Month: February 2021

Miami Herald: We are here for the clickbait.

{Cue dramatic intro music}
{cue even more dramatic fanfare}

The answer?

Researchers and scientists interviewed by the Miami Herald said the U.K. variant remains poised to spike infections and prolong vaccination efforts, but expressed some optimism that large swaths of Florida protected from natural or vaccine-induced immunity could blunt the impact of the more-contagious strain.
“There is a general sense that Florida is going to be the canary in the coal mine,” said William Lee, vice president of science at Helix, a testing company that has helped state officials track the variant.

“If it turns out that Florida is fine even with an increase in cases resulting from [the U.K. variant] because of the vaccines and everything else, I think it will be a good sign for the rest of the country,” Lee said.
Especially encouraging is that COVID cases are declining rapidly among senior citizens in Florida — the primary recipients of the state’s vaccine supply.
Jason Salemi, a University of South Florida epidemiologist who tracks COVID data, emphasized earlier this week that cases in the 65-and-older age bracket have gone down 56% in the last four weeks, and have dropped from about 2,500 daily cases to 800 daily cases over the last week — a bigger decrease than seen in other age groups.

UK variant of COVID is overtaking Florida. Can vaccines stymie it or is surge coming?

So basically no. There is no doom and gloom and mass graves pending in the future of Florida and the UK variant seems just to be as the regular Chinese flu. Wait, Aren’t we supposed not to say where the virus comes from? China, bad but UK good?

One the replies for this tweet summarizes it all

You guys really are incredible. Panic porn assholes.

Is it all about the clickbait, trying to generate income? In other nicer times, I would given them the benefit of the doubt, but after all that has happened and the allegiances they insist to be faithful to?

The confirmation hearing of Dr. Mengele

From today’s Senate confirmation hearings:

Let me make this perfectly clear.

If you are an adult, and you want to transition your gender, after years of understanding who you are, and fully emotionally mature and cognizant of what you are doing, go right ahead.  That is your right in a free society.

However, children are not adults.

Anyone who pushes gender transition on a child, especially a pre-pubescent child deserves to skip to the front of the woodchipper line.

Particularly since the sudden and drastic rise in trans-children appears to be a social contagion.

This is absolutely a hill I am willing to die on.

Every single Republican should vote against this confirmation and any Republican that votes for confirmation needs to be voted out next time.

This is how much the Chinese respect us


The Chinese government is literally sodomizing members of our Executive administration.

What is more shocking is members of our government consented to being probed in the anus by the Chinese.

How can this administration protect us from Chinese infiltration when they can’t even protect their own assholes from Chinese infiltration?

The CCP is gonna walk all over us.