Month: June 2020

You are on your own, even from people “on your side.”

After reading J. Kb’s The Left is butthurt that a couple refused to let them loot and destroy, I went to to Twitter to catch some more comments from the Opposition. But I was sadly surprised to see the comment from what was supposed to be people on our side. I was unaware that we had a mandatory code of dressing and have taken all the appropriate classes before exercising our rights.

A lot of people criticized the muzzle discipline, but not with the disdain others had.  Yes, we agree they could have used a class or two, but are we going to impose some sort of Second Amendment Jim Crow Tax Poll on the People?

I hate to say this, but apparently “You are on your own” is a wider concept than I had initially thought.

It is downright shameful.

The Left is butthurt that a couple refused to let them loot and destroy

On Sunday, there were more protests in St. Louis, Missouri.

The protesters broke open the gate of a gated community and marched through an entirely private residential area.

The goal of their breaking and entry was to march on the house of Mayor Lyda Krewson and intimidate her into resigning because she publicly identified those who want to defund and disband the St. Louis police.

What happened on route to intimidate the mayor was unexpected for the protesters and now they are all very salty about it.

Given everything we have seen from other “peaceful protests,” I do not think their reaction was overblown.  Where protesters have marched, destruction has followed.

As a point of reference, the home that this couple lives in is a historic palazzo that is over a century old, that they have been painstakingly restoring for the last 32 years.

This is the sign from the street the protesters were marching on:


Yes, the protesters had broken down a gate and marched on a private drive and got guns pointed at them so they kept on moving without doing any more damage, so now they are taking their frustrations out the only way they know how.

The couple is being doxxed, subjected to meme treatment, and people online are suggesting that they be disbarred (they are both attorneys).

The protesters were entirely in the wrong here.

What upsets the protesters is that these two people made it very clear that their property was not going to be destroyed any further and they were not going to be victimized.

This is why the Left wants gun control, so when their Red Guard mob comes for you, you cannot hold them off with arms.

I suspect we are going to see much more of this as these protests continue and more and more people realize when you give the mob room they will use it to destroy.

We’re all Jews now and it’s 1934

A Tweet from Britsh-American conservative author, Andrew Sullivan.

I’d have to agree.  The idiots criticizing his Tweet are (deliberately) misunderstand it.

This is the thread he was responding to:

I understand Jesse Singal’s point.  The last time that a group of white people in Europe rallied around a racial identity, they decided to wipe out everyone who was not part of that racial identity.

Furthermore, one of the problems I have with Robin DiAngelo and the Social Justice crowd and the term POC (people of color) in general is that it overlooks the fact that Europe has been a bloodbath of tribal conflicts every bit as much as Asia, Africa, or Pre-Columbian North and South America.

The Britsh looked down on the Irish since… forever.  The Germans hated the Slavs and vice versa. The idea of all Europeans as “white people” is historical fiction and very new.

Trying to lump all white people together for modern political purposes is obscene.  For example: the Scotch-Irish who came to the US to escape persecution in Europe found themselves discriminated against in the new country of the US by the descendants of the British who settled here first.  They packed up and headed into Appalachia and were by-and-large, not slave owners.  They were just too poor and lived on too poor a plot of land to require slave labor.

I’d add that unifying POC is just as historically fictitious.  What does a child of a Chinese family who came here in the 1800’s have in common with a child who came here as a refugee from Maoist China?  And what do they have in common with the child of a Japanese family who came here in the 1980’s during the Japanese economic boom?  And what do they have in common with a black child who is the descendent of slaves, and what do all of them have in common with a child of African immigrants from Nigeria who came here in the 1990’s?  What about the children of parents from India?  The child of parents from the lowest caste who came here to escape persecution is very different from the child of parents from an upper caste who came here as educated professionals.

But Social Justice wants us all to believe that everyone who doesn’t have European ancestry has a common heritage of historical oppression in the US which was done to them by every one of European heritage, regardless of circumstances.

Trying to break the world down into White vs. POC is simple and simply evil.

This is why I do not believe that Sullivan’s point and Singal’s point are mutually exclusive.

Sullivan is correct, the Social Justice is constructing a narrative, not unlike the one that was used to justify two thousand years of oppression against the Jews, to justify hatred of white people.

The history of Jewish oppression in Europe, long before the concept of race was established, was that of the Jew as the Christ killer.  All Jews bore that guilt and were regularly made to suffer for it.

The Social Justice equivalent is that of the white person as the universal oppressor.  Regardless of the actions of individual white people, being white makes you a possessor of blood guilt called white privilege.

