Month: February 2021

Double Murder-Suicide in Plains Township, PA. (Graphic Video)

If there was a more graphic demonstration of making checks with your mouth that your body can’t cash, it is this one.

And once again and because it should be a personal mantra:

Your number one philosophy for personal security should be a life long commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.

Avoidance: The act of avoiding or keeping away from (Three Stupid Rule.) If you can safely retreat from the encounter, by all means do so. For instance, if you are out for a walk and feel threatened or intimidated by an occupant of a car, you should retreat in the opposite direction that the car is traveling.

Deterrence: The act of discouraging someone from taking hostile action against you by being aware of them and their possible intent.

De-escalation: The act of decreasing in intensity. To not let your ego or emotions get the best of you, to refrain from escalating the problem into more than it already is. As a CCW you may need to back down from non-life threatening, argumentative encounters in order to not allow things to spiral out of control.
When these things do not work, then and only then may you need to show or use the gun. Just because we are carrying does not mean that we need to use the gun. You want to do whatever is reasonably possible to avoid using the gun. But when your well researched, well thought out “line in the sand” has been crossed you need to act without hesitation.

The “Three Stupid” Rule

“Do not go to stupid places, with stupid people, and do stupid things”

I believe we can say the Stupid got worn out on this one.

Skynet is not happening anytime soon.

Once again, the Zuckbots swing and miss. I posted this meme and I will admit it is rather cruel in this day and age of Airborne parentage. I did that shit when I was a toddler (and with a key rather than a fork) and I still remember the shock.

But suicide? Who commits suicide by sticking a fork in a socket?

If I want to hurt myself, I’d tell my wife she looks fat in those jeans, to go make me a sandwich and to hurry up because I have a lap dance waiting at the local strip joint.  Knowing her, it would take her two weeks to kill me in the most painful and miserable way.


Florida Legislature 2021: SB 1052 – Use or Threatened Use of Force (Imposing Duty to Retreat)

General Bill by Jones
Use or Threatened Use of Force: Citing this act as the “The Self-Defense Restoration Act”; deleting provisions relating to persons using or threatening to use force not having to retreat before such use or threatened use in defense of persons or property; prohibiting persons from using deadly force in accordance with specified provisions of law if such persons know that they can avoid the necessity of using deadly force with complete safety by retreating; deleting provisions relating to persons using deadly force not having a duty to retreat and having the right to stand their ground under certain circumstances, etc.

Read the Text 

It is not bad enough that Senator Jones wants to eliminate the very successful Stand Your Ground law, force you to turn your back on an attacker, but has the unmitigated gall to call this bill “The Self-Defense Restoration Act.”  Restore whose self-defense? Violent criminals’?

And yes, I bring the photo of the Senator to make a point he is black, the same race that has been the biggest beneficiary of Stand Your Ground. But then again, innocent Black people getting murdered seems to be good for political business when it comes to Democrats.


AOC wants her lies on the record

This is important, it puts her lies on record.

Here is why this is critical.

The speech and debate clause of the Constitution protects Members of Congress from libel and slander for things they say on the Floor.

This is how Harry Reid could say Mitt Romney never paid taxes and not get in trouble. He said it from the Floor.

If this is an official House activity, AOC can accused Republicans of anything and she’s protected by the speech and debate clause.

If there is a place for her to say “Rep/Senator [Republican] coordinated with people in the crowd to find and murder me,” she is not liable for slander.

IANAL, and I very well could be wrong, but I suspect that she’s been caught in a lie that is getting dangerously close to getting her into real legal trouble, and by making this airing of grievances a House function she’s invoking Constitution protection unique to Congress to continue to lie.

Gentlemen, call your divorce attorneys

A Leftist calling for ethnic (demographic) cleansing, how original.

It’s the responses by these women that I find shocking.


I hope their husbands see this.  You marry a woman, take care of her, build a life with her, and she agrees to have you sent away on a prison ship in order to virtue signal to a racist blue check mark 9n Twitter.

There was one Tweet I saw that was the absolute truth:



“Mommy loves you, but mommy is willing to have you exiled so she can likes on Twitter.”

To the husbands of these women, take your children and go. Clearly your wives have had their brains rotted with Leftism.  Your wives love their Twitter likes from fellow travelers more than they love you.

I wish I knew how to fail upwards this hard

Be the corrupt, philandering, drug addict, embarrassing son of a politician capitalizing on daddy’s name, and get fat cash to write a book about how sympathetic you are.

Some people just have it made.