Month: March 2021

Spring Break in Miami Beach


And since this is Red Florida, we have the usual suspects blaming DeSantis and warning us with predictions of mass deaths by next month because of this “super spreader” event. Yeah, pretty much the same crap we have been hearing since May last year and yet, it has not congealed into mass graves.

There is not enough money that could convince me to live in Miami Beach.

Fishing redneck bass.

With warmer temperatures down here, bass are waking up and I have been trying to get the darned critters this past month with different levels of success.

I treat my bass kindly. I buy the finest worms and lizards from Berkley and Strike King. The best designs of hard lures from Rapala, with all the noisemakers and attractants, basically nothing for the best and I get ignored.

So yesterday I toss a Mellow Yellow 6 inch worm from the less sophisticated brand called Zoom just for chits and giggles.  They are like $2.50 a pack.

Sumbitches took to it like junkies to free meth in downtown Miami.

I have to see if they make a corndog-flavored lizard or a pulled-pork grub.

And Biden ruins NASA

Biden picks former senator who flew in space to lead NASA

President Joe Biden has chosen a former senator from Florida who flew on the space shuttle just days before the Challenger launch accident to lead NASA.

Biden on Friday announced his intent to nominate Bill Nelson as the space agency’s administrator.

Nelson, 78, grew up near Cape Canaveral and was serving as a Democratic congressman when he launched aboard space shuttle Columbia in January 1986. His commander was Charles Bolden Jr., who later served as NASA administrator under President Barack Obama — at Nelson’s urging.

So this is payback for his support to Obama.

Nelson is 78 years old.

Can we please not have and more senile boomers in our Federal government.

The closest Nelson should be to a NASA facility is in The Villages drinking Metamucil and pretending it’s Tang.

Why are we putting NASA in the liver spotted hands of a career bureaucrat swamp creature who was elected the first time more than a decade before I was born?

Elon Musk wants to build condos on Mars.  He should be in charge of NASA. Or at least someone of his age and vision.

Nope, Biden is going to kill NASA too, just to spite the legacy of Trump.