I’m not the only person to have noticed something like this.

Blood Guilt, Jewish or White, Is a Dangerous Lie

The myth that Jewish people in subsequent generations carried “blood-guilt” for Jesus’ death, for instance. That nonsensical claim got thousands of Jesus’ distant cousins killed, and millions driven into exile. The demands came from mobs that wanted to loot their stores, steal their homes, and trash their monuments. However often Christian leaders tried to counter that falsehood (and yes, they should have tried harder) mobs used it as a pretext to bully, rob, and murder. This blood libel on the Jews certainly helped prepare the way for the Holocaust.

Today, a more potent myth among Muslim zealots blames Israel for the dismal failures of Arab states. It calls Israel an “apartheid state” squatting on land where Jews never lived at all. (Archaeology be damned.) The same left-wing groups in the West that speak of “white privilege” also talk of “Jewish privilege.”

Now the overtly Marxist group Black Lives Matter demands that every American take a knee, and send it money. We aren’t allowed to question the crackpot, radical leftist program it calls for. If we won’t tear down every statue in America, dissolve the police, and abolish the nuclear family? Then we’re the equal of brutal cops. We bear the blood guilt of George Floyd, just as Woody Allen and Jerry Seinfeld bear the blood guilt for Jesus, in bigots’ minds. Question this blood-guilt theory, and you’re guilty too.

The big picture point that Sullivan was making is:

Identifying a group as collectively guilty of some past evil and using that as justification for collective punishment and oppression is the foundation of traditional antisemitism.  It is also what is being done by Social Justice to white people.  It is in this that anti-whiteness is similar to anti-semitism.

To use the format of the old SAT Analogy Questions:

Jews : the death of Jesus :: White People : slavery/colonialism

The evidence that Sullivan is correct abounds:


From this, the language that is used to attack white people bordering on the genocidal.

But the similarity between traditional anti-Semitism and anti-whiteness doesn’t end there.

Social Justice hates Jews, except for the useful idiot Leftist Jews, and only for as long as they are useful.

See, we Jews are evil because we’re Jews.  But we’re more evil because we’re white.  In fact, we are the zenith of evil because we’re super white, even whiter than regular white people in all the ways that matter.

Also, to argue that Israel is the only enthostate in existence is insane.  Israel isn’t an ethnostate, but ignoring that, it’s clear he is unaware of the laws that protect Arabs in every Arab oil state (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Dubai) and how those countries import “lesser” Muslims (from places like Pakistan and Indonesia) as slave labor?  Or perhaps the ethnostate of Japan, which doesn’t recognize people born in Japan but of non-Japanese heritage as full citizens.  Or China which operates as a Han Chinese ethnostate.

But I digress…

Collective guilt and collective punishment, especially over a canard,  is a hallmark of tyranny and fascism.  It was employed against the Jews for thousands of years by anti-semites and is being employed now against white people by Social Justice activists.

Once upon a time Jews were driven out of their homes and murdered over the blood libel, the accusation that they killed a child to use their blood in to make Matzoh.

Today, white people can be canceled and fired for any accusation of racism, no matter how tenuous or even non-existent.  What was the destruction of business and property during the George Floyd protests except a pogrom?

The parallels line up.

Moderate and conservative, well-intentioned white people are the new Jews.

We Jews have leveled up to super-hated status.

And in the halls of academia and Leftist media/activism, it’s 1934.

We know what comes next and it is going to suck.

California Democrats to reintroduce Jim Crow

Welcome to the Progressive Left, where everything old and terrible is new again.

From the Wall Street Journal:

A Vote for Discrimination
California’s Legislature votes to bring back racial preferences.

We live in strange times, and strange indeed is that, while deploring racism, the Democratic Legislature in California has voted to codify racial discrimination in state law. On Wednesday the state Senate voted for a constitutional amendment, ACA 5, that would reintroduce racial preferences for who gets a state job or contract, or who is admitted to a state university.

The WSJ calls it “racial preferences” but it’s naked racism is what it is.

There are only so many seats in a university.  There is only so much government contract money to offer.  There are only so many jobs the government can pay for.  So in the end, someone will be denied an opportunity or job or ability to make in income because of their race.

Californa wants to codify this into law.  For the sake of Progress.

“I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever.” – George Wallace (1963), also Gavin Newsom (2020)

Keep your doors locked and step on the gas.

And with kids in the car? Go berserker.

