Month: February 2021

The data on COVID deaths will make you mad

Were 575K COVID hospitalizations preventable simply through diet and exercise? TWO THIRDS of people hospitalized for COVID were obese or had diabetes, high blood pressure or heart failure, study finds

Americans with four conditions – obesity, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and heart failure – account for two-thirds of all COVID-19 hospitalizations in the US, a new study estimates.

Notably, the study does not distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes among hospitalized COVID+19 patients. While type 2 diabetes typically develops later in and is thought to be predominantly driven by lifestyle factors, type 1 is an autoimmune disease with significant genetic risk factors, and is less likely to be preventable.

The study suggests up that up to two thirds of 906,849 hospitalizations for COVID-19 – or about 575,000 of them – were attributable to the four conditions, and could have been prevented if those patients had not already been in poor health.

In a more measured estimation, the Tufts researchers write that a 10 percent reduction in rates of the four conditions could lead to an 11 percent reduction in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

The virus was overwhelmingly survivable by healthy people.

We utterly destroyed the economy, civil liberties, a generation of children, and normal human interactions to curb a virus that was mostly harmless to young, healthy people.

The 15 days to slow the spread should have been a mandatory diet and exercise.

Banning high fructose corn syrup and sugary beverages would have been more effective than lockdowns.

But nope, the government shut down the gyms, told you not to go out and exercise, arrested you for jogging, but kept the fast food and liquor stores open.

They absolutely fucked the dog on this one.  They fucked it to death and refuse to walk anything back less they admit they were wrong.


This is how much celebrities care about you

Remember when Lady Gaga posted this because she claimed to care about the working class?

This is how much she actually cares about the working class.

Gaga puts up $500,000 reward for safe return of her French bulldogs Koji and Gustav after Hollywood dognappers shoot her dog walker four times in chest and flee with the pups

Lady Gaga has offered a $500,000 reward for the return of two of her french bulldogs after they were stolen by two men who shot her dog walker four times in the chest in Los Angeles on Wednesday night.

Ryan Fischer, 30, was ambushed by the assailants outside of his home on Sierra Bonita Avenue as he walked Gaga’s beloved dogs Koji, Miss Asia, and Gustav just before 10pm yesterday.

Gaga, 34, is said to be distraught over the incident. She is offering a $500,000 reward for the return of Koji and Gustav ‘no questions asked’, TMZ reported.

That miserable useless piece of human fucking garbage.

A $500,000 reward for her dogs.  Not for information for the arrest of the person who shot a 30-year-old man in the chest four times.

Fuck him.  He’s just a servant to the glitterati, why pony up money for justice for him and his family.

But she’ll lay down a cool hand million for the fucking dogs.

God damn this bipedial piece of shit.

The utter inhumanity of this is mind-bending.  Imagine being the mother or girlfriend of this guy and seeing this.

Fuck!  No questions asked literally means the killer himself could collect the reward.

I cannot begin to describe just how angry this makes me.

“Ms. Gaga, your dog walker has been murdered and your dogs were stolen.”

“My puppies! How are they?”

“Ma’am, a man has been killed.”

“Yeah, fuck that guy, I want my puppies back!”

Generally I’m not one for cancel culture but this bitch needs to get canceled, off a fucking cliff or through a woodchipper or something.

I honestly hope she gets called put for this and it destroys her career.

New York goes COVID footloose

NY sets rules for dancing at events: Get down in your own dance zone only

Weddings and parties at event venues can return in New York starting March 15 and the rules are out for a critical component of those celebrations.


Here’s what you need to know:

You can only dance with members of your immediate party, household or family who are seated at your table at the event.

You get a dance zone: The state wants clearly marked areas assigned to each dance group that are spaced at least 6 feet apart from other dance zones.
Ideally, the zones should not be less than 36 square feet.

You have to wear a mask while you dance.

You cannot visit neighboring zones.

