Month: February 2021

And the Stupid Prize winner for today is…

HERMITAGE, Tenn. (WTVF) — One person was killed in a shooting in Hermitage Friday night. Metro police are investigating a claim of self defense in the shooting.
Metro Nashville Police officials say it happened at 4331 Old Hickory Boulevard around 9:20 p.m. in the parking lot of Urban Air.
When officers arrived at the scene, David Starnes Jr., 23, was there. He admitted to shooting the victim, 20-year-old Timothy Wilks.
Detectives were told Wilks and a friend were taking part in a prank robbery as part of a YouTube video and approached a group of people – including Starnes – with butcher knives.
Starnes told detectives he was unaware of the prank and shot Wilks in defense of himself and the others in the group.
No charges have been placed at this time. The investigation is ongoing.

One killed in Hermitage shooting; suspect claiming self defense

Also included in the prize: “Honorable mention for Failed Victim selection Process.” And yes, he gets the Darwin Awards Honor Society pin.

And he was not alone in the contest. This guy got arrested for also playing the YouTube Dumbass sweepstake. The dumb Mike Foxtrot actually tried to mess with a mother with two small children who smartly recognized he was a fake cop.


Hat Tip to wizardpc.

PS: Heard just now.

“Stop screwing around with your blog and do your exercises! “

She is extra mean today.

Sorry for the light posting day

The missus has me running around the house doing stuff and I barely have time to breathe and think.

Remember the other day I posted a pic of the ammo shelves in my local Wally World? The only thing left beside shells were two boxes of 22-250 and two boxes of .222?


It seems somebody bought a 22-250 rifle in my neighborhood…the bastard!

I hear SWMBO calling.

I am outta here!

So… we’re going to be invaded

If you ever had your Red Dawn fantasies of shooting invading forces while yelling “Wolverines!”  Good news, it’s coming.

From Military Times:

Defense secretary orders 60-day stand-down to confront extremism in the military

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called on the services to conduct a 60-day stand-down on the issue of extremism in the military, prompted by the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and subsequent reports of both active-duty and former service members attending a rally calling to overturn the 2020 election and the riot that ensued.

Austin held a meeting Wednesday of the service secretaries and Joint Chiefs, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, to ask them about their concerns and ideas for improving the situation.

“Even though the numbers might be small, they may not be as small as we would like them to be, or we believe them to be,“ Kirby said of the prevalence of troops with extremists views, ties or activities. “And that no matter what it is, it is not an insignificant problem.”

“The events of Jan. 6 served as a wake-up call for this department,” Kirby said.

At the same time, reports of current or recently discharged service members espousing support for or participating in violent attacks against government officials have popped with regularity in recent years.

A two-month window would allow enough time for units to strategize and schedule how they’ll stand down, rather than declaring a specific day for everyone to do the same work.

The whole military is going on stand-down to purge its ranks of white supremacists.

Let me make this absolutely clear: I hate white supremacists.  Actual factual Neo-Nazis and Klansmen.  A soldier who looks like he should be an extra in American History X has no business in uniform.

The problem is, since the election of Donald Trump, the definition of “white supremacist” has drifted.  Remember that the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture concluded that having a strong work ethic and believing in a meritocracy is white supremacy.

I don’t know what standard is for white supremacist that the military is using, but what concerns me isn’t the kicking out of the guy with a 1488 tattoo on his neck but the Captain who decided to promote to E-5 the soldier who showed the highest level of competency on his annual evaluations without regard for NCO diversity initiatives.

My fear is that after they toss out the actual white supremacists, it will be an anti-Conservative ideological purge.

A sixty-day military stand-down and purge of the competent officer class.  Where have I seen that before?

The last time that happened, the Germans almost took Moscow.

If I were an enemy commander, I think I would start planning my invasion for 60 days from now.