According to a news source, a woman thought this man had stolen her car and people joined trying to stop the victim.

Seriously people: Doors locked and if surrounded by hostiles, your car is a bullet weighing several thousands grains.  Use accordingly.

When you’ve lost the Atlantic…

The Atlantic is a Left-leaning magazine.

When the Atlantic is calling out Cancel Culture, you know that Cancel Culture has gone too far.

Stop Firing the Innocent
America needs a reckoning over racism. Punishing people who did not do anything wrong harms that important cause.

As companies and organizations of all sorts have scrambled to institute a zero-tolerance policy on racism over the past few weeks, some of them have turned out to be more interested in signaling their good intentions than punishing actual culprits. This emphasis on appearing rather than being virtuous has already resulted in the mistreatment of innocent people—not all of them public figures or well-connected individuals with wealth to cushion their fall.

The first thing that companies need to do is grow a spine.  Getting pushed around by a hate mob on Twitter is pure cowardice.

There is no evidence that just because several hundred or even several thousand people send your company nasty Tweets, that turns into harm to the bottom line down the road.

The internet hate mob represents a tiny fraction of the population and most of them have the attention span of a kid with ADD on Red Bull.  The likelihood that a thousand Tweets today of people saying they will boycott you turning into a measurable loss of sales next month is likely zero.

What happened to Emmanuel Cafferty is an especially egregious example. At the end of a long shift mapping underground utility lines, he was on his way home, his left hand casually hanging out the window of the white pickup truck issued to him by the San Diego Gas & Electric company. When he came to a halt at a traffic light, another driver flipped him off.

Then, Cafferty told me a few days ago, the other driver began to act even more strangely. He flashed what looked to Cafferty like an “okay” hand gesture and started cussing him out. When the light turned green, Cafferty drove off, hoping to put an end to the disconcerting encounter.

If you read this story you know what happens next.  This guy, who doesn’t follow politics or pop culture gets his picture taken, which gets shared on the internet.  He has no idea, but the next thing he knows, he’s getting fired for nothing.

Two hours later, Cafferty got a call from his supervisor, who told him that somebody had seen Cafferty making a white-supremacist hand gesture, and had posted photographic evidence on Twitter.  Dozens of people were now calling the company to demand Cafferty’s dismissal.

As for Cafferty, his only desire, even now, is to get his job back. When I asked him whether  he’d like to share anything else with me at the end of a long interview, his first thought was for the company that had fired him: “I feel like SDG&E is a victim in this as well. Some guy sent a Twitter mob after them and they were just trying to defend themselves. Perhaps I’m naive and loyal to a fault, but they were put in a bad position.”

SDG&E was put into a bad position, but they compounded it by giving in to the mob.  That is rule #1.  Never give in to the mob.

Corporate cowardice is at an all-time high.  The mob is used to having big business roll over for them.

When they do, good people suffer.

The Atlantic ends the article this way:

First, these incidents damage the lives of innocent people without achieving any noble purpose.

Second, such injustices are liable to provoke a political backlash. If a lot of Americans come to feel that those who supposedly oppose racism are willing to punish the innocent to look good in the public’s eyes, they could well grow cynical about the enterprise as a whole.

Third, those of us who want to build a better society should defend the innocent because movements willing to sacrifice justice in the pursuit of noble goals have, again and again, built societies characterized by pervasive injustice.

One of the core tenets of liberal democracy is that people should not be punished for accusations against them that are unsubstantiated, for actions that are perfectly reasonable, or for offenses that were committed by others. No matter how worthy the cause they invoke, you should not trust anyone who seeks to abandon these fundamental principles.

The Atlantic assumes that the anti-racism activist destroying lives are acting in good faith.

The thing is, we know that they are not.  They are the new Red Guard.  These people don’t actually want to fight racism or injustice, they want to impose their own racism and injustice on others.  The innocent suffering is not a bug but a feature.  Their goal is to impose their will by making people fear them.  Speak up, or fail to show sufficient deference, and the mob will come for you.

As for the backlash, it is coming.  This actually makes me long for the days of yore where a company could hire the Pinkertons to bust the skulls of trouble makers.  I’d applaud any company that sends a bunch of Baldwin–Felts Detectives after the mob with a Colt potato-digger mounted to the back of an armored car.

When enough blue-collar workers get canceled because they are too busy doing their hard and valuable to society jobs to bother with the sensitivities of the latest update from the grievance studies departments of the academic elite, they will get together and build a fucking killdozer and the pushback will be diesel-powered.