Month: February 2021

More evidence that San Francisco is a sh*thole

SF supervisor says lack of tourists has criminals now targeting residents

It’s good to know that tourists in San Francisco were sacrificial fodder for criminals.

One of the things about the state of Florida is that they (we, I’m still a Florida boy at heart) protect the tourists.  They are our bread and butter.  You do not prey on the tourists.  The fastest way to find yourself the target of a statewide manhunt and a one way trip to daily ass-fuckings in a state prison shower is to get caught targeting tourists.

San Francisco… not so much.

A San Francisco neighborhood is shaken after a close call with a would-be theft was captured on surveillance cameras appearing to case vehicles outside a home in Bernal Heights.

“You can basically see him in the video with the flashlight, you know, going in, looking at the different inside cars and trying to kind of open the door and break into them,” said Ben Couillard.

Couillard said after three years of relative calm, the area where he lives near Peralta and Powhattan has been hit with a lot of crime lately including grand theft auto and garage burglaries.

In November, he said an armed burglar robbed his house while he and his wife were home.

“I have a baby on the way, like where this happens when we’re at home with our child. It’s pretty unsettling,” Couillard said.

Again, one of the many reasons Florida is better than California, if some scumbag breaks into a Florida home, there is a decent statistical probability that he will be carried out zipped into a big rubber bag.

San Francisco Supervisor Hillary Ronen, District Attorney Chesa Boudin, and the captain of the police department overseeing the area, held a virtual town hall with residents of the community Wednesday night to address their concerns.

They attribute what they say is an increase in crime to “economic desperation” and “tourism has gone down so substantially in San Francisco that criminal rings that targeted tourists in areas that tourists frequent no longer have tourists there,” said Supervisor Ronen.

Oh, I guess it’s okay then.  This is the same place that allows criminals to shoplift up to $950 in merchandise, so if they are needy they can break into people’s homes too.

Boudin is the piece-of-shit DA who refuses to prosecute quality of life crimes in San Francisco.  He also eliminated cash bail putting criminals back on the street right away.

Couillard would like to see proactive measures such as an increase in patrols by San Francisco police officers and that he wasn’t overly encouraged by the town hall meeting because it lacked concrete plans of action to reduce crime in the neighborhood.

“I think we want to love our neighborhood. We love our neighbors. We don’t want to let these sort of lowlifes scare us away.”

Not going to happen.  Boudin hates cops and is on the side of the criminals, not the taxpayers.

The data on the topic shows that it’s stuff like this that is what is causing people to flee San Francisco and California in general.

The thing is, my well of sympathy is dry.  I would put even money on betting that Couillard voted for Boudin.

Honestly, he can stay there and reap the whirlwind that he sewed and his house and car can be broken in daily, and he should be forced to stay there and endure the criminal run hellhole that he helped create.  All the residents of California should.


California COVID Vaccine distribution: Joints before Munchies

Saw this over Wirecutter’s and could not believe it.

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Vaccine supply may be scarce, but who can get vaccinated seems to be budding in California.

More groups, like cannabis workers, have been added to the state’s first tier of vaccine distribution before moving onto an age-based system.

But there’s some concern over why this group has now become a priority.

“It seems to be more of a luxury than a necessity,” said one Sacramento resident.

Other residents like Nancy Beckman said especially when others are still waiting their turn.

There are people who needed to be vaccinated ahead of them,” she said. “Like teachers, grocery store workers.”

Cannabis Workers, Massage Therapists Added To Tier 1 Of Vaccinations 

And please, do not try to sell me the “medicinal purpose” part of the whole scam, that excuse died the week after it was the law and people started to get prescriptions easier than signing in for a free vacation in Hawaii if you only hear a little presentation about Time Shares.

Welcome to the Kamala State.


Time to bring killdozers into union negations

This is one of the worst stories I’ve ever read:

San Francisco files suit to reopen schools, citing high suicide rates among children

The number of suicidal children in San Francisco has hit a record high and health experts say it is clear that keeping public schools closed “is catalyzing a mental health crisis among school-aged children,” according to a lawsuit the city filed Thursday to push its school district to reopen classrooms.

San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera announced last week he was taking the dramatic step of suing the city’s own school district, which has kept its classrooms closed nearly a year. In the motion filed Thursday in San Francisco Superior Court, Herrera included alarming testimony from hospitals in the San Francisco Bay Area, doctors and parents on the emotional and mental harms of extended distance learning.

One mother, Allison Arieff, said she had recently found her 15-year-old daughter “curled up in a fetal position, crying, next to her laptop at 11 a.m.” Arieff said her daughter often cries in the middle of the day out of frustration and “is losing faith not just in SFUSD but in the world.”

Another mother, Lindsay Sink, has seen a “major regression” in her 7-year-old son who has “uncontrollable meltdowns that turn (the) whole house upside down.” Sink’s 10-year-old daughter is experiencing “depression and anger” and she fears her daughter’s “mental health will continue to suffer” until in-person learning resumes.

UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital has seen a 66% increase in the number of suicidal children in the emergency room, and a 75% increase in youth who required hospitalization for mental health services, the lawsuit said, quoting pediatricians, child psychiatrists and emergency room doctors.

Record high suicides and suicidality among children because of the lockdowns.

The City Attorney is suing to open the schools because the teacher’s union has not agreed to reopen the schools to in-person teaching until they have completed their shakedown of the school system for money and vaccines.

Remember, President Joe Biden is backing the teacher’s unions over the students.

There is no evidence of coronavirus spread in schools.  Even the CDC said it was safe for teachers to teach in person without the vaccine because of the low rate of child transmission before Biden got involved.

Individual teachers can say that all they want to do is help the children, but clearly, the union is willing to watch thousands of children suffer and commit or attempt to commit suicide just so they can cash out in negotiations.

