Month: June 2020

When you let Seattle PD do its thing

It works as advertised. I guess you have also noticed the use of umbrellas asa shield for pepper spray and low-vel less lethal ammunition. Watch till the end, lower left side and see how well umbrellas fare against flash-bangs.

Seattle is done for

The  CHOP has killed Seattle.  That city will not survive this.

First, there is this news:

Due to Seattle’s unrest, billion-dollar investment firm moving to Phoenix

Coronavirus pandemic or not, an investment advisory company is leaving the cultural unrest in Seattle and moving its headquarters to Phoenix’s Camelback Corridor.

” … The unrest that has taken place in the city of Seattle … there is really is not a downtown business community today,” Smead Capital Management, President and CEO Cole Smead told KTAR News 92.3 FM.

“We’re hearing rumors of 40-story buildings that will be only 20-percent occupied by October,” Smead said.

“My biggest concern for Seattle was what the business community is going to come back to, and what kind of businesses are going to come back for customers.”

This is going to be the first of what will be many large corporate exoduses.

Then there is this news:

Seattle CHOP zone prompts lawsuit from businesses, residents: reports

Numerous Seattle businesses – including an auto repair shop, a tattoo parlor and a property management company – sued the city Wednesday, alleging city officials were complicit in allowing an “occupied protest” that has made them feel unsafe in their neighborhood, according to reports.

“(T)his lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of plaintiffs – businesses, employees and residents in and around CHOP – which have been overrun by the city of Seattle’s unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by the police, unserved by fire and emergency health services and inaccessible to the public at large,” the lawsuit says, Q13 FOX reported.

The plaintiffs allege that city leaders provided the demonstrators with barriers, public restrooms and medical supplies – in effect supporting the occupation of the neighborhood and hindering the efforts of local businesspeople, employees and residents to reach their buildings, receive deliveries and provide services, the Seattle Times reported.

“The result of the City’s actions has been lawlessness,” Calfo Eakes LLP, the law firm representing the plaintiffs, told the Times in a statement. “There is no public safety presence. Police officers will not enter the area unless it is a life-or-death situation, and even in those situations, the response is delayed and muted, if it comes at all.”

Small business owners are leaving too.

One local business owner, Joey Rodolfo of Buki clothing, told “Fox & Friends” this week that he plans to move out of state because of what he described as Seattle’s lack of governmental leadership.

“Since we have no leadership and we have a city council that’s so socialist, there really is very, very little support for businesses,” Rodolfo said. “As far as the city reaching out to small businesses like ourselves, or any business, there has been zero.”

The Mayor of Seattle announced that she would have the CHOP removed.

That did not go well.

Protesters from Seattle’s CHOP confront construction workers and lie down in front of bulldozers that arrived to remove the concrete barriers surrounding the cop-free zone

Protesters in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) zone confronted construction workers as they attempted to remove roadblocks on Friday morning.

Employees from the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) arrived around 6.00am with trucks and heavy machinery to haul away the concrete and wooden barriers in an effort to reduce CHOP’s size.

Video taken by Converge Media showed Sam Zimbabwe, head of SDOT, and a representative from Mayor Jenny Durkan speaking to demonstrators, with the representative assuring that no protesters would be removed.

Several marchers stood in front of a bulldozer while others lay down n the middle of the street. Others sat on top of the wooden barricades.

At around 7.30am, SDOT began driving its construction vehicles out of the area without having removed any of the barricades. Police were also briefly on site but had dispersed by 8.30am.


You can watch a video of that attempted dismantling here:

This is what happens when you can’t use force at all, the protesters win.

The police can’t arrest them or use force to disperse them.

DOT can’t run over them, so one asshole lying in the street will stop an entire DOT crew is stopped and turned away.

CHOP is driving businesses away and is prompting what I can only imagine being a billion-dollar lawsuit against the city, and the city can’t muster up the testicular fortitude to do more than ask the CHOP to go away, nicely.

A city cannot exist like this.

Seattle is dead, it’s just going to take a while for the corpse to rot away into nothing.

Where in the Constitution is this allowed

From KDKA in Pittsburg:

Joe Biden Would Use Federal Power To Require Face Masks In Public If Elected: ‘These Masks Make A Gigantic Difference’

The Biden campaign invited KDKA to Lancaster for a brief interview with the presumptive Democratic nominee. After he wrapped up a campaign event, we came no closer than 8 feet apart and wore masks.

