Month: December 2019

More anti-gun activist insanity

This comes from the twisted mind of Stephen King.

Most rational people would try and figure out what the root cause of these attacks are and try to stop them.

King seems to care more about guns than violence.

Keep in mind that a terrorist with a rental truck killed 27 more people in Nice than did the worst mass shooter in the US.

Remember that Stephen King wrote a book in which a bunch of pre-teens had group-sex as part of defeating a child-murdering clown.  This guy was never right in the head.


Pensacola shooting shows just how batsh*t crazy gun control supporters are

Politicians politicize, that’s what they do.

So without any understanding of the facts, Elizabeth Warren had to spout off some anti-gun bullshit.

A foreign service member from an officially friendly nation purchased a gun legally, in accordance with US gun laws.  He obtained the proper permits and passed the required background checks.  When the Left starts to bitch about those background checks, it needs to be noted that he also had to pass the required background checks and security clearances to go to Naval flight schools at Pensacola.

So I’m not exactly sure what new gun laws could have been passed that would have prevented this, but that’s never really the point.

A Twitter user responded to Warren’s crap statement by calling her out.

This lead to the most absolutely insane and hateful, unhinged back-and-forth with an anti-gun activist.

What the fuck?

Seriously… what the fuck?

I guess to the anti-gun activists, a desire to defend oneself from rape is selfish?

A woman who believes in gun rights – and most likely concealed carry, too – is not the kind of person that is going to cause a mass shooting or terrorist attack.  So her desire to preserve her gun rights is not going to add to crime in any way.

I don’t know what additional inconveniences that crazy asshole wants put into the system, but I’ pretty sure they were already there in this case.

There is no logic here, just moral preening out of blinding ignorance.


Brace for outrage: Pensacola Naval Air Station terrorist bought the gun legally

In the last couple of days, a lot of information has come out about the Pensacola Naval Air Station shooting on Friday.

The shooter’s name is Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani and he was a Second Lieutenant with the Royal Saudi Air Force.

Prior to the shooting, he and several others had a dinner party in which they watched videos of other mass shootings.  He also sent a tweet quoting Bin Laden and suggesting al Qaeda inspiration.

Six other Saudi men were arrested in relation to this shooting.  Three of them watched and one filmed the shooting.  Several Saudi trainees are unaccounted for and missing.

This whole thing really seems to be a coordinated terrorist attack.  Investigators have seen no other links to known terror groups, so this may have been something cooked up by them.

Here is where this gets worse.

From CNN:

Alshamrani used a Glock 9mm pistol he bought “legally and lawfully,” said Rachel Rojas, FBI Special Agent in Charge, during a news conference.

A source earlier said Alshamrani bought it from a gun store this year. He obtained a hunting license, which allows a non-immigrant on a non-immigrant visa to purchase a gun, the source said.

This is how Business Insider chose to report this fact:

The Pensacola Navy base shooter reportedly used a loophole to buy his gun legally

The headline calls it a loophole.  The body of the article explains that it’s the law.

The Saudi national who fatally shot three people at a Florida Navy base on Friday bought his gun legally even though people designated as “nonimmigrant aliens” are not typically allowed to do so, NBC News reported.

But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says there are exceptions for those with a valid hunting license or permit, and those from “a friendly foreign government entering the United States on official law enforcement business.”

As Miguel pointed out, in a terrifyingly prescient post:

A Florida Nonresident Annual Hunting License goes for $151.50 each, and even the Nonresident 10-Day Hunting License will set you back $46.50 per person.

Most people don’t go hunting with 9mm Glocks, so it seems that a lot of planning and forethought went into this act of terrorism.

As for this law, or loophole as the Leftist media is calling it, it makes sense.  America is a hunting destination for many people, we have ample open spaces for hunting and plentiful game.  We had people from all over the world travel to South Dakota to hunt our pheasants.  Allowing non-resident aliens from friendly nations with hunting permits to buy guns in the US facilitates that.  A person from England or Australia who wants to hunt pheasant in South Dakota or migratory waterfowl in Louisiana my not meet the criteria – like membership of a shooting range or hunting club – to own a shotgun in their home country but can buy one here.  Or it may be too onerous to transport their own gun out of the country, through customs, and would rather buy one in the US.

There is nothing nefarious about the idea of this law.  But you and I know that the gun control activists really don’t care about that, they are still going to try and use this to attack Americans’ gun rights.

If anything, what we should do is stop considering Saudi Arabia to be a friendly nation, stop training their armed forces, and don’t let Saudi tourists get hunting licenses in the US.  Hell, between this and 9/11, maybe we should reconsider letting any Saudis get any sort of education or training in the USA at all.

Miramar UPS shootout – Pt 2

Cellphone video of the UPS truck being taken from the scene.

You can see it shot all to shit.


Active shooter at a school?

Run like a chicken shit and hide.

Low-speed box-truck chase down a major highway full of civilians?

Shootout like it’s the Second Battle of Fallujah.

South Florida PD really covering themselves in glory yesterday.