Month: March 2021

Remember, it started with Confederate statues

We let them get away with that, now they are doing this:

Never, ever, ever give the Left an inch.  They will frog march you the mile to the killing fields where they shoot you in the back of the head.

I think I should direct people to a previous post I wrote about his WWII political cartoons where he was critical of Antisemitism, racism, and discrimination.

Just to illustrate the character of Dr. Suess.

All you needed to know about the Kung Flu Power Grab in one headline

Yes, it is a real headline from the New York Times A Taco Stand.

It was never about keeping people safe. It was never about finding a cure. It was about the exercise of power of the People.

Cuomo seems to be on his way out and I would not mind seeing Dr. Fauci raked over legal coals.

If Trump had one major fault was to trust people left over from the past administration had the best interests of the people at heart and trusted them with their ideas. But scorpions will never change their nature.

Biden has been President for 40 days

Gas prices edge closer to $3 a gallon, hit highest level since pandemic began

The average price of gasoline continued to rise last week, climbing 7.5 cents per gallon to $2.72, according to GasBuddy data. That’s the highest level the company has tracked since the pandemic began.

The national average price of diesel jumped 9.2 cents in the last week and stands at $2.93 per gallon.

“Gas prices continued to surge last week following cold-weather-related shutdowns in Texas, but … the impact from the cold has likely run its course. However, several other factors will rise in their influence on gas prices again, including the fact that gasoline demand continues…,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis for GasBuddy.

“On the supply side, the number of oil rigs active in the U.S. stands nearly 50% lower than a year ago, which is a large factor driving prices up. To put it simply, demand is recovering much, much faster than oil production levels, which is why oil prices have soared. This week, OPEC will be meeting to hopefully increase oil production to temper the rise in prices, but will they increase oil production enough to match the growing appetite of a global economy that’s seen oil demand jump?” said De Haan.

And we’re going to get fucked by OPEC.

Biden has been President for 40 days and we’ve gained a whole dollar on a gallon of gas.

How much worse do you think it will get?

Victor Davis Hanson on the Leftward slide of the military

This video is a segment of audio from a podcast interviewing the great Victor Davis Hanson.

One topic he touches on is the Leftward slide of the military and how the Left took it over.

I would go a bit further than he and say that in the modern era, the Left uses the military the way European families had for centuries.  As a tool for getting close to the throne.

With the concentration of power in DC, joining the military as an officer, especially in a non-direct combat role, a young and ambitious Leftist can use the military to make contacts within the DC elite/military-industrial complex circle to advance themselves.

Being a military officer is not modeled on being a Pershing or a Patton, it’s about grifting into politics or corporate boards.

And yes, the USPS Parking Lot is a Gun Free Zone.

And federal to boot. My brain has been tickling me about this lately after I think I read somebody making the comment in the forum.

Both parties appealed to the 10th Circuit: USPS on the parking lot decision and Bonidy on the Post Office building section. Circuit Judges David M. Ebel and Gregory A. Phillips of the 10th Circuit ruled for USPS in both cases:

We… conclude that the regulation is constitutional as to all USPS property at issue in this case, including the Avon Post Office parking lot, Alternatively, even if we were to conclude that the parking lot did not qualify as a “government building,” we would uphold this regulation as constitutional as applied to the parking lot under independent intermediate scrutiny.

Post Office Parking Lots: It Won’t Be A Merry Christmas If You’re In Jail

We living in big cities have an “advantage” as usually Postal facilities are stand-alone places and it is easy to define what is their parking lot. But in the country side where maybe a General Store is also the post office? Suddenly Mamma’s Bai, Tackle And Beer dirt strip in front of it is a GFZ because she gets the town’s mail.

Now that we know, plan accordingly.