Month: June 2020

“If it wasn’t for Double Standards” or when a crowd is good or bad in the era of Pandemic.

It’s not just some middlebrow magazine writers who are sustaining this new strain of cognitive dissonance. The double standard is a widespread phenomenon. The crowd sizes at voting booths and anti-shutdown events in the past two months have been criticized by the press and prosecuted by state governments. And yet the crowds at the most recent round of protests and riots (which, in many cases, are much bigger events) were in large part praised, at least until the looting started.

Why Are Rioters ‘Brave’ but Coronavirus Protesters a Health Hazard?

I wanted to bring some of the Double Standard out and how they have helped bring us to where we are historically. The Democrats and the Left have raised a full generation under the thought that certain rules did not apply to them, that they were special and could get away with things other mortals could not.  You worked and didn’t get it? Here, I’ll change rules so you can get it for free and in the meantime, here is a trophy for participation.  You were mean to another kid in school and got punished/suspended ? Mommy and daddy are rushing to your aid with a lawyer to demonstrate you driving a pencil through little Mary’s hand is actually the school’s fault.

They basically raised herds of feral humans with little or none morals that they thought they would control and have as useful predators against the rest of Americans. But just like Siegfried and Roy,  they found out that predators are not the most trustworthy animals and kinda suck at following directions, specially about target selection: If you look better as a steak than me, you are the one bitten. Also, why should I go over the next neighborhood to hunt when there is plenty of victims and targets here?

There is an old Spanish saying I may have mentioned here before:

(Raise crows and they will pluck your eyes out)

Which would explain why Liberal leaders are acting like they are blind.

Hat Tip Dano N.

The Sack of Gotham

A bad couple of nights for New York City.

As you can see, it was “official” Open Season against an overwhelmed, tired and demoralized NYPD

Well though-out looting

And again, the business that survived, did so by the only known method citizens have to even the scales.

Big icon of NYC commerce was not exempt

Attention is concentrated obviously in New York, Los Angeles and some of the other major cities. From what I have gathered, Florida has been a bust for the rioters and Antifa which does not mean they won’t try again. The point is that NYC is not the USA, neither is Los Angeles or even Denver. They are big cities with crappy liberal governments who are now so dumbfounded and paralyzed with what is going on, chaos has descended upon them. They are afraid to drop the Liberal script and get tough to recover their cities. In the meantime their citizens and suffering the consequences of voting for certified idiots who whispered Liberal platitudes in their ears and bought their line of BS. Now they are unarmed and unprotected against hordes of predators who do not give a damn you donated to BLM and the ACLU but juts want to FU.

NEVER listen to a Democrat when it comes to gun advice

Remember when Joe Biden was Vice President and he gave America the useless and illegal self-defense advice that when you are threatened you fire “two blasts” out of your double-barrel shotgun into the air through a door to scare off potential intruders?

Now Presidential Candidate Joe Biden is giving even worse and more illegal advice.

That’s right, Joe here wants you to shoot to wound.

Both very dangerous and very illegal.

It amazes me that he’s allowed to give explicitly illegal advice to people, but that is the Left when it comes to guns.  They know nothing and are wrong but demand to be listened to as experts.

Whatever you do, don’t listen to them.  If you don’t get killed you’ll end up in prison.

SJW DC Bishop is an embarrassment to the Episcopal Church

Rioters set fire to St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington DC.

After the fire, President Trump walked out of the front door of the Whitehouse to visit the church.

The media will tell you that “anonymous sources” say that Trump did that because he didn’t like the criticism that he was “hiding in a bunker” during the “peaceful protest” outside the Whitehouse.  This has gotten the hashtag #BunkerBitch trending on Twitter.

Anyone who knows how DC works knows that the one group of people the President takes orders from is the US Secret Service, and when they make a decision prioritizing the President’s safety, he obeys.  But pushing the narrative that Trump hid in a bunker like a coward instead of the Secret Service making a tactical decision is just too good to let the truth get in the way.

Also, that peaceful protest resulted in at least sixty Secret Service agents being injured, not to mention the fire of St. John’s church.

Facts aside, President Trump went to the damaged church to address the nation.  Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, the diocesan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, went on CNN to voice her opinion:

“And in particular, that of the people of color in our nation, who wonder if anyone ever — anyone in public power will ever acknowledge their sacred words. And who are rightfully demanding an end to 400 years of systemic racism and white supremacy in our country. And I just want the world to know, that we in the diocese of Washington, following Jesus and his way of love … we distance ourselves from the incendiary language of this President. We follow someone who lived a life of nonviolence and sacrificial love.”


I’m reminded of a post I wrote a couple of years ago about Rabbi Jeffery Myers who refused to attack Trump after he visited the Tree of Life Synagogue after the shooting.

This Bishop has no words for the people who burned a church.  No words of condemnation for the violence carried out under the cover of a protest that has harmed the most vulnerable people in the community.

But she does have words to criticize Trump for trying to restore law and order to the chaos.

When a Bishop cares more about going on CNN to criticize the President than cares about the innocent people hurt by violent rioters, you can tell that she cares less about the teachings of Christianity than she does appealing to the Christmas and Easter DC Liberals that donate.


Antifa punk has no idea how close he got to getting ventilated

A few days ago Miguel wrote a post about a security guard taking a patrol rifle from some Antifa punk who stole it out of a cop car.

The whole story of that incident was posted to Twitter by the reporter who was being guarded by that individual.

That punk got run up on by a former Marine Corps infantryman pointing a gun at his chest.

That was a man who has killed people a lot tougher than some college socialist with daddy issues in crazier conditions than some riot on an American city street.

I’m sure that if that punk had even thought about pointing that rifle at another person or had resisted it being taken from him for even an instant the former Marine security guard would have had zero hesitation in putting two in his chest.

I don’t think that punk has any idea how close he got to getting killed for being a dumbass.

Remember I asked about how Gun Stores were doing after this weekend?

The Counter Jockey Chronicles sent me this brief note.

You asked on the blog how gun stores were doing today
We’re nuts. More sales than even during the pandemic cook off
People who would have never bought a gun
It’s effing nuts.

I figured something big, but apparently I was way short.  I asked him to write a post whenever he had the chance to survive  “another day of explaining back ground checks and why machine guns are $49,000.”

It is gonna be good, I just know it.