Month: March 2021

Leftist are racist garbage that eat their own

So much for unity, Senate Democrats are going to destroy the Biden Administration over Woke ideology.

From USA Today:

‘Insulting’: Sen. Tammy Duckworth says she won’t support non-diverse Biden nominees because of lack of AAPI representation

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., told reporters Tuesday she would not support any more of President Joe Biden’s non-diversity nominees until he appoints more Asian-Americans to his Cabinet.

Biden’s Cabinet — which is shaping up to be the most diverse in U.S. history – does not include a single Cabinet secretary of Asian American or Pacific Islander descent. Every presidential Cabinet since 2000 has included an Asian American at the secretary level until now.

Duckworth told reporters that when she has brought up this issue in the past – and most recently last night – White House officials respond by pointing to Kamala Harris’ role as vice president, which is part of the cabinet. Harris is the first African American and South Asian American woman to be elected vice president.

Duckworth, who was born in Thailand, said the notion the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) community doesn’t “need anybody else is insulting.”

“That is not something you would say to the Black caucus, ‘Well, you have Kamala, we’re not going to put any more African Americans in the Cabinet because you have Kamala.’ Why would you say it to AAPI?” Duckworth asked.

“You know, I will vote for racial minorities and I will vote for LGBTQ, but anybody else I’m not voting for,” Duckworth stated.

There you have it, two sitting United States Senators making it absolutely crystal clear that they intend to violate every civil rights act in the country to make sure that no heterosexual white person is allowed to have a cabinet position.

They will vote entirely on the basis of skin color and sexual orientation.

The Democrats have managed to go full circle in about half a century, from openly discriminating based on race back to openly discriminating based on race.

Woke Progressives are every bit as racist as the Klan, and both birthed from the same political party.

They should suffer real consequences for this, but like the Klan-backed Democrats of the 1950s and 1960s, they know that they get their authority from the racist backing of racist constituents.


Why be a decent person when you can be a victim

This fucking thread…


I do not know this person but I actively and aggressively hate her.

I do not know Korean.  I am not familiar with Korean naming conventions other than the family name goes first.

If I were to read a Korean name that has been transliterated from Korean into English, I would probably get it wrong.  Not out of malice or racism, but ignorance.

I am sorry for her that her telling me one time how to pronounce her name correctly is an unbearable burden for her.

I was taught to read Hebrew as a child.  I can’t speak the language but I can (or could) read Hebrew script enough to pronounce the words in the Haggadah (Hebrew prayer book) correctly.

In every Haggadah I’ve ever seen, there is Hebrew and then below or on the adjacent page is the transliteration in English.

If you watch someone who doesn’t know how to read Hebrew try and read the transliteration in English, using English phonetics, it doesn’t sound like Hebrew.

I would assume that a non-Korean speaker, like a police department public affairs officer or local reporter, reading a Korean name transliterated off a teleprompter will get it wrong.  Not out of malice or racism, but ignorance.

My heritage is German, Russian, and Polish.  You should see my Grandmother’s maiden name.  It’s a shitty Scrabble hand of Cs and Zs.

I had a friend in college who was Welsh by heritage.  His name was a Scrabble grab bag of Cs Ys and Ws. It looked nothing at all like it was pronounced.  God help the family of the Welshman who dies tragically and had his name read aloud.

Even my German name is routinely butchered.

When I correct people, they generally say “okay” and get it right the next time.

I feel for this woman that her name is her heritage.  However, rather than be a decent human being in a multicultural society and say “most people don’t know Korean naming conventions or how to pronounce transliterated Korean names, so I’ll help them.”  She dives straight into a victim narrative and how hearing a Korean name pronounced wrong is a gut punch that causes her emotional trauma.

Most people are decent and if you teach them how to pronounce a name from a language and culture they are not familiar with correctly, they will, or they will at least do their best.

It would be infinitely more magnanimous of her to volunteer “if you are a police department and you need to announce a Korean name on TV, DM me and I will tell you how to pronounce it correctly.”

But that doesn’t give her the ability to be a victim, which we all know is the most valuable of currencies.

This is ultimately the problem with the Woke victim ideology.

It strips away the impetus to share and treat each other decently and instead creates the impetus to run to each other’s corners and claim oppression.

If I am not familiar with your culture and I get your name wrong, tell me.  I won’t be offended and I’ll do my best to get it right next time, then we can be friends.

If on the other hand I am not familiar with your culture and I get your name wrong and you tell me that is racist and I caused you trauma, I will fucking hate your guts.




And so it begins with an EO

And here is the relevant snip:


An executive order.

This is how the Second Amendment dies, with an executive order.


The ATF must love being dragged on social media

The last time the ATF posted a tone-deaf Tweet it was the ATF putting out career info and being dragged by gunnies.

Before that, it was the ATF being dragged over the anniversary of Waco.

Now the ATF put out this Tweet:

Once again, they are getting dragged.

And they deserve it.

Go and enjoy the comments, again.

It’s guns and white men

Last week eight people were shot by a sex-addicit incel who went on a rampage against rub-and-tug parlors.

Yesterday a possible Jihadi shot ten people at a grocery store.

This nation has been stressed to the limit.

Antifa/BLM/Leftists are rioting and burning some cities almost nightly.

Kids are killing themselves at a record rate.

Violent crime in every major city is up and through the roof.

Take a ride on the NYC subway, if you’re lucky you’ll just get peed on.  If you’re unlucky you’re gonna get stabbed.

The lockdowns and COVID paranoia has brought this country to the edge of its sanity.

If there is one more national lockdown people are going to be killing each other over guzzline.

By the way, I call dibs on “Immortan J.Kb.”  Miguel is a reloaded so he can be the Bullet Farmer.

But social media only wants to focus on white men and guns.


It’s easier than admitting our Government broke our fucking minds and nose-dived the greatest economy this country had ever seen into the fucking shitter because Orange Man Bad and so a bunch of geriatric politicians to save their own asses at the expense of the child, again for the countless time.

So what are we going to get?

Gun control.  More lockdowns.  More civil rights restrictions.

Just wait until the next person whose life got turned upside down and dipped in shit comes apart at the seams and takes his pain and suffering out on a bunch of innocents, I’m expecting to be sent to a fucking gulag.


And here comes the narrative clash

King Soopers Shooting: Ahmad Al-Issa Suspected Of Killing 10

The suspect in the mass shooting at a grocery store in Boulder on Monday has been identified as 21-year-old Ahmad Al-Issa from Arvada. Ten people, including one police officer, were killed at the King Soopers store at Table Mesa Drive and South Broadway.

And he’s a Muslim, confirmed by his Facebook.

There is no evidence that this was a Jihadi attack.

Either this will go away or we will be treated to a narrative about Muslim white supremacists.

2021 is a wild year so there is no telling which way it will go.