Month: February 2021

Spite Pillow founder reminds you that hate is bad

David Hogg hates Conservatives, Republicans, gun owners, NRA members, and Trump supporters.

He called us child murderers with blood on our faces.

His pillow company didn’t start out as a good idea to do some good.  He literally started it to put MyPillow out of business because he hates Mike Lindell for being a Trump supporter.

Hogg’s entire rise to fame and grift was because of his insane vitriol directed at people who had nothing to do with the shooting that he made himself famous because of.

He wants to torment Conservatives by trending his spite pillow on social media.

But out of the other side of his face he’s claiming he just wants to do good, make money to pay for his PTSD therapy from the shooting, and spread the love, how dare you criticize him.

This is nothing new.  That was his shtick.

“You’re a murder you evil gun owner.”

“Don’t yell at me I’m just a child.”

Now he’s an adult at the top rated and most privileged university in the Western Hemisphere, and he’s still pulling that shit.

“I’m the founder/president of a multi-million dollar valuation startup with an education from Harvard and frequent appearances on major media networks, and I will bully you from among the most privileged positions in modern America.”

“Don’t criticize me, I’m just a kid with PTSD.”

It’s even more tiresome this time around.

Miami Herald again: Waving a brand new Race Card and has to hide the truth.

We have covered both the numbers of Stand Your Ground in Florida actually benefiting Blacks and I went over HR 1 not too long ago so I won’t repeat myself. But what i found very interesting is that the editors bitch and moan loudly about how bad the bill is…. but never offer details, quote from it or even offer a link to the text of the bill. 

Why? It is twofold: First, they are afraid you would uncover their lies. Second, they truly believe you are too stupid to properly interpret what is in the bill because you may end up actually supporting the idea of being able to punish those who use public protests as a vehicle for violence.

Lies and cheating worked to win the White House and the Senate. They sure as hell gonna keep trying here in Florida.

Ladd Everitt haz a sad against Bernie Sanders

Sincerely I had no idea who this Neera person is so I had to look him/her/it up.

Neera Tanden apologized during her first confirmation hearing for a history of publicly vilifying Republicans, including several of the GOP senators who will vote on her confirmation to head the Office of Management and Budget.

President Joe Biden’s nominee for White House budget director told senators Tuesday that she deleted more than 1,000 tweets in November because “I regretted my tone” and that “nobody advised me at all” to scrub the social media account of harsh comments ahead of her nomination.

Vampires have more heart than Ted Cruz’: Tanden atones for past tweets

Damn! She is a totally unprepared Lefty! Come on! You know you have to MemoryHole your Social Media before kneeling in congress for a job! Then again plausible deniability is hard when the Internet never forgets.

I have no idea why Bernie sided with a Republican condemning her language, but it made Ladd Everitt  sad and angry, so I like it.  He keeps falling in the bottomless pit of stupidity and hate. May he have fun.


Miami Herald: When you need to admit the truth, but hate it.

So you wish/hope for more Floridians to die in the name of DeSantis Derangement Syndrome.

Florida was supposed to be a wasteland by know.  We are the state who refused to shut down. We defied the dictums of Dr. Fauxci so the piles of bodies were sure to be seen outside hospitals while the local wildlife would be feasting on them.

And that has not happened.

And then he dared to make the vaccine available in Publix supermarkets across the state rather than maintain centralized points where the little people could line for miles up and make a great photo op for the local Pols to show “They Care!®” and you should re-elect them.  And, of course, after the Governor announced yesterday that WalMart stores will also bet vaccination points, rather than celebrate, the Miami Herald secretly hopes a more deadly variant attacks the state because they cannot allow that f***ing Trumpist to have a win, specially not one this big.

And as usual, the proven warning remains true: Because they want you dead.

This child is our Secretary of Transportation and he only cares about you if you live in an overpopulated megalopolis

Sure, in New York City, parts of Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Boston, Philly, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, maybe a few other cities.

If you are like me and have a 20-mile commute on a federal interstate or interstate spur, or live outside a human sardine can of a city where you can reasonably walk to work between short jaunts on public transportation, you can go fuck yourself with $5 per gallon gasoline.

Joe Biden is clearly not the President of the United States, but the President of the 146 Most Densely Populated Counties in America, and everyone else can eat a dick and enjoy shitty roads because Buttigieg would rather put in bike lanes.

And Spite Pillow Inc. is officially Good Pillow

And we have an official announcement:

That logo is worth every cent of the $200 low ball offer to a top tier designer to be done in a couple of hours.

Two fonts and an emoticon.  Holy shit.  Like this is something out of a comedy where the big reveal falls flat, except this is not a comedy.

But it is so much worse.  GoodPillow has no product or even a scalable manufacturing source, but they have a social media account.

Did I just get #MeeToo by a fucking pillow?

Yes, it will.  In the same chapter as Theranos, Juicero, and Fisker Automotive.