I honestly can’t understand why parents are not driving killdozers through school board meetings at this point.


Why Democrats want to rein Florida in.

Because it continues to set a bad example for Shut-Down States and makes its citizens uppity and ornery.

I can’t imagine how much pain this headline caused to our local bird poop catcher:


And then, to boot.

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – South Floridians have another avenue to get the COVID-19 vaccine, with 40,000 doses allocated to store pharmacies in the state.
Walmart, Sam’s Club, Winn-Dixie and Publix are administering the shots that come from the federal retail pharmacy program. That’s in addition to the 325,000 doses sent to the state for distribution at mobile sites, hospitals and community sites.
“It’s better for us, because we are seniors and we cannot drive all over the place,” said vaccine recipient Carmen McLeod.

Vaccinations underway at Walmart and other South Florida pharmacies

I still believe that the shipment of vaccines for Florida will have “issues” and be late arriving or not in the quantities required. Yes, I believe that the Biden Harris Administration will be that petty and will rather have Floridians be the last to get the benefits of the vaccine even if it means wasting millions of shots.

But even the news that D.C. is considering shutting down travel to Florida is being somewhat backpedaled and suddenly it was just some things they were talking about and nothing firm. And to that I would have to add “For Now” because they will eventually “circle back” to find a way to screw with us.  It is not like I don’t trust them, it is simply that they cannot be trusted.

And if Congress tried to destroy a President even when he was no longer under their jurisdiction with made-up charges, I shudder to think what will they try to do to a successful Governor who is demonstrating how wrong they are.


Why I am hesitant about the Silicon Valley space race

Back in 2018, I wrote a post about Tesla, how as a Silicon Valley company its digital tech was probably the best in the industry, but their automotive know-how was crap because cutting-edge CalTech Silicon Valley types look down on that sort of engineering as antiquated.

That’s how you end with shit like this:

Remember, these are the same people that are favorite to develop the Lunar Human Landing System (HLS) and be the first to get us to Mars.

I see shit like this and am afraid they are going to have the best computer control systems. most advanced and efficient engines, and will turn a crew of astronauts into slag during reentry because they overlooked something simple that NASA figured out way back in the Sixties but their team of Silicon Valley hotshots overlooked as obsolete and uncool.


Miami-Dade: Two Defensive Uses of Guns in one day.


Police are investigating a Saturday night shooting at a Southwest Miami-Dade bank that left one suspected robber dead and another fleeing the scene.

Miami-Dade Police say the shooting took place at the BB&T Bank branch located on Southwest 137th Avenue near Kendall Drive around 8:30 p.m.

Investigators say the victim was at a drive-thru ATM at the bank when a suspected robber approached the victim’s white pick-up truck and the two got into a confrontation. Shots were fired, according to police, and the robber was struck and died at the scene.

Shooting at SW Miami-Dade ATM Leaves Suspected Robber Dead: Police



MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – The mother of a 23-year-old woman who shot at an attempted robber at a Valero gas station told Local 10 News that her daughter had a legal license to carry the firearm. Miami-Dade police said the victim shot the suspect multiple times during the attempted robbery.

Miami-Dade Police said the shooting took place at 7 a.m. at the gas station near Northwest 79th Street and 13th Court.

23-year-old woman fights back, reportedly shoots suspect during attempted robbery

Neither would-be victim had to retreat or roll over and beg for mercy because they were disarmed as the Florida Democrats would want it. Yet there is legislation being considered in Tallahassee right now that will do exactly that.  Florida has been the example of what a legally armed citizens is really like when it comes of the Second Amendment. What could have been two innocent people killed by violent criminals, turned out to be one criminal now dead one wounded and one sought by the police on murder charges with two good citizens alive.

And that is why we carry.

Biden is officially going after your guns

From Breaking 911:

This is the statement realized by Biden’s handlers through Joe Biden before giving him his Jell-0 and Metamucil and putting him to bed:

Three years ago today, a lone gunman took the lives of 14 students and three educators at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In seconds, the lives of dozens of families, and the life of an American community, were changed forever.

For three years now, the Parkland families have spent birthdays and holidays without their loved ones. They’ve missed out on the experience of sending their children off to college or seeing them on their first job after high school. Like far too many families, they’ve had to bury pieces of their soul deep within the Earth. Like far too many families — and, indeed, like our nation — they’ve been left to wonder whether things would ever be okay.

These families are not alone. In big cities and small towns. In schools and shopping malls. In churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples. In movie theaters and concert halls. On city street corners that will never get a mention on the evening news. All across our nation, parents, spouses, children, siblings, and friends have known the pain of losing a loved one to gun violence. And in this season of so much loss, last year’s historic increase in homicides across America, including the gun violence disproportionately devastating Black and Brown individuals in our cities, has added to the number of empty seats at our kitchen tables. Today, as we mourn with the Parkland community, we mourn for all who have lost loved ones to gun violence.

Over these three years, the Parkland families have taught all of us something profound. Time and again, they have showed us how we can turn our grief into purpose – to march, organize, and build a strong, inclusive, and durable movement for change.

The Parkland students and so many other young people across the country who have experienced gun violence are carrying forward the history of the American journey. It is a history written by young people in each generation who challenged prevailing dogma to demand a simple truth: we can do better. And we will.

This Administration will not wait for the next mass shooting to heed that call. We will take action to end our epidemic of gun violence and make our schools and communities safer. Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets. We owe it to all those we’ve lost and to all those left behind to grieve to make a change. The time to act is now.

That is unequivocally terrible.

Now it’s really starting to make sense why Biden’s Secretary of Defense is engaged in an ideological purge of the military and is having troops permanently deployed to guard Washington DC.