Month: March 2021

Troops not buying the bullsh*t and that is troubling O’Sullivan’s Bureaucrat Officers

From Stars and Stripes:

Some US troops view Capitol riots, racial protests equally, worrying Pentagon leaders

During military training sessions to address extremism in the ranks, some service members have challenged why the Pentagon is not treating the violence during racial injustice protests last summer as equal to the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol.

That the two events are viewed as equivalent by some troops has caught the Pentagon’s attention in its effort to educate service members that extremist views and activity — on either side of the political spectrum — go against the oath they took when they joined the military, the top enlisted leader told reporters on Thursday.

“This is coming from every echelon that we’re talking to,” said Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ramón Colón-López. “Some people may think that, ‘all right, so the events of 6 January happened. How come you’re not looking at the situation that was going on in Seattle prior to that?'”

The military has started a Defense Department-wide effort to educate service members on what constitutes extremist behavior and why it is impermissible in the armed forces.

Based on the feedback from those sessions, “I am concerned about the way that some people are looking at the current environment, and what they are thinking they can do and act upon based on their personal beliefs,” Colón-López said.

When questions arose of why last summer’s racial injustice protests didn’t trigger a similar review of extremist views, tough conversations have followed, “to make sure that military members understand the difference between Seattle and Washington, D.C.,” Colón-López said.

“Those are very, very tough conversations to have with people because sometimes they’re emotional about the subject,” Colón-López said.

“We cannot confuse a First Amendment grievance because of social injustice organization and some of the criminals that latched on to go ahead and loot, destroy and commit other crimes. There’s two clear, distinct groups right there,” Colón-López said, referring to the difference between peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters and looters who disrupted some of those events.

The military is now officially forcing a narrative that the riots over the summer were peaceful and the January 6th riot was an insurrection that threatened the stability of the United States of America.

American troops cannot be allowed to see billions of dollars in damage done to American cities and come to their own conclusions about them.  They can only be allowed to think about that what the Democrats and the their Diversity and Inclusions Officers allow them to think.

I bet that would be especially difficult for the Guard troops that were activated over the summer during the riots, who witnessed the burning and looting of their home cities and states first hand.

It seems like what is troubling to the upper echelon of our military is that these troops are not buying the bullshit and are asking very inconvienent questions.

I don’t think it’s going far out on a limb to say that this is very Soviet in nature, having a propaganda officer explain to the troops what it is that they should think and report up the chain of command troops who question the official party line.

The bad news is that these troops will probably be rolled out of the military, either right away or they will be passed over for promotion or not given the opportunity to reenlist and rolled out passive aggressively.  This will weaken out defensive posture around the world.

The good news is that these troops will probably be rolled out of the military, so in the event that the military is turned against us, it will be considerably smaller and bereft of experienced combat troops.

This is why they want to take your AR-15 and 30 round mags, also damn the NFA to hell

They want to make sure you don’t have the upper hand when a mob of Antifa, waving commie flags surrounds your house and curses at you.

Although, under that situation, home defense really feels like it should be belt-fed.

According to the Woke this is your fault

That is horrific.  That is also your fault.



Apparently, this individual is a mouthpiece for white supremacism.

The goal is clearly not to reduce the amount of anti-Asian violence.

It is to allow anti-Asian violence to continue while using is as a political brickbat to bludgeon people on the Right.

Congress knows that violence is inevitable

The other day I said I don’t know how violence isn’t inevitable.

It is and our Government knows it.

Congressional leaders discussing a $2 billion package for new Capitol fencing and security personnel

Congressional leaders are discussing a new $2 billion funding package that would bolster security around the US Capitol and shore up vulnerabilities exposed by the January 6 attack, according to sources familiar with the talks.

There are many details to sort through amid a heated debate in Congress over how to respond to the attack on the Capitol.
Among them: A permanent fence around the Capitol, hundreds of new security personnel — either the National Guard or a military police presence — and new authorities for the District of Columbia’s National Guard to be dispatched in emergency situations, one of the sources said. The plan under consideration also would expand the US Capitol Police force, potentially by hiring hundreds more officers, and make changes to the USCP’s board.

Honoré’s report included many of the proposals the House is now considering, including putting up retractable and mobile fencing at the Capitol, providing additional authorities for the DC Guard and restructuring the Capitol Police board and improving Capitol Police intelligence gathering.

The Federal government is going to turn DC into a fortress defended at all times by loyal armed guards.

They know what they are doing is hated by much of the American people.

They know that what they have in the works is going to be hated even more.

They know they will use the next two years of Democrat majority in the Legislature and Executive to drive through every Progressive whim they have and that the American people will hate it.

So they are going to DC into their personal motte and bailey to insulate themselves from the inevitable ramifications of their actions.

We need Nuremburg Trials 2.0

This article from the American Institute for Economic Research:

More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids

Before Covid, an American youth died by suicide every six hours. Suicide is a major public health threat and a leading cause of death for those aged under 25 — one far bigger than Covid. And it is something that we have only made worse as we, led by politicians and ‘the science,’ deprived our youngest members of society — who constitute one-third of the US population — of educational, emotional and social development without their permission or consent for over a year.

The median age — not the average, but the middle — of Covid-deaths is 80. Covid poses minimal risk to healthy individuals under 65, and is even less of a threat to youths (those aged under 25).

A back-of-the-envelope calculation shows that, compared to 2018 and 2019 deaths per 100k, 2020 saw one extra death among those under age five, an additional 1.5 deaths among those aged 5 to 14, and a whopping 23 additional deaths among those aged 15 to 24. Overall, deaths per 100k in this age group jumped from 106.4 per 100k in 2019 to 131.7 per 100k during 2020. That’s an increase of 23% — and Covid only accounts for 1.2% of total deaths in ages 0–24 years.

The biggest increase in youth deaths occurred in the 15-24 age bracket — the age group most susceptible to committing suicide, and which constitutes 91% of youth suicides. Indeed, as early as July 2020 — just four months into the pandemic — CDC Director Robert Redfield remarked that

there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose.

Although complete national suicide data for 2020 likely won’t be publicly available until 2022, Redfield’s claim is supported by the increase in calls and emails witnessed by mental illness hotlines.

Between March and August the National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine reported a 65% increase in calls and emails.

In August 2020, FAIR Health found a 334% spike in intentional self-harm claims among 13–18 year olds in the Northeast compared to the same month in 2019. Nationally self-harm medical claim lines nearly doubled for this group in both March and April, while claim lines for overdoses as a percentage of all medical claim lines increased 95% and 119% percent respectively.

Society needs to remember that the stolen Covid generation will one day run the country. Teachers resisting returning to class should recognize that this generation currently locked-in to bedroom Zoom classes will one day care for us in our old age. And politicians should remember that this generation whose rights have so blatantly been violated will soon be able to vote.

I must disagree with that last sentence.

This is a crime against humanity.  The deaths of tens of thousands of innocent children through neglect.

Every single politician, bureaucrat, and celebrity/influence who mandated, ordered, or advocated for lockdowns should be tried for the deaths of dispair that they caused, convinced, and be hanged by the neck until dead just like the monsters that ran the concentration camps.

We must never let sexagenarian, septuagenarian, and octogenarian politicians cause the deaths of the children to save their own skins ever again.