Month: March 2021

The white-collarist of white-collar people admit that they love the pandemic because they wanted a vacation

This Twitter exchange really happened.


This only works for a small group of extremely white-collar careers where good internet access is all a person needs to do their job.

The problem is, all the negatives it pushed onto others.

Every one of these people was had too much anxiety to go out and ordered in everything shifted their risk onto the delivery service industry.

Every one of these people who decided only to order food online destroyed the independent restaurant industry that did not already have online menus and deals with GrubHub or others.

These people benefitted from COVID being the single greatest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich since the end of feudalism.  COVID un-democratized our economy in ways we can hardly begin to understand.

These people want to wear sweat pants and slippers for the rest of their lives and so helped push a system that puts all the risk on the lowest paid and most overworked of people.

“I want to wear comfy socks all day so I’ll have my servants do everything for me from now on.”

If you want to know why they are continuing to push doom and gloom even in the face of mass vaccination, this is why.  They have the money to afford a vast servant class that keeps from having to do the things they don’t want to do and they want to keep that system in place for as long as possible.

Representative Al Green is so fearless!

U.S. Rep. Al Green, D-Houston, refuses to be intimidated by domestic terrorists. Even though the House of Representatives canceled its scheduled votes following a credible threat against the U.S. Capitol, Green, the U.S. representative for Texas’ District 9, vowed to remain on the steps of the Capitol building.

‘I won’t be intimidated’: U.S. Rep Al Green remains on Capitol steps amid threats of violence to Congress

Posing like he was some MLK incarnation while hiding behind the camouflage skirts of the National Guard behind fencing and razor wire to protest about imaginary threats?

I cannot be this much of a hypocrite. If I tried to pull something like this, the spirit of my mom would appear before me, chancleta in hand and beat me around the head till some sense of decency is once again inserted among brain cells.  And then dad’s spirit would take over and that would not be a nice outcome.


Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Punishment-Free Shoplifting in SF Closes Walgreens’ Stores.

Yet another Walgreens will shut its doors permanently this month.

The store at the corner of Bush and Larkin streets posted signs in its windows last week announcing the closure, which will happen March 17.

But community members are so concerned about the closure, they’ve started an online petition hoping to stop it. The petition had 179 signatures as of publication and emphasizes the importance of the location to senior residents. The location where prescription records will be transferred, 1524 Polk St., is not accessible to people with disabilities, the petition says, and is up a hill.

10th Walgreens to close since 2019 in San Francisco

In case you may have forgotten, in the “progressive” state of California, theft under $950 is a non-violent misdemeanor and the DA’s will not even bother to prosecute and the cop therefore won’t even bother to arrest. It is the perfect crime sanctioned by the State. And according to the article, with at least one store losing $1,000 a day to theft before shutting down, you are talking about loses that cannot be and will not be covered by insurance.

And this is a Big Pharma corporation. Imagine what has happened to the Mom and Pop stores. If not raped by the Governor Newsome’s pandemic shutdown, they are being demolished by the “good intentions” of legislative morons intent on use the community and their personal lab for social experimentation.

And the sad part is I can’t feel empathy for those suffering the consequences. They kept voting for the same morons and now they are so entrenched in their positions of power, they cannot be removed and rig the game to remain in power.

Hat Tip Robr

The Capital guard duty will never end

From Stars and Stripes:

National Guard troops to receive ribbons for protecting nation’s capital

National Guard troops who deployed to the nation’s capital to provide security following the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol Building will be awarded local service ribbons, a defense official said Friday.

The District of Columbia National Guard plans to award at least one of two ribbons to all soldiers and airmen who supported the security mission before, during and after the 59th presidential inauguration in recognition of their service, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert Carver, the spokesman for the Virginia Air National Guard and the director of the Joint Task Force- District of Columbia’s Joint Information Center, said in a statement.

The two ribbons that National Guard troops could receive are the District of Columbia National Guard Presidential Inauguration Support Ribbon or the District of Columbia Emergency Service Ribbon, according to Carver. The inauguration ribbon is also a new decoration, he said.

Here are the ribbons:

What did the Guard protect the Capitol from?

What actual threat now exists?

The biggest threat to them isn’t an armed MAGA militia but government contractors providing undercooked chicken.

This is a token for being the Democrats’ prop in DC.

Worse is if this becomes a political badge like an Order of Lenin.  Every politician in uniform wants one to prove fealty to the Democrats.

This should have been over in a weekend.

Now its a permanent deployment with its own service medal.

This shit will never end.