Month: February 2021

Preaching Unity?

I saw this meme over 90 Miles and I disagree with it:

Four years? How about twelve years? Have we forgotten about the Obama administration use of race as splitting wedge? Clinging to their guns and religion? Despicables? The beginnings of Black Lives Matter supported by the Justice Department right after Trayvon Martin ended his young life of crime?

And if you are a Gun Owner, the time is measured in decades.

If were were as sensitive as SJW and assorted polysexed revolutionaries, fake anarchists and chic socialists, the stack of bodies would rival Kampuchea and they would be selling their sex in Tijuana or Montreal for internet access and Starbucks.

We are way too nice.

The saga of Spite Pillow Inc. continues

This is Brandon Wolf’s biography from Equity Florida Action, Inc.

A nationally-recognized advocate for LGBTQ issues and gun violence prevention, Brandon found his passion for social change following the shooting at Pulse Nightclub. He is a frequent contributor on state and national media outlets, having published opinion columns in USA Today, CNN digital and Orlando Weekly. He has brought awareness to the issues in HuffPost, Metro Weekly, and on television outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, and more. Brandon received the Voice for Equality Award at the 2018 Orlando Gala.

Brandon attended the University of Oregon for Political Science and relocated to Central Florida in 2008. After moving to Florida, he built a successful career in business management, overseeing large retail portfolios across the state. In his work, he sought to lead through the lens of humanity and ensure an inclusive work environment focused on personal growth and development.

His LinkedIn profile lists him as a Starbucks district manager for 2.5 years, with a total of 14 stores under him in the Florida/Georgia/Alabama border region.

Sounds like a guy totally capable of being on the board of a billion dollar pillow startup empire.

Wolf has two qualifications, he is a mass shooting survivor/anti-gun activist, and he is openly gay.

This is not a serious company.  This is a scheme to give all of Hogg’s activist buddies sincecures at an over-valued startup.

Or more simply:

The Florida Kung-Flu Horror Theater continues.

No matter what happens, to the Miami Herald and other South Florida media outlets, this is a medical disaster. I write on this because I called my local Publix pharmacy to renew a prescription and I got a long intro recording which included the announcement about getting the vaccine.  I went to Twitter to check and I was greeted with the tweet below:

I went to the article and at best is a confusing gathering of data which you are supposed to swim through with some of it outdated and some of it not quite ignored, but relegated to the background, sure as hell not given the same Front Page treatment as the alleged failures by DeSantis.

According to the state’s Sunday COVID-19 vaccine report, 1,326,136 people have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida and 667,830 people have completed the series of two doses of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

Of those who completed the two-dose vaccination, 92,417 were Miami-Dade residents, 55,853 were Broward residents, 55,800 were Palm Beach residents and 3,288 were Monroe residents.

South Florida has been the last section of the State to get the wide-net vaccination rolling, no doubt. That has been the crying rally for the papers. But I figured that the “journalists” have little idea and even less interest in the logistics involved in making sure an even distribution is achieved in the most populated counties of the state.  My guess is the figure if they can drive thru the local Starbucks and get one of those coffees with more names than Spanish royalty in 45 seconds, the vaccines should be pretty much the same. Of course they have no idea the thousands of man hours and millions of dollars that require to bring the coffee bean from South America to its percolated version they are holding.

And another bit of info that did not get wide publication was that besides Publix, Winn Dixie supermarkets will also be a part of the vaccination campaign. The most hilarious part is that certain officials of a ceratin county, once very doom-and-gloom, now have different tunes pursing out of their lips:

The strategy is to “provide as many access points for the vaccine as possible,” leading to efficiency and equity in the distribution, said Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner.

Man, I wish they would join the effort rather than politicize it and weaponize it to destroy DeSantis. It makes me shiver to think that this idiots are passing “information” and expect us to take it as gospel while they failed miserably to vet the Democratic candidate for governor who ended up being a junkie and a partaker of male prostitutes.  How well do you think Florida would have fared under the pandemic at the hands of Andrew Gillum?

The though alone is worse than any horror movie.

This is NYC

See, the problem isn’t that the unionized municipal trash collectors are woefully inefficient despite a salary of $88,616 after 5 years on the job.

