Month: February 2021

Hogg’s pillow company has failed and it’s not even incorporated yet

From David:

The reply:


They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So this is a picture of what the AFL-CIO is going to do to Hogg’s budding company.

I can’t wait until two woke jackasses who know nothing about operating a manufacturing company that distributes a physical good try to negotiate with some salty union pipehitters.

The first time a bunch of union workers are forced to give their preferred pronouns at a morning meeting that place is going to go on strike until it’s bankrupt.

This morning’s parenting

My daughter goes to pre-school.  Every Friday the kids in her class bring in an item that starts with a letter of the alphabet and share what that item is.  The first week of school they started with the letter A and advanced one letter every week.

For the Friday of the week of the letter E, almost all the kids brought in a toy elephant.

Since then, it has become a challenge in the family to come up with the most impressive word for my three-year-old to have, to top all the other kids and their parents.

Today is the letter V.

I offered to give my daughter a wooden Claymore broadsword that I made for a Halloween costume years ago, and have her word be Vorpal.

Vorpal: fatal
in British English
1. resulting in or capable of causing death
a fatal accident
2. bringing ruin; disastrous
3. decisively important; fateful
4. decreed by fate; destined; inevitable

The sword is twice as tall as my daughter.

My wife vetoed my vocabulary suggestion.

I understand that my choice of words would scare the normals (which was the point, I’ll confess), but still, I am disappointed.




Nonsensical blubbering on the House floor

Yesterday I shared the news that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wanted fellow House members to share their “lived experience” of the January 6th riot on the floor of the House.

What a shit show that was.

ABC News was Tweeting snippets of the video from the Floor.

This man is a Democrat.  He is on the verge of tears, confessing his white privilege and apologizing that fellow Democrats of color stand out because of the color of their skin.

This is the modern version of what Chinese dissidents were forced to confess during a struggle session.

This is woke, solipsistic, gibberish.  You cannot question another person’s experience.  No matter how disconnected from factual reality it is, whatever a national leader feels is equally valid and cannot be questioned.

Shelia Jackson Lee is one of the dumbest, most corrupt, and racist members of Congress in the history of Congress.

According to her, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has her freedom of speech not to be questioned about her grandstanding bullshit, but you don’t have the freedom of speech because that makes you a domestic terrorist.

Rashida Tlaib brings Pallywood to Washington.  Death threats are not acceptable but now seems like a good time to remind everyone that she brought a Hezbollah recruiter to her office for pictures.

If you don’t validate their feelings, you are belittling survivors everywhere.

The term survivor has drifted.  Steve Scalise is a survivor, he survived taking a bullet.  Someone buried in rubble after a bombing and rescued is a survivor.

Hiding in a bathroom in a building that was not breached, almost half a mile from a riot is does not a survivor make.  These are not equal.  But now the standard is if you question that, you are silencing actual people who experienced an actual life-threatening injury.

As far as I have read, there was no attempt at singling out members of Congress for their skin color.  This is a lie.  The primary target, as far as I am aware, was Mike Pence, the whitest of white males, because he refused to not-certify the Electoral College votes.  I may be wrong, but AOC is making this into a racist hit mob and then extending that generalization to all of America.

This whole event was an obscenity of narcissism being used as a brickbat to bash the Right and America.

I thought Congress having a sit-in for gun control was a rock bottom low of childish behavior, but this broke through that floor like a bunker buster.

On the Black history Month bandwagon….

The T-Vees channels and Hollywood are throwing just about anything made fresh with Black Actors this month. Rather than recoomend some BLM-inspired crock (which I have not seen and will not waste my time with), allow me to send you to a darn good movie. In The Heat Of The Night.

Great acting and a great script. If you have not seen this classic, do yourself a favor because Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger gave a masterful performance.

David Hogg is going to learn about the law of “Go Woke, Go Broke”

From the Daily Mail:

‘This pillow fight just got real’: David Hogg and software engineer William LeGate announce partnership to form progressive pillow company to rival Trump supporter CEO Mike Lindell

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg, 20, and software engineer William LeGate have teamed up to launch a progressive pillow company to rival Trump supporter Mike Lindell after first tweeting about it as a joke.

Hogg said that the partners aim to sell $1million of product within their first year.

‘Mike isn’t going to know what hit him- this pillow fight is just getting started,’ Hogg tweeted.

LeGate told that the new company ‘started two days ago as a joke.’

‘We are 100% serious. Company will be officially incorporated by next week,’ LeGate told

LeGate said he will be investing $100,000 of his own fortune into the company, which he said will ‘have a site up this month.’

‘We have had lots of interest from investors as well as many celebrities. As for manufacturing plans, they will be manufactured in the United States and union-made,’ LeGate told

Hogg announced this on his Twitter feed.

I have no idea who William LeGate is.  I looked him up and apparently he’s a tech CEO for a company that I never heard that does something that is described with jargon that I don’t understand and gets invited to do a lot of talks where he uses more jargon that I can’t figure out what it means.

I know I am not the smartest person in the world.  I’m just a simple metallurgist.  But when I see these tech CEOs throw around a lot of big words and set up sites and apps that don’t describe exactly what they do, and somehow make a lot of money but don’t charge a fee for their services, it makes me wonder if much of the tech industry is just a giant Ponzi scheme of investment built on a foundation of lies and jargon with some really skeezy shit going on behind the scenes.

But I digress…

Here is exactly what I think is going to happen.

They might actually go through with setting up the company but I doubt it.

I have actual personal experience in setting up a manufacturing line.  Going from an empty building to an assembly line producing at a volume necessary to meet customer demand is not a process that takes days or weeks, it takes months to years.  Fining suppliers, buying equipment, doing first article inspections, training workers, quality assurance, safety compliance, it’s tedious.

I don’t care that it pillows.  This is a segment from How It’s Made from Discovery Science, on how pillows are made.

So Hogg and LeGate want to make pillows to spite Mike Lindell because Trump.

By the time they are done setting up a pillow manufacturing facility, how many people will care to buy pillows to spite the My Pillow Guy and Bad Orange Man?

The zeitgeist for that will have passed.

There may be a few die-hard ultra-Leftist who will buy a Trump spite pillow as a virtue signal talisman a year from now (or more), but that number is probably several hundred to a couple of thousand.  It’s not a sustainable market demographic.

Another factor is something I’ve talked about before, the difference between the Tech Industry and meat space engineering.  A charismatic CEO can’t come in wearing a turtleneck and sneakers and bootstrap and blockchain an assembly line.  There is nothing Forbes or Ing would find glamorous about blue-collar manufacturing, so I figure that LeGate will lose interest in this fast if he can even manage it at all.

Going over to LeGate’s Twitter, it’s clear that his idea of starting a pillow company is simply subcontracting a large order out to an existing manufacturer.

Actually, the pare probably like “holy shit, how do we scale production under COVID protocols to meet that order size in the given time frame because this dot com shithead knows nothing about manufacturing.”

Just look at the ammo market right now.  You can’t scale production overnight.

My Pillow, for what it’s worth, is a manufacturer, not a company that resells subcontracted products.

And they are having problems too:

So let’s say they do order the first batch of 10,000 pillows and a few thousand progressives rush out to buy a My Spite Pillow, then the market will taper off leaving lots of unsold inventory.

I suspect that a few high profile celebrities/Progressive elites will have to come in and buy the rest in a few large orders to keep Hogg’s spite business venture from being a total flop.

Then this will quietly go away and the investors will be left holding the bag because Go Woke, Go Broke is absolute.