Month: February 2021

2 FBI agents killed, 3 injured.

SUNRISE, Fla. – Two FBI agents were fatally shot Tuesday morning while serving a warrant in Sunrise, the FBI has confirmed.

FBI spokesman Jim Marshall confirmed in an email that three agents were injured, two of whom were transported to a hospital in stable condition. The third injured agent was not hospitalized.

He confirmed that the suspect is deceased. Sources told Local 10 News that the suspect took their own life.

According to Marshall, the shooting occurred around 6 a.m. as the agents were serving a warrant in the vicinity of 10100 Reflections Blvd.

He said the federal court-ordered search warrant was related to a case involving violent crimes against children.

2 FBI agents killed, 3 injured while serving warrant in Sunrise

The nightmare scenario for Law Enforcement: Facing somebody who can really shoot.

The comparisons to the 1986 Miami Shootout are already bouncing around and they should. The FBI is used to go after meek criminals, white collar corporate types, people they set up themselves and the common idiot who has shot more in a Play Station than in real life.

There is a lesson there which they will probably ignore again and the next time will be having a burning building again.

Following up on the Ralphs’s case

Reading J Kb’s post, I went ahead and clicked on the original news’ story, only to find this small jewel:

The decision was criticized by a union that represents 22,000 workers — among them grocery store employees — in Orange and parts of Los Angeles County.

“After everything they’ve been through and all the sacrifices and the service our members have provided Long Beach during the pandemic, Kroger responds with this chilling message to workers,” Andrea Zinder, president of UFCW Local 324, said in the union’s statement. “Kroger closing these stores is a clear attempt to intimidate and discourage workers from standing up and using their voice to create better working conditions and wages.”

I did a bit of a search on UFCW Local 324 and other than praising Governor Newsom for possibly re-opening Disneyland back in October (which still has not happened, nobody knows when will Newsom allow it and they haven’t bitched) this union chapter has remained mum.   I guess as good democrat puppets, the idea of criticizing democrat Governor Newsom (the guy who as its workers without jobs) is verbotten, but going after the one company that was actually providing jobs for its members rather than standing with them and fighting City of Long Beach’s decision, is the right thing to do.

Again, who are Unions supposed to be working for?

The law of unintended consequences bites Ralphs

Long Beach Ralphs, Food 4 Less stores to close over $4 ‘hero pay’ boost for grocery workers

Kroger, the parent company of Ralphs and Food 4 Less, will soon shut down two of its stores in Long Beach in response to the city imposing a “hero pay” increase of $4 per hour for some grocery store workers.

In announcing the closure, Kroger cited a recently passed Long Beach City Council ordinance that mandated the hazard pay bump for at least 120 days amid the increased health risk to workers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The new law affects grocery stores with at least 300 employees nationwide or more than 15 employees per market in the city.

“As a result of the City of Long Beach’s decision to pass an ordinance mandating Extra Pay for grocery workers, we have made the difficult decision to permanently close long-struggling store locations in Long Beach,” a company spokesperson said news release. “This misguided action by the Long Beach City Council oversteps the traditional bargaining process and applies to some, but not all, grocery workers in the city.”

Kroger, the parent company of Ralphs, already bumped pay by $2 as COVID hazard pay.

This city mandate made it too expensive to employ people and forced the stores’ closures.

These jobs were union jobs, so again the dues paying members of the union get fucked by the Democrat politicians that union management supported.

Artificially raising prices of labor above market rates doesn’t help people in the long run.

I can’t wait until $15 per hour kicks in an all of our grocery stores look like they belong in Caracas because Kroger has to cut half the staff and they can’t restock fast enough to mop the floors, ring up customers, and restock the shelves at the same time.

AOC keeps embellishing her story

Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez went to Instagram to talk more about the storming of the Capitol.

Every time she tells this story it becomes more and more like she’s being hunted like the hot, slutty blonde in a horror film.

Remember that the people who broke into Nancy Pelosi’s officer put their feet up on her desk.

I’ll say it again, if the Capitol stormers really were Right-Wing death squads out to kill Congressional Democrats, given how many guns have been flying off other shelves in the last year, you’d think they would have brought more with them and would have caused more casualties.

What we saw was a moderate-sized Stanley Cup victory riot.  What AOC describes is the plot of a Purge film.

The most horrifying part of this is where she all but accuses a Capitol police officer of being in on it and out to get her, saying that one of her staffers thought he’d have to fight the officer to save her.

This is an obscenity.

This is far more dangerous bullshit than some nonsensical statements about Jewish space lasers.

When you witness the firepower of our fully armed and operational Jewish space laser station, it’s going to do more than just set some trees on fire in California. 

She is planting the seeds that there is a segment of federal law enforcement that is violently hostile to the Democrats.  Logically, that segment should be rooted out and expelled.  She is justifying a political purge of the gun-carrying branches of our government, presumably to replace them with Democrat loyalists.

Nobody is calling her to account for this.

Every time this story gets told it gets worse.

Tulsi Gabbard tells the truth about what’s going on in Washington

I have a lot of Respect for Tulsi Gabbard.  There is a reason she didn’t get ahead in the Democrat primary, she’s too honest and decent for that party.

Former Democrat Presidential Candidate Warns of ‘Police State’ – Cites Certain Democrats and ex-Spies Colluding with Big Tech

In a dramatic new video, former Democrat Presidential Candidate and ex-U.S. Representative from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, warns of a ‘police state’ being planned by certain Democrat politicos and members of the national security and intelligence community. She is raising this alarm as certain elements in government and industry are using the January 6 Capitol riot as an excuse to enact draconian suppression tactics to quash political opponents.

In her video, Gabbard specifically mentions former CIA Director John Brennan and House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), two leading anti-Trumpers and proponents of expanding the U.S. surveillance state against its own citizens. She calls the Brennans, Schiffs and ‘oligarchs’ in Big Tech “domestic enemies” of the United States.


She knows the people in her party and she is warning us about their true intentions.

How did America turn into a tyrannical, one party, police state?

Slowly at first, then all at once.

Florida Legislature: SB 498 – Safety of Religious Institutions passes Senate Judiciary

Favorable by Judiciary; YEAS 7 NAYS 4.  (Vote split along party lines)

No changes in the text. I still not happy about it, but I will take the forward movement.

There were two representatives of Florida gun groups present: Marion Hammer with Unified Sportsmen of Florida and a representative from GOA whose name I could not understand in the video and I want to apologize because I would love to recognize him for his intervention.  And those were all the pro-gun groups present for the bill. There were a coup[le of civilians also supporting the bill and some opposing it like the league of Woman’s Voters (as usual) but interestingly, not Moms Demand.

Next stops in the Senate will be to Criminal Justice and Rules Committee. The House companion bill was sent to the Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee, but they have no scheduled meeting for any bill as of today.