Month: February 2021

And the second dumbest decision coming out of Hollywood today is…

Have you been able to catch a show where the actors are wearing mask? I saw about 2 minutes of an episode of NCIS: New Orleans and had to laugh because they not only look stupid, they could not transmit the required emotional nuances because half the frigging face was covered!

And I won’t even delve in how the hell The Flash and Aquaman manage to keep their masks on doing what they do.

Remember the Florida Grim Reaper Against COVID and DeSantis?

Do you know how bad do you have to piss off a judge in Florida that he comes down on your ass, dismisses your case while embarrassing and questioning your mettle as lawyer and asks the Florida bar to take care of you?

An appeals court wants The Florida Bar to consider disciplinary action against a Panhandle attorney who pursued a high-profile case seeking to force Gov. Ron DeSantis to close beaches because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A panel of the 1st District Court of Appeal, in an order issued Friday, stopped short of imposing financial sanctions against Santa Rosa Beach attorney Daniel Uhlfelder and lawyers who represented him in an appeal of a circuit judge’s ruling in the case.

But the panel sharply criticized Uhlfelder and his lawyers, saying that “they knew or should have known that their ‘demands’ that the Governor ‘close the beaches’ were not validly asserted below (in the circuit court) or on appeal.”

“There was no good faith legal argument to support a claim for such relief in the trial court, and there was certainly no good faith basis to argue legal error on appeal,” said the order by Judges Brad Thomas and Adam Tanenbaum.

The panel basically said the lawyers were a bunch of morons that have no business in court. Go read the rest of the article in Legal Insurrection as they did a great job as usual and beat me to the punch on this one.


The Left’s take on Nazi analogies are always wrong

When it comes to the Left making or reacting to analogies to the Nazis or the Holocaust, they are always 100% wrong.  Absolutely diametrically opposite to what is right.

They trivialize the Nazis and the Holocaust with inappropriate comparisons.

E.g.: Comparing detention facilities for people arrested for illegally crossing our borders, where they are given food and medical care, and have legal representation to protect their rights to concentration camps.

They also attack appropriate comparisons to Nazis or the Holocaust as inappropriate and antisemitic.

E.g.: Claiming it’s antisemitic to state that the dehuminzation of Trump supporters and calling for the “cleansing” of Trump supporters from America is Naziesque rhetoric.

This is grotesque and evil and we need to stand up to it.

A great scene from a great movie shows how much America has become the Soviet Union

I read Miguel’s post on restricting interstate travel and I’ve seen more news about the idea of a COVID passport for interstate travel.

I will now turn this over to the fantastic Sam Neill playing a Soviet submarine XO in one of the best movies ever made, The Hunt for the Red October:

That’s how America was.  A place envied by Soviet citizens because we could travel state to state without papers.

Now the Biden Administration is proposing to turn us into the Soviet Union.

White House to save Florida Democrats by punishing the State.

If there is one location where the Democrats are in disarray is the State of Florida. First they selected a meth head to run for governor and failed. They only managed to get one elected executive position with a candidate that “promised” liberalizing pot and controlling guns and she has been a bust. And then in the last elections, not only the hard vote overcame the margin of cheating by 300,000 units, but the Democrats actually lost seats in the Florida Legislature. The the Kung Flu hits and the Republican governor decides to buck the recommendation of shutting down people and business in favor of a softer approach and pretty much declare almost any business “essential” with the results that we are not only not worse than other States that clamped down hard, but actually doing somewhat better.

The hate campaign against DeSantis seems not to be working either. We have covered here how according to the legacy media, he has not made one single right decision since the pandemic started and even accused him of fudging the numbers because a lying sexual predator and stalker said so.  One second they were denouncing him for allowing Publix supermarkets to distribute the vaccine only to have to shut up when the Biden Harris administration announces that they will allow WalMart to do the same.

So what can be done to reign in this renegade state? The White House has a possible solution: Choke it by restricting travel. Kill its tourism industry.

The Biden administration is considering whether to impose domestic travel restrictions, including on Florida, fearful that coronavirus mutations are threatening to reverse hard-fought progress on the pandemic.

Outbreaks of the new variants — including a highly contagious one first identified in the United Kingdom, as well as others from South Africa and Brazil that scientists worry can evade existing vaccines — have lent urgency to a review of potential travel restrictions within the United States, one federal official said.

Discussions in the administration over potential travel restrictions do not target a specific state but focus on how to prevent the spread of variants that appear to be surging in a number of states, including Florida and California.

White House looks at domestic travel restrictions as COVID mutation surges in Florida

Here is the funny part: These new mutations have not been proved to be any deadlier than the original version.

Apart from its increased ability to escape recognition by the immune system, E484K makes Sars-Cov-2 more infectious by binding closer to the viral “receptor” in human cells. Whether it leads to more severe disease is not known.

What we know about the most troublesome Covid mutations

I really do not see the shutting down of travel to Florida happening. First, it would kill what’s left of the Airline industry and outside the environmental idiots, I doubt the White House wants to deal with the cessation of all air travel, including worldwide travel because the airlines cease to exist. Second, a lot of travel to Florida is vehicular. Shutting down the roads could be done, but Congress is already looking like the Green Zone with military and metal walls surrounding the Capitol and I imagine the last thing they want in the air or flying through social media would be I-95 at the Florida-Georgia border blocked by Humvees and concertina wire under the watchful eye of military personnel.  It would validate everything most Republicans and Conservatives have been saying for a long while now: The Fascist wear “D” next to their names.


This is the zenith of growing up in absolute privilege

Thomas Hobbs was correct when described the natural state of man:

In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

The laws of thermodynamics make this clear.  Without the input of work, a system tends towards disorder.

Food won’t grow without effort.  Bridges won’t spontaneously erect themselves.  Modern society is the product of the incalculable amount of labor people put in over generations and millennia to make life better.  The people who put in the effort do so expecting to be compensated for it.

If that effort was turned off, society would crumble back into the raw materials from which it came.

It only comes from living an entire life in such absolute privilege and luxury does it seem like wealth is the natural state of man and grinding poverty and starvation is not.

If Pressley wants to experience the real natural state of man, in all of its nastiness and brutishness, all she needs to do is discourage those who put in the effort to maintain society from putting in that effort.  It is mind-blowing how quickly the collapse back into grinding misery and poverty occurs.

Schindler’s List and Band of Brothers to be edited according to new Wokeness

Since Gina Carano was fired from The Mandalorian for suggesting there were civilian German Nazis, my guess is that Spielberg is now in the obligation to either correct or withdraw some of his work.

This HAS to be removed from Schindler’s List:

And, of course, that embarrassing episode of Band of Brothers.

This clearly depicts abuse to poor innocent German civilians by the Imperialistic Occupying American Forces who forced them to deal with the bodies of Jews killed by the Nazis who we all know where White Supremacists from the US South sent back time by Trump.

Thank you Disney. You have saved me money by not wanting to get your streaming service, even if only for a month of binging.

PS: The new actor to play the Cara Dune character has already been selected in full accordance to the Woke Regulations.