Month: March 2021

Without Remorse in movie version.

One of the best Tom Clancy books is Without Remorse. In fact, it is the best of the non-Jack-Ryan books hands down with Red Storm Rising coming a close second.

Tom Clancy ended up hating Hollywood for what they did to his books. I think he had only a 3 book deal and refused to give in anymore while he was alive because Tinsel Town simply fouled them up.

And with this one, he would be right once again.

From what I see in this preview, they decided to do a Black Punisher movie but hiding it behind a Tom Clancy character. I would have not minded making John Kelly black if they at least had the decency of following the original story, even with some modernization.

But no. Let’s make a Black Action movie because we need one but we do not have the brains to do it right,

More stupidity in the USPS saga.

I needed to send a package to a friend of mine, but I did not have one of them priority boxes with me. Once upon a time, the mail man would carry some supplies for the public in his vehicle, but it seems that is no longer allowed. You can order them online to have the mail man (or in my case, mail lady) or foot your butt to the post office and get some yourself. I like my regular mail lady too much, so yesterday afternoon I went to the post office (sans gun but not unarmed) got the boxes and returned home.

I made the mailing label, paid online but it would not give me the PDF to print. The package appeared, had a tracking number and everything, but the site refused to show it to me. Just in case it was a booboo in the payment, I started from zero, made another label, paid and voila! The PDF appeared….and a double charge. So I had to demand a refund for the double payment and went ahead and scheduled a pick up for today at home.

At 9:03 AM, I get an email from USPS announcing that my package was successfully picked up!

Only one problem: I was staring at it because it was on my desk still. Effing kid you not.

I spent the morning doing stuff and waiting to see if anybody showed up. My mail lady usually delivers mail between 11:00 and 11:30 every morning, but she did not show up at the usual time. My idea was to just walk over her vehicle and drop the box with her as she filled the boxes with the regular mail. So right after lunch, I decided once again to make the trip to the post office, park really quick, drop the box in the package drum slot and come back home, (Yes, again without a gun) No sweat, right? Ha! all the slots for packages were locked for some reason and I had to go and wait in line to deliver the package in the hands of one of the behind-the-counter employees. I was already chewing nails and ready to express some unkind thoughts, but luck had it I was taken care by one of the sweetest young ladies ever who works in that facility. I am an asshole, but not that much, I simply can unload on a nice person because she happens to be downrange.

Deed done, I drive home, get there at around 12:30ish and guess what?

Not-my-regular Mail lady was at the boxes. I have no idea if she dropped by already or not and really do not care.

Burn the whole thing to the ground and rebuild it the way it is supposed to be.

This should be a lesson to the Left but they won’t listen

If you missed the news, Leftist jumped on a conspiracy theory that the Republicans were admitting to being Nazis with a wink and a nod because the stage at CPAC was an Odal Rune associated with the SS.

It wasn’t.


The most important lesson from dekulakization, the struggle sessions, or Che’s firing squads is that the Left never stops canceling once they purged the Right.  They will also purge the middle and non-radical Left.

It’s beyond time for the non-crazy left to fight back against cancel culture.

This should be a lesson to all of them.

Unfortunately, given yesterday’s news about Dr. Seuss, they won’t listen to it.


And then there was this dumb guy in Twitter

Texas’ Governor Abbot announced that he is dropping the State mask wearing mandate and opens the state 100%. As you can imagine and same as with Florida’s soft-opening,  Social media has been inundated with predictions of death,

And then, there are the “warriors” who will “stand” to the Governor about masks. Like this guy:


Bubs, you do not seem to understand the concept of the Gonzales Flag. The governor is not taking your mask away. In fact, you can keep wearing the face diaper as long as you want. He evens allows business to keep implementing the mask requirements on their own thus respecting private property, something Liberals always have issues with.

And you have to love the idea that his wearing of a mask is the valor-equivalent of facing Nazi troops in combat. He is a self-deluded hero who wears a big ass “S” on his chest that stands for Stupid.

Maybe we can get DeSantis to allow 100% breathing in Florida and enjoy the show of idiots holding their breath in protest.

The real reason Dr. Seuss was canceled

Make no mistake, it was just those six Dr. Seuss books that are no longer being published. Dr. Seuss is being canceled.  That is gone this goes, first those books, then the rest of his bibliography, then Dr. Seuss himself.

It will be a difficult purge but it will happen.

It started with the denial of Dr. Seuss during the announcement of Read Across America on Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

Why are they doing this?

Because children love Dr. Seuss.

Last night they wanted me to read One Fish Two Fish  Red Fish Blue Fish.  It had nothing to do with the news, they just wanted it.

That is the problem.

I looked at the Nation Education Association’s recommended reading list. It is a woke nightmare.

Top of the list is a story about a cross-dressing prince, then a trans boy who wants to be a mermaid, a biography of a child SJW activist, a book by the father of a soldier who used his son’s death to attack Donald Trump as a racist, a hagiography of an unaccompanied undocumented immigrant child, and countless books on how America is systemically racist and discriminatory.

The point of all of this is the elimination of books kids want to read.

All that will be left if woke drivel that pushes their agenda.

We are becoming the Soviet Union under Stalin or China under Mao.  The only literature that will be available to kids will be propaganda.

Once they unperson Dr. Seuss, they can eliminate the rest of the canon of enjoyable children’s literature.