Month: March 2021

Swalwell almost figures out the purpose of gun rights but missed the point

Congressman Eric “I stuck my dick in a CCP honeypot and farted on live TV” Swalwell is suing Trump and several Republicans in Congress because the Capitol storming made him scared.

From his complaint is this gem:

224. Plaintiff Eric Swalwell was inside the Capitol complex at all relevant times and was in the House chamber attempting to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election  when the violent mob breached the Capitol. The Plaintiff heard the mob pound on the chamber doors and smash glass in an effort to get inside. He watched as Capitol Police officers drew  their weapons, barricaded entrances, and ordered the Plaintiff and other members of Congress to seek shelter, put on gas masks, and take cover in case there was gunfire. The Plaintiff prepared  himself for possible hand-to-hand combat as he took off his jacket and tie and searched for  makeshift instruments of self-defense. He listened in shock as the House Chaplain—a veteran of war herself—began praying for the members from the Rostrum.

225. As the Plaintiff watched this horror unfold, he texted with his wife in what he felt could be his last moments, telling her “I love you very much. And our babies.”

226. As a result of this, the Plaintiff suffered severe emotional distress.

Real tough guy…

So, he honestly thought that we would be in a fight for his life against thousands of people storming the Capitol and he’s getting ready to take them on like Jean Claude Van Damme while the Capitol police are no where to be found.

If I were in the position I’d be behind my government issued desk, tipped on its back, with a gun trained on my office door about to introduce rioters to the concept of the fatal funnel.  Plug the door to my office with insurgent corpses like the gates of thermopylae.

This is exactly what gun rights are for, to protect the individual from overwhelming force.

But Swalwell is such a thick headed ideologue that this thought would never cross his mind.

Instead he tries to sound like a tough guy and it comes off as pathetic.


This is why The Bezos supports Woke cancel culture

This will make it impossible to operate a retail store.

No one will want to work in customer service if this is what gets you fired and canceled.

This helps internet retail because right now having a box dropped on your front step in a non-contact delivery isn’t racist.

As Miguel says, que bueno?


The Army’s stand down is as bad as you can imagine

The point is clearly to destroy the military.

Eliminate camaraderie and esprit de corps and replace it with suspicion and resentment.

The point is no longer to win wars.  We will have the CIA drone strike as necessary.

The military will be a political corps used against American citizens.

We don’t need camaraderie for that.  We need an army of grown up Child Heroes trained to rat out people for thought crime.

It seems thats what the military is going for.


The Gun Writer’s old site Memory-Holed by newspaper company Gannet

Gonna copy/paste the whole thing from Lee Williams:

Gannett just killed my old website: and its entire archive.

Gone are eight years worth of stories, photos, videos and other gun-related content.

For a media company that claims it values local journalism, this is unconscionable.

They didn’t even let me know — no emails or phone calls. They just took it down.

To be clear, they can’t touch my new website — — but the loss of eight years worth of hard work is difficult to accept, especially since there were folks featured in the stories who are no longer with us.

Also, and for me this is the worst, there were a lot of stories and profiles of veterans. I never knew Gannett had such disdain for this country’s veterans.

The decision was made by Maribel Perez Wadsworth, President of the USA TODAY Network and Publisher of USA TODAY at Gannett.

If you would like to send an email to Maribel and share your thoughts, click here.

If that link doesn’t work, her email is:

As always, thanks for your time.


Gannett killed my old website, its archive and eight years of gun-related content – The Gun Writer (

Their goal is to erase us both from real life and be nothing but memory dust.

The Internet never forget…neither do we.