Month: October 2019

HR 4789 is a good bill

Last week I mentioned a bill:

H.R.4789 – To allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons, and for other purposes.

The text is now available:


(a) In General.—A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer.

(b) Limitations.—A Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun under subsection (a) if—

(1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was so retired; and

(2) the officer is not prohibited from possessing or receiving the handgun under the laws of the United States or the laws of the State, territory, or possession of the United States in which the officer resides.

(c) Cost.—A handgun purchased under this section shall be sold at the fair market value for such handgun taking into account the age and condition of the handgun.

(d) Sense Of Congress On Use Of Funds.—It is the sense of Congress that any amounts received by the Government from the sale of a handgun under this section should be transferred and used to fund Federal gun safety programs.

(e) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) the term “Federal law enforcement officer” has the meaning given that term in section 115(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code;

(2) the term “handgun” has the meaning given that term in section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code; and

(3) the term “retired handgun” means any handgun that has been declared surplus by the applicable agency.

The bill also has five co-sponsors, four of which are Republicans.

I like this bill.  With the Army’s adoption of the M17 and more government agencies moving to 9mm and the SIG P320, there are going to be a lot of Glocks, SIGs, and Berettas in 40 S&W and 357 SIG which are going to be liquidated.  Not to mention old guns that need replacement.

Nothing in this bill says federal LEOs can only buy their issued gun or that they cant resell it.

I really don’t  have a problem with the money is going to federal gun safety programs.  Bureaucrats love money. They are addicts for it.  Sucking it in like cocaine up a A-list Celebrity’s nose.

If this goes well, I see the potential for some sort of federal LEO service pistol to CMP sale just to make more money.  Once the government finds another revenue stream, they usually pump it for all that it’s  worth.

I’ll support this bill with hope that it opens the door to even better things for us.

California on Fire, PG&E cuts off electricity to Millions & San Jose says…

(Reuters) – San Jose, the 10th most populous U.S. city and political center of Silicon Valley, on Tuesday moved to ban natural gas in most new residential buildings beginning next year.

With a unanimous vote by the 10-member city council and Mayor Sam Liccardo, San Jose became the largest U.S. city so far to seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by favoring appliances that run on renewable electricity sources over those powered by natural gas.

San Jose moves to ban natural gas in new residential buildings 

Standby generators run on Natural Gas and they connect to the existing distribution pipelines. If there is something we sorely miss in South Florida is NG distribution because it makes us dependent of only one source of energy for everyday usage and emergencies.

Now, the geniuses of San Jose, trying to be the ultimate Greta fans and Uber Woke have decided that new housing will not have access to an alternative energy source because we need to save the planet and get our power from solar panels and Quixotic windmills. Emergencies and the survival of citzens be damned.

These are the people that, in an emergency,  should be the last to leave town in a solar-powered Greyhound bus. If you believe what you push, you should risk your life just like everybody else.

Hat Tip Manny L


Who is really shocked by this? Welcome to the club, Armenians.

From the Star Tribune:

Minnesota Armenians upset U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar didn’t support measure recognizing genocide
Omar was one of three members who voted “present” as the House voted overwhelmingly to approve the measure in a clear rebuke to Turkey.

Members of the Twin Cities Armenian community criticized U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar on Tuesday for not supporting a measure that recognizes the century-old mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as a genocide.

The House voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to approve the measure in a clear rebuke to NATO ally Turkey in the wake of its invasion of northern Syria. Omar, however, was one of three members who voted “present.”

It passed 405-11 at a time when American lawmakers have criticized Turkey’s incursion against the Kurds along the Turkish-Syrian border.

Hijab wearing Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Somalia) didn’t vote to condemn the genocide of Armenian Christians at the hands of Muslim Ottoman Turks?

I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you.

This is the text of the statement she released:

A true acknowledgement of historical crimes against humanity must include both the heinous genocides of the 20th century, along with earlier mass slaughters like the transatlantic slave trade and Native American genocide, which took the lives of hundreds of millions of indigenous people in this country.  For this reason, I voted ‘present’ on final passage of H.Res.296, the resolution Affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide.”

So she can’t vote to condemn the Armenian Genocide because of what the US did with the slave trade and to the Native Americans.

That is some incredible whataboutism mental gymnastics to both shit on America at the same time as letting Turkey off the hook.

Omar is also a supporter of the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions campaign against Israel, and has pushed BDS actions in Congress.  BDS had simultaneously falsely accused Israel of committing genocide while working to end Israel as a Jewish state.

