Month: February 2021

Not surprised: Administration shortchanging Florida on vaccines.


Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D) has penned a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to revisit his COVID-19 vaccination disbursement plan because it is failing to adequately address the healthcare needs of Floridians.

“My request is simple and rooted in science: adjust the vaccine distribution formula to increase COVID vaccine allotments in states, like Florida, with disproportionately high numbers of seniors,” stated Rep. Murphy.

Rep. Murphy’s letter all but destroys the argument that Florida Democrats have made against Gov. Ron DeSantis, where they blame him for not doing enough to vaccinate Floridians

Biden administration responsible for vaccine shortage in Florida, not DeSantis

Meet your Socialist President, same as the Socialist President of Venezuela.

Florida will forced to heed to the Democrats or it will be killed. You are not allowed to succeed outside the approved political parameters.

Another dumb decision by a criminal before assuming room temperature.

The dumb demonstrated here is at a level of colossal, it should merit its own niche in the pantheon of bad decisions.

Vegas Man Shot 14 Times Outside a Vegas Gun Range
Las Vegas — Officers were called at 11:59 a.m. last Weds to The Range 702, at 5999 Dean Martin Drive, after an employee reported that a man had been caught rifling through a customer’s bag during a break from a concealed carry permit course . Range employees escorted the man, Marvin Payton Jr, 27 outside to await the police.

Seconds after police pulled up, the man attacked a female officer, striking her twice with a screwdriver. Most everyone on the scene then shot Payton 14 times.

Metropolitan Police Department Assistant Sheriff Brett Zimmerman said Payton had a violent history with police, including charges of attempted murder, attempted robbery of a firearm and assault on a protected person. All involved police and arriving officers had knowledge of Payton’s violent past before the shooting.

The injured officer, who has not been named, was treated and released from University Medical Center the afternoon of the shooting. She suffered a fracture near her eye, Zimmerman said.

No charges have been filed against the crowd that shot Payton.

What was actually his thought process? “I feel like stealing me a gun so why I don’t go to a gun store filled with armed people who happen to be very aware”? “And just in case, I am going to bring a screwdriver to a possible gunfight” only to close with “I am ninja! See me beat this bunch of idiots with my phillips katana!”

Only a few times a stupid game has been played so stupidly before the expected consequences happened.

Hat Tip Bobbye.

Venezuela Vaccination Program to be done according to Political Ideology.

Original article in Spanish:

‎Nicolas Maduro said Tuesday that 100,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine of the total of 10 million that were agreed will arrive in the country next week.‎

‎He indicated that among the first to be vaccinated, in addition to health workers and the most vulnerable sectors, will be members of his ‎‎”Somos Venezuela” party.‎

Alertan de que en los hospitales se pretende aplicar una “lista Tascón” durante el suministro de la vacuna para el covid-19

I am sure if I had the patience to dreg the bottom of the cesspool called Twitter, I will find plenty of Liberals sharing similar views. I know because I have seen them in the past.

And I would not be surprised if they’d try it. I mean, a little tweaking in the online reservation sites and suddenly there is a spike of certain side considered to be essential  and the other side…well, sorry. You ain’t getting some till 2024.