct towards another Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House.

(c) In this clause, the term ‘employee’ includes an applicant for employment, a paid or unpaid intern (including an applicant for an internship), a detailee, and an individual participating in a fellowship program.

By all accounts, Katie Hill broke the rules of the house which prompted an Ethics Committee investigation.

According to Red State and the reporter who broke the story, the photos that were released were done so to verify the allegations.  Red State claims that there were many more photos but they held them back as the purpose of the release was evidence not shaming.

RedState was also provided with intimate photographs of the women, which we have chosen not to publish.

What was published was censored.

These are the facts in evidence.

The Washington Post decided to ask the rhetorical question “what if Hill were a man?”  And decided that the patriarchy would let it slide.

Noted legal and ethical scholar Alyssa Milano was asked on CNN by the runt of the Cuomo litter about Hill, and she came to the same conclusion.

Did we need any more evidence that #MeToo was a load of horseshit?

Yes, the powerful men in Hollywood and the media who abused women for years needed to be run out of town on a rail and possibly sent to prison.  I’m not arguing against that.

That as soon as it turned into a movement with a hashtag, it morphed from legitimate into partisan activist bullshit.

Congresswoman Hill broke the rules of the House, possibly violated campaign finance law, and used her position of authority to sexually manipulate subordinates.

Yet, rather than treat her the way the #MeToo movement treated all those men, they rush to her defense and make her into the victim.

The only standard here is a double standard.

Cory Booker gets everything wrong about an AWB on the view, also he’s a coward

Cory Booker was on The View when Meghan McCain asked him how he was planning on enforcing his mandatory buyback and he twisted about like a fish on a line, waffled, and then started to cry.

Also, he got everything that he thought was a fact, wrong.

“Machine guns we don’t have on the streets anymore because in the 1980s we banned them.”


Machine guns were made NFA items in 1934 and in 1986 the law was changed to stop the transfer of new machine guns as per the NFA. The government stopped issuing tax stamps on new full-auto serial numbers.

There were never any legally owned machine guns “on our streets” and we didn’t ban them and get them off the streets in the 1980s.

Is it too much to ask that a United States Senator know the law, at least a little bit?

Then he says that people saying Beto will have the police will go to your house and get your gun is fear-mongering.  Except that Beto has said exactly that.

Australia and New Zealand had more restrictive gun laws than the US prior to the Port Arthur and Chistchurch shootings which made enforcement of the buyback possible.  Also, the populations of those countries are much lower than ours and they lack the gun culture that America has.

The idea that tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners, who bought their guns legally are just going to say “This gun I’ve owned and shot recreationally for years is illegal now, I guess I’m going to go down to the buyback and get my three hundred bucks for it” is (and I’m being technical here) fucking ridiculous.

Then, because he doesn’t have an answer for McCain’s continued aksing how he’s going to get some gun nut in the middle of Arizona (or Texas, or Alabama, or any Red state) to give up his AR-15, Booker starts to cry.

Listen to the tone of his voice, he sounds like he’s about to start sobbing.

He can be as emotional as he wants, that still doesn’t explain how his buyback will work.

Anybody who thinks that a crying vegan can take Americans’ guns away by passing a law has another thing coming.

Lastly, South Park got it right back in Season 6, not eating meat turns a person into a giant pussy.

This must be photoshopped

This picture must be photoshopped:

I cannot believe that a hipster like that could carve letters into nine pumpkins without slicing his baby-butt soft hands open.

Remember all those hipster fuckwits having to go to the emergency room because they lost a knife fight to an avocado?

This guy looks like hes a non-tenure track male professor of Feminist  Literature at some North East liberal arts college.

Either that or his wife’s boyfriend did carved those at his request.

Bloomberg publishes second crap opinion this week

On Monday I wrote about Bloomberg Politics lionizing the ISIS leader Baghdadi after he blew himself to hell during a Special Forces raid.

Now they publish this garbage:

From the article:

Tax-the-rich plans face doubts about the amount of money they could raise. But researchers say they dependably produce an emotional lift for society as a whole.  

Recent research found that progressive taxes may make the average citizen happier and more content. In the course of their study, psychologists Shigehiro Oishi and Kostadin Kushlev of the University of Virginia and Ulrich Schimmack of the University of Toronto eschewed the usual debate about tax increases: Are they bad for economic growth? Instead, they focused on a more emotional one: Do Americans feel happier – and experience a greater sense of fairness – under more progressive taxation? 

The researchers found a very strong correlation between progressive tax policies and how happy respondents rated themselves. This effect was most pronounced – and statistically significant – among taxpayers in the lowest 40% of incomes. The correlation steadily diminished among higher-income groups, disappearing altogether for the top 40%.

So poor people are happy at the idea of rich people having more of their money taken by the government.

Is anyone shocked by this?

The Soviet Union came to power by promising the poor that they will shoot the Kulaks or send them to gulags to be worked to death.

Convincing the poor to resent the rich and empower the government to hurt the rich only caused 100 million people to be murdered in the name of Socialism in the 20th century.  Why not give it a go in the United States?

I’m not sure if promoting American dekulakizaton is worse than a terrorist hagiography, either way Bloomberg News is just as much a pile of shit as its namesake creator.

My Congressional run will be easy

From Time Magazine:

From Chris Hayes:

If it is going to be a problem with Millennials not being able to get elected because of the potential for revenge porn blackmail, I’m going to be a shoe-in.

There are exactly zero pictures of my dick floating around out there.

Every day I am more glad that my digital Luddism seems to preemptively cover my ass from the latest shit trend.