For ceremonial dances, like a couple’s first dance at a wedding, select attendees can participate, as long as they are designated to event venues in advance.  Those dances are also limited to members of the same party, household or family and dancers must stay 6 feet apart from other attendees during the dance.

Live bands are allowed, but if they are unmasked or playing a wind instrument, they must be separated from attendees by 12 feet or a physical barrier.

There is absolutely nothing fucking scientific about this.

You can be in a big hall, all sharing the same air, but you can’t go into the dance zone of a friend at another table.

Fuck that.  Especially since it came from the same fucking administration that committed senicide and obstruction of justice to cover it up.

I truly can’t wait for some big family to have their wedding raised by Cuomo’s COVID Gestapo for violating the dancing zone.

There is no reason to get married in New York.  Have a destination wedding in Florida and dance with who you like.

Fuck New York and everyone who runs it.  Shit like this isn’t to stop COVID, it’s an authoritarian power trip to humiliate the proles for fun.


It’s called a Kafka Trap

This is a Kafka Trap:

You are guilty of a crime they accuse you of without evidence. The accusation itself is the all the evidence they need.  If you deny the accusation that is proof of your guilt.  Admitting your guilt does not buy you leniency, they will come down on you twice as hard.

This is called a Kafka Trap in reference to the Kafka work The Trial.

This was also the methodology of the Soviets and Chinese for political show trials.

This is being done to us for the same nefarious reasons.  It is not for justice but to break the will of those who try to resist with logic, reason, and the traditional values of Western jurisprudence.

They are not interested in equality or equity, they are interested in crushing us with a system we cannot resist with reason.

WTF is wrong with the Biden family?

From The Daily Mail, because American media won’t report this:

Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau’s widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her ‘prince’

Hunter Biden had a controversial affair with his brother Beau’s grieving widow Hallie, while exchanging raunchy texts, ‘partying’, and even renting a house with her sister, can exclusively reveal.

Hallie Biden’s older sister, Elizabeth Secundy, who was recently separated from her husband of 15 years, referred to Hunter as her ‘prince’ and told him she loved him, in a series of text messages dating back to 2016.

The pair’s relationship was revealed in files and emails recovered from Hunter’s laptop – the contents of which became public last year after it was abandoned at a Delaware computer shop.

The embattled father-of-five, now 51, split with his first wife Kathleen in 2015. When his brother Beau died of brain cancer that year, he became close to his grieving sister-in-law.

He and Hallie became a couple in 2016, according to an interview Hunter gave to the New Yorker two years ago.

The unconventional relationship was first acknowledged publicly in March 2017, with Joe Biden issuing a statement giving his blessing to Hunter and Hallie, 46.

But emails and texts from Hunter’s abandoned laptop, logged on spreadsheets and reviewed by, reveal his romantic relationship with his sister-in-law was even more complicated and scandalous.

Note the bolded text.

What the fuck is wrong with the Biden family?

For years Conservatives have been saying that the office of the President has morphed into some form of democratically elected royalty.

Well here is it in all of its medieval monarchical glory, full-on fucking incestuousness.


DeSantis vaccination strategy is so bad, the Feds copied it.

Lauderdale Lakes Walmart Begins Drive-Thru Vaccinations

A Walmart in Lauderdale Lakes will begin drive-thru vaccinations for people 65 and over starting this morning.

The vaccinations are being offered as part of the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, a collaboration between the federal government, states and territories, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Not a few weeks ago, the LibCriers were befouling DeSantis’ idea of retailers with pharmacies providing the vaccine to the public. From accusations of graft and corruption to putting people in danger because they were not professionals according to them and ignoring the thousands of vaccinations for other illnesses those locations have been providing for years.

But suddenly, Washington is doing EXACTLY the same thing and it is not only OK, but applauded as an example of the smartness of PedoJoe and his cabinet. One thing is for sure: the amount of noise regarding the “deadly” virus has dropped down to some extent down here.  But I bet they will find something else to pin on the Governor.

Eff the lot of them.