The problem is that the city has too much free parking for the people who live and work in the city, despite a massive parking shortage, and that free parking for the people who drive the economy of the city should be taken away to make room for more trash.

When do we finally seal off NYC like they did in Escape from New York?

This interview is a case study in body language

The union members who were convinced to vote for Biden are PISSED!

I guess Trumka thought Biden was lying to the environmentalist demographic and would support union jobs.  He didn’t expect the double-cross where the environmentalists got what they were promised and Big Labor got the shaft.

Consider that when the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said it was safe for schools to open, the Biden administration cut her legs out from under her and said she was only speaking in a personal capacity because the teachers’ unions want to keep working remotely.

So Biden still lets the teachers’ union craft policy that benefits them but big labor took a back seat to a bunch of screeching millennials on Twitter raised on Captain Planet who think the world will end in 12 11 years.

Trumka has no power in the Biden Administration and at least half of his dues-paying members want to cram him down a borehole and his body language shows that he knows that.

A Harvard student/CNN expert and tech CEO prove just how stupid they really are

It’s been fun watching David Hogg’s Twitter feed.

That doesn’t make him an expert on pillow manufacturing.

It’s almost cute how naive he is about the difference between sleeping on a pillow and knowing how to make one.

He’s going to have racial preferences in his hiring or certain positions.

Also, knowing quite a bit about manufacturing, generally activists “that have experience with advocacy, business, supply chain logistics and worked in organized labor/workers protections” are the ones who make it harder to do business.

This company is going to get canceled from the inside.

This one is among my favorites:

As someone with degrees in materials science and who works in aerospace, I am curious exactly why he wants a rocket scientist to design pillows?

Does he think that rocket scientists are magic or something?

Does he even have an idea of what rocket scientists know?

Also, I’m tempted to put in my resume.

Yes, I get this feeling too.  Remember how I said I was sure that most of Tech is a Ponzi scheme based on bullshit valuations rather than actual deliverable goods or services?

His Tech CEO partner is giving off those vibes.

Maybe he’s being facetious, but let’s take him at face value.  The largest mattress manufacturer in the world is Tempur Sealy International, Inc.  They only do $3 billion per year.

CNBC published a great article: There are now 175 online mattress companies—and you can’t tell them apart.

I know these are mattresses and they want to make pillows, but the “sleep industry market” (that’s the technical term) is utterly swamped.

A very woke Tech company.  I wonder if any of these “biz leaders” know anything about manufacturing or bedding, or are they all woke, like-minded Tech people?

That is a stunning level of arrogance.

Here is where I tie this all up in a nice bow.

They are on Twitter bragging about every bit of how they are going to get the perfectly diverse board and have a Chief Progressive Officer, how they are disrupting big pillow and hiring rocket scientists, and I fully expect all this to lead to a huge valuation that is totally unable to pay back investors because it jumped into a swamped market with no identity beyond politics and nothing really transformative with their products (it’s a fucking pillow).

I am getting flashes of Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes.

It does seem that David did learn one thing of value:

Also, after his rocket scientist and cost of living tweets, a number of people responded this way:

Please God no, don’t let David Hogg come here.

There is no rule of law. All that matters is which political party you are aligned with.

This is Congresswoman Cori Bush:

The people who rioted on Capitol Hill in the belief that the election was unfair and/or fraudulent, angry that they were not being heard, we’re domestic terrorists.  The Republicans who said anything that might have bolstered that feeling are criminals that deserve to be expelled from the House.

This is also Cori Bush:

Criminals in jail awaiting trial rioted because they were unhappy with the COVID restrictions, set fires, flooded the jail, and attacked guards, sending one to the hospital.  These are the unheard and their setting fires, smashing windows, and throwing furniture out of the 4th floor is the voice of the voiceless in the best tradition of MLK, and it’s Congresswoman Bush’s duty to listen to the concerns of her constituents.

Honestly, you really can’t blame Congresswoman Bush for being this way.  She is simply being transparent about what we all know to be true.

We live in a two-tier nation, with one set of rules, laws, and codes of conduct for people on the Left and another set of rules, laws, and codes of conduct for people on the Right.

Mark my words, the Conservative Jizya is coming soon.