We are going to lose to China and this is what the elites want

This is a magazine cover from the United States:


This article from the New York Daily News covering what’s going on in China:

China seeks to boost ‘masculinity’ of students with more gym classes

A proposal to boost the “masculinity” of young students has been widely criticized in China.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Education’s “Proposal on Preventing the Feminization of Male of Adolescents,” local governments will soon be required to increase the number of gym teachers and tweak gym classes so that they can help to “cultivate masculinity” of young students

Among the requirements, schools are being asked to “scientifically arrange the exercise load of the physical education class” and “vigorously develop” sports like football.

According to the South China Morning Post, the Ministry of Education’s plan, which was announced last week, aims to improve male students’ mental and physical health while education officials conducted further research.

It came in response to a suggestion by a top political adviser named Si Zefu, who said that China needed to combat an increasing “feminization” of young men, described by him as “delicate, cowardly and effeminate.”

Si called for an increase in the number of male teachers to “combat the issue” while voicing concern over the “threat to the development and survival of our nation.”

China is absolutely correct.  I’m not going to lie.

Here is Jesse Ventura talking about weightlifting:

In America, we’ve broadly canceled PE in schools or considerably toned it back.  Throw in the COVID lockdowns and we’ve had kids who haven’t exercised in any meaningful way for a year, not to mention the closing of private gyms, and public parks and playgrounds.

American children are suffering from a lack of physical education that is harming them emotionally as well as physically, all in the name of Progress.  Especially America’s boys.

We desperately need a program like this in the United States.

In the words of the philosopher Socrates:

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

Boys’ report cards should include their bench press to bodyweight ratio.

I want my son to finish high school with a 4.0 GPA and a 400 lbs bench.

I don’t know why the people in charge of this country want to dumb us down and turn our boys into effete blobs of inactive uselessness, but it needs to stop.  The survival of this country depends on it.


“Concealed is concealed!”

I have used that expression in the past and I now officially hate the damn phrase.  Where once it was used to indicate the care that we should have about using the right equipment and the right clothing so we don’t give away a tactical advantage, it is now the banner of those who are trying to convince others that carrying concealed where not allowed by the law is OK because you won’t be caught…because it is concealed.

I am sorry. I am a realist by nature and I regularly pray in the Church of Murphy’s Law. I don’ snort Rainbow Unicorn Farts and hope the fumes will protect me from my own wishful thinking.   You can tempt Fate so many times before she decides to do a tonsil probe via your rectum. Don’t take chances that can end your right to own a firearm just because a slogan sounds cool.

And the next person who use that phrase in that contest, ask them if they will cover the cost of bail and lawyers if anything should happen to you, and get it in writing. I figure a good $250,000 advance for your legal fees would be a great starting point. I reckon they will backtrack rather fast.


Good news from President Biden /sarc/

I thought the purpose of electing Biden was to fix the Trump economy?

No, because what crashed the economy was Democrat led lockdowns.

Why ten years?

Biden serves two years before retirement due to health reasons. Harris finishes his term then two full ones of her own.

BidenHarris have been given preemptive cover by the media for their awful economies.

Hooray, a decade of suck.

I wonder what changed between January 2020 and January 2021

From CNN:

Gun sales in January set a new record after Capitol Hill insurrection

The Capitol Hill insurrection and the inauguration of a Democratic president who campaigned on strengthening gun control measures helped the firearms industry set a January gun sales record last month, according to data released Monday.

Gun merchants sold more than 2 million firearms in January, a 75% increase over the estimated 1.2 million guns sold in January 2020, according to the National Shooting Sports Federation, a firearms industry trade group.

The FBI said it conducted a record 4.3 million background checks in January. If that pace continues, the bureau will complete more than 50 million gun-related background checks by the end of the year, shattering the current record set in 2020, according to a new report from Bespoke Investment Group.


It was the insurrectyear.

Not that gun sales have been spiking since late spring of last year.

Not Leftists letting criminals out of jail because of the COVID or eight straight months of continuous riots since the death of George Floyd.

Or maybe President Biden’s campaign to ban guns?

Nope, that has nothing to do with it.

It was the insurrection and that alone.

What can you expect?

CNN is…