For anybody who has kept track of Omar’s history, her refusal to condemn the Armenian Genocide is as predictable as the sun rising in the east.

Welcome to the club Armenians.  Your Genocide will also be erased, ignored, justified, or called a hoax by the progressives who want to kowtow to the Islamists.

Elections have consequences: Nikki Fried wants to mess with Florida’s CWL.

I guess she finally got was given the green light which means Democrats feel they have a chance to pass the lot of Gun Control bills they already have.

October 29, 2019

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (CNS) — Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried is asking the state legislature to implement sweeping changes to the concealed carry process in Florida.

She wants to keep fingerprints for concealed carry holders on file for five years and also reduce the renewal period from seven to five years.

In addition she wants to require applicants take a concealed carry course each time they renew their license, not just when they first apply.

Commissioner of Agriculture proposes sweeping changes to concealed carry

I seen to recall that the augmentation from the original 5 year term to the 7 year term came because all the processes required to issue the CWL, from background checks to printing the card had come down in cost and full update of the computers was achieved so, rather than reduce the fees, they extended the duration bring the yearly cost to a similar range as other states. But that was when we had a commissioner who was actually in favor of the citizens of Florida, not this Democrat pot smoker (allegedly) .

So be ready, I am sure there is a bill being written. And don’t forget we already have a bill where you would need to go through a mental health evaluation to get a CWL.


A quick word on Trump calling Baghdadi a dog

I’ve seen a lot of Leftists online attack Trump for saying that Baghdadi “died like a dog.”

Yes, this is some old cowboy slang for anyone familiar with Spaghetti Westerns, but there is another level to this.

In Islam, dogs are unclean animals, not much better than pigs.  Some Muslims believe that seeing a dog during prayers nullifies the prayer.

This is why dogs are so often abused in Muslim countries.

So for Trump to say Baghdadi “died like a dog” is a grave insult the likes of which westerners can’t comprehend.  He I’d saying Baghdadi, who claimed to be an Islamic scholar, is ritualistically unclean and therefore will go to hell.

The Left doesn’t get this so looks stupid with their  incessant bitching.

A case of TDS that will get very expensive.

Florida man has been arrested after he spat on a man and slapped his “Make American Great Again” (MAGA) hat, according to police.

Matthias Ajple, 43, approached MAGA hat-wearing Robert Youngblood, 67, at a restaurant in the city of Vero Beach on Friday evening, according to an arrest affidavit.
Youngblood told an Indian River County Sheriff’s Office deputy he was sitting at the bar of Hurricane Grill on 943 15th Place with two friends, when Ajple walked over and said: “You should go back to Russia you f*cking communist.”

Ajple then slapped the brill of Youngblood’s hat, before leaning over a gate and spitting on him, the victim claimed. The suspect then left the scene.

Florida Man Arrested after Allegedly Spitting on a Man and Slapping His MAGA Hat: ‘I Don’t Even Care I’m Going to Jail’
Wait, it gets worse:

The manager of Hurricane Grill released the surveillance video footage of the incident. The video “clearly shows” Ajple “slapping the brill of Youngblood’s hat and leaning over the gate to spit on him,” the affidavit states.

And you know when you say “You have the right to remain silent”? Use it.

In apparent reference to Youngblood, who is 67-years-old, he also said: “I don’t even care that I’m going to jail, this is actually exciting, plus I have more time on this earth than he does anyway, he probably feels so good about himself.”

And now, for the really bad news:

Indian River County Jail documents show Ajple, an engineer, was charged with battery, with his bond set at $500.

The asshole TDS sufferer thinks he is gonna get a slap on the wrist with a fine, maybe community service if he is first time offender. Then he will go and celebrate with his woke buddies the triumph. I mean, simple battery is a plain old misdemeanor, right?

Welcome to the Sunshine State where you don’t touch the elderly.

Florida Statutes
784.08 Assault or battery on persons 65 years of age or older; reclassification of offenses; minimum sentence.—

(2) Whenever a person is charged with committing an assault or aggravated assault or a battery or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older, regardless of whether he or she knows or has reason to know the age of the victim, the offense for which the person is charged shall be reclassified as follows:
(c) In the case of battery, from a misdemeanor of the first degree to a felony of the third degree.

Welcome to 5 years in prison enjoying free amateur rectal exams and $5,000 fine plus whatever costs you will incur in lawyer’s fees.

I hope the judge does not go pussy in this moron.