HB denotes House Bill and SB for Senate Bill.
HB 25 | Sales of Ammunition | Daley | Bad |
HB 123 | Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition | Daley | Bad |
HB 167 | Carrying of Firearms Without Licenses | Sabatini | Good |
HB 27 | Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms | Hunschofsky | Bad |
HB 6001 | Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms | Farmer | Bad |
HB 6005 | Sale and Delivery of Firearms | Farmer | Bad |
SB 294 | Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines | Farmer | Bad |
SB 330 | Three-dimensional Printed Firearms | Stewart | Bad |
SB 370 | Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms | Sabatini | Good |
SB 372 | Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies | Sabatini | Good |
And here we go again. As usual more Bad Bills than Good Ones. I’ll start doing an analysis of each bill and posting them as I go. The email addresses for the sub committees and committees will be posted once all the bills are up.