Month: December 2019

The coming US Junta or O’Sullivan’s Law and the US Military

John O’Sullivan is a conservative British journalist and a speechwriter for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

He coined a political law, known as O’Sullivan’s First Law, which states:

“All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.” 

Andy Ostroy is a political writer with the Huffington Post.  He Tweeted this about impeachment witness Alexander Vindman.

This has been a common theme by Vindman supporters.

An officer who knew Vindman in the service rebutted all of that, calling him a partisan hack in uniform in a long Twitter thread.  Vindman is a partisan hack in uniform, but the narrative has been set that he is the paragon of apolitical virtue because he’s a commissioned US Army officer and Purple Heart recipient.

This also touches on something I have been writing about recently, military officers and veterans who are actively anti-gun.  this includes Members of Congress, Pam Bondi, Ted Lieu, Tulsi Gabbard, Seth Moulton, and activists like Charlotte Clymer.

I learned about the history of Leftists calling our troops “baby killers” and such during Vietnam.

The hate for our troops existed on the far Left during the early parts of the G.W. Bush years.  But through the Obama administration and up to the present, that attitude is gone for all but the most extreme anti-war, anti-American Leftists like those in Code Pink.

We can all agree that the impeachment of Donald Trump is an attempted bloodless coup.  Even the Democrats will admit to that with the occasional slip that if Trump is not impeached, he will be reelected.

But what comes after the coup?  Usually, a Junta.

I believe what we are seeing is O’Sullivan’s First Law playing out in real-time in the United States Military.

An officer class that is loyal to the Democrats and not the Commander and Chief or the US Constitution.

We may have many conservative enlisted men and even some officers, but the Washington DC officers are part of a partisan clique that hides behind their military service to give the appearance of impartial legitimacy or knowledgeable experience to fanatical political activism.

After the bloodless coup, how does the Left maintain control?

The same way the Soviets did, using an officer class that is loyal to the party commanding enlisted men who will do anything their officers tell them to do.

We’ve seen this before at the local law enforcement level for years.  Places like Portland, the police top brass are politically aligned with the far Left city government.  The good cops have all quit and all that is left are the police who will ignore whatever the brass tells them to ignore, either out of partisan agreement or loyalty to a pension and overtime pay.

It seems that the US Military might be getting close to going all Portland Police on us, and becoming an armed wing of the DNC.


Hogg proving once again he’s Harvard material

Another day, another vapid Tweet from David Hogg.

Hogg and I are both from South Florida.

I was a Jewish kid, who went to an Anglican high school with a student body that was half Catholic.

If this was Europe, I should have been in a ghetto, and my Anglican and Catholic friends wouldn’t be my friends, and their families would have been at war with one another for a few hundred years.

That fact that I’m an American at all, with all the rights and privileges thereof, and not something else because of some blood purity laws, goes against what my Grandparents cousins experienced in Germany and Poland three-quarters of a century ago.

I have black neighbors now in Alabama.  They are not being butchers or enslaved and forced to dig coltan by hand because of tribal allegiance.

Has America been perfect?  No, of course not.

But Hogg here has no idea how much better it has been in the US than anywhere else in the world and the same point in time.

This, like everything else he Tweets is historically illiterate.

Also, a Harvard student should know that the past tense of build it built.

Also, he can toss the salad all he wants, but he doesn’t speak for me on that topic.

It gave me the chills

Written and directed by Jason Reitman, son of the director of the original Ghostbusters.

An now I engage in the moviegoer prayer: Please don’t suck.

PS: I just noticed right after in the preview where the kids says “My grandfather died” they show this:

They are the grandkids of Dr Egon Spengler, played in the original movie by the late Harold Ramis.

That was a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the feelings, guys.  Not fair.

AOC and Leftist Media demonstrates socialist math

Remember earlier this year, Amazon canceled its plan to put its second headquarters (dubbed HQ2) in Queens, New York City.  Everyone agreed that this was largely Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s fault for her supposedly “working-class” activism, which was really anti-corporate socialism.

Well, Amazon announced it would be opening a marketing office in Manhattan and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez and her fawning Leftist media couldn’t help but try and use this to dunk all those that criticized her for the failure of HQ2.

And from Gizmodo:

Amazon Drags Its Sorry Ass to NYC Anyway, No Tax Dollars Required

You can feel the gloating hatred come through those words.

This AOC victory isn’t exactly a big win.

HW2 was slated to create 25,000-40,000 direct jobs in 10 years, in fact, its tax breaks were dependent on it making certain hiring mile markers.  Those jobs would be spread across many socio-economic layers, from support staff to programmers to business managers and executives.

HQ2 was going to be built on what is now a semi-vacant lot in a grungy part of Queens.  Vacant lots and dilapidated buildings are bad for the local economy.  The construction of HQ2 would be part of the economic revitalization of the area.

The construction was going to create secondary jobs for the people who actually built the HQ2 building.  There were also a lot tertiary jobs that were going to be created in the area for people who were going to support the new Amazon hires, such as the guy I wrote about who was planning to expand his pizza place to meet the expected lunch demand for the additional 25,000 jobs.

In lieu of that, Amazon is going to lease office space in an existing building and bring in 1,500 nearly all white-collar jobs.

No new construction, no economic revitalization and only 6% of the number of new Jobs.  Given the location and type of jobs that are going to be created, none will go to her constituents, unlike HQ2 jobs which would have been created in withing a couple of blocks of her Congressional district.

She went on some Twitter thread how ackshyually this was good because corporate welfare or some shit like that.

Considering the number of jobholders fleeing NYC over their taxes some corporate tax breaks to create 25,000 jobs is more of an attempt to slow the hemorrhage than it is corporate welfare.

Only in the mind of a socialist does killing 25,000-40,000 jobs, a major construction project, and area economic revitalization, for 1,500 marketing jobs seem like a good trade.

This is why the Soviet Union collapsed.

That said, I’d love to see someone borrow $25,000 from her, pay her back $1,500, then say “what are you complaining about, you came out ahead?”

It does not make a lick of sense. Refuling your car should not be this stupid in the US

If I had been stupid enough to fall for the siren song of a Tesla, it would have taken me ONE time like this to put that crap on Craiglist and buy me a Ford Earthf***er.

“But Miguel, it is not that stupid! There is simply not enough recharging centers and people must sacrifice a little till the master plan works.”

Yeah, like in Venezuela, right?

White Supremacist charged under Florida ‘red flag’ law is the first found guilty

Oh wait, it did not happen that way.

The first person to have his guns confiscated under Florida’s 2018 “red flag” law has been found guilty over his refusal to voluntarily surrender the weapons.
Jerron Smith, 33, now faces up to five years in prison after a jury in Broward County rejected his argument that he did not fully understand the new law. The jury returned the verdict Friday after a short trial.
Smith, of Deerfield Beach, was the subject of a risk protection order soon after the law was enacted in response to the Parkland high school mass shooting in February 2018.

First person charged under Florida ‘red flag’ law found guilty

A lot of people believe a law they supported will only apply against the group of people they do not like. And when they get caught in the same net, they realized they were useful idiots. To have a black man snared and sent to prison because of  this crap law was not the ideal portrayal expected.

I do find interesting that Broward County’s Sun Sentinel identifies the white man in the picture as Jerron Smith. I am sure it was just an innocent mistake.