Biden says we need to see more of that.

“I would go back to making sure that everybody had masks, that you had PPE lined up, making sure we stockpile all the things that we need and we don’t have now. The one thing we do know, these masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist that everybody in public be wearing that mask. Anyone to reopen, it would have to make sure that they walked into a business that had masks.”

Rice: Couldn’t you use your federal leverage to mandate that?

Biden: Yes.

Rice: Would you?

Biden: Yes, I would from an executive standpoint, yes I would.

Rice: So you would, in effect, mandate the wearing of masks?

Biden: I would do everything possible to make it required the people had to wear masks in public.”

Exactly where in the Constitution of the United States does it say that the President of the United States has the authority to make us cover our faces with a worthless piece of cloth in order to go outside in public or engage in private business with others?

If I go out without a mask on under the Biden Administration, can I be charged with a Federal crime?

If I repeatedly defy the mask executive order, can I be sent to Federal prison for it?

Who will enforce this?  Will the FBI investigate me for not wearing a mask?

This is such over-the-top tyrannical bullshit but that’s what the Democrats want.

You are not looking very butch there.

Another claim of police brutality. This time by the DC police:


You got pushed around by a petite officer that cannot weight but 100 pounds without the gear and claiming  victim status ? That is embarrassing.

On counterpoint and being married to a petite woman, they are mean as hell and I have the scars to prove it 🙂

And there is this poor man, shot to hell by the evil cops.

He got hit with a paintball. A frigging paintball and his leg collapses? He is the reason dodgeball was forbidden in schools.

Update on the 10,000 assault weapons seized

Several readers were kind enough to share that the real seizure according to Customs was of 10,800 Assault Weapons Parts. 

I am not happy that we were only given a photo of a bunch of bags that makes it hard to believe there is an AK 47 or similar inside as some of our readers also pointed out.

So I grabbed the pic, enlarged it a bit and saw this:

Click to enlarge

Is it me or do those long rectangular things look like magazines? I can’t see anything that resemble a frame, so who knows what else.

I am going to offer a guess/prediction here and say these are Non ATF-Definition-Of-Firearm parts, but all counterfeit other parts and gadgets. Or parts and gadgets for Airsoft.

The thing is that a true illegal importation of firearms would have gotten a lot of publicity with Schummer, Feinstein and assorted politicians screaming for Gun Control. At least that is what is bothering me.

Update on the Update.

A reader who works in the airsoft business and wants to remain in confidentiality shared his thoughts:

I highly doubt those are magazines, it’s not possible.
No company I know of would dump their mags in bags like that and not have it properly stacked in carton boxes, unless US border customs purposely dumped out the contents into a plastic bag like said pic.
I’ve work with companies where if we requested something on the lines of generic packaging, it would literally just be individually packaged in ziplock bags and/or wrapped in (Chinese) newspapers
Also, if my memory is correct, Shenzhen isn’t known for airsoft manufacturers

Thanks! I do not mind corrections, specially from the readers. We are only as good as our info is good.
The more info we get, the better. Maybe one day we will figure what is all this and try to make sense.

10,000 assault weapons seized during shipment to Brevard County, Florida.


LOUISVILLE, Ky. —More than 10,000 assault weapons from China were recently seized by federal officers who said they were being shipped to a home in Brevard County.

The shipment was seized on May 22 at a package handling facility in Louisville, Kentucky, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

According to a statement, the officers inspected the items, which arrived from Shenzhen, China, and were headed for a residence in Melbourne.

The parcel contained 100 steel pin samples, which is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or legitimate commodity to avoid additional examination, officials said.

“This smuggler was knowingly trying to avoid detection, however, our officers remain vigilant, ensuring our community is safe,” said Thomas Mahn, Louisville port director.

According to investigators, the shipment was transferred to the Center of Excellence and Expertise’s machinery team, which put the value of the shipment at $129,600.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) regulates and restricts firearms and ammunition. Importation of weapons or ammunition must be made by a licensed importer, dealer or manufacturer, officials said.

More than 10,000 assault weapons with $129k value seized during shipment to Brevard County

And if my math is not that off, that comes to about $12.9 per assault weapon.  That is some serious competition for Palmetto State.

OK, can we say AIRSOFT, boys and girls? It is not the first time that some overzealous agent with stars in his eyes goes full dumb on stuff like this and makes it in the news.

And with a lot of expense and fitting you may get to have an AR that shoots….once.