Month: March 2021

Anyone dumb enough to give up essential liberties for TikTok likes deserves neither

This Tweet:

Um… no.

As you can imagine, she doesn’t like or have respect for gun owners.

Small penis jokes.

This woman is supposedly a comedian, her lack of original or funny thoughts explains the terrible state of today’s comedy.

Anyone who would do this doesn’t deserve to have a gun in the first place, but watch how the media will present anyone who does this as a “good/responsible gun owner.”


Any they didn’t shoot them down because…?

Mystery drones hovered over Navy destroyers off California, report says
The drones were many miles from the mainland and were able to stay aloft more than 90 minutes, longer than commercially available drones.

Several drones repeatedly swarmed Navy destroyers off the California coast in July 2019, and it remains unclear who was behind the brazen nighttime flights, according to a report on the website The Drive, quoting ship logs.

As many as six drones flew around the warships at a time in often low-visibility conditions near Southern California’s Channel Islands over a number of days, with the drones flashing lights and prompting security precautions onboard, according to the report.

Excuse my ignorance but isn’t that the perfect time for the CWIS to go “Brrrrrrt.”

Why are we letting unknown drones buzz our ships at sea?

This should be an absolute no-no.

The next time this happens, put them in the drink with the 20mm and do a forensic analysis of the wreckage to determine who sent them.

Then do a forensic analysis to see who excised the brains and balls from our Navy.

Florida Legislature 2021: HB 259 Church Carry goes on the Floor today

At 2 PM goes to the full vote of the House.

And no, I don’t need to hear about we could be doing much more or why are not we voting for Constitutional Carry or anything else. That has been the kind of attitude that has netted us ZERO pro gun bills in the last 4 years.

An avalanche starts with a small displacement of snow. We have this and possibly 2 more small bills that are a benefit for us. Let’s get stuff passed. Let’s show the Legislators we are still a presence in this state.

If you have not emailed ALL the reps, you can do it now.

Some stuff from from the Military’s extremism training

This is all stuff that has been leaked or told second-hand on the internet from the Military’s extremism stand down.

I will take it at face value for now.

This is the email from the Tweet:


A picture from one of the training sessions:


Right there we see the Oath Keepers logo.

This conversation on Twitter:


I cannot verify any of this, but (as I said above) if taken at face value this is highly partisan with extremism being narrowly defined as groups that align with the support of Trump.

I will continue to keep my eyes out for more of it as it surfaces.

The hate against DeSantis has reached the stupid level. (UPDATE)

I don’t know if they are low information voters or high levels idiots or both. It does not matter that Florida having a bigger population and more positives for the virus, it has had almost 20 thousand less deaths than NYS.

As of yesterday, 25% of Floridians have been vaccinated at least once.

Our economy has suffered, but has not been trashed, Schools are up and running and if it wasn’t for the damned mask, you could not tell we are living in end-of-times by the way people are moving around and doing normal things out there.

If these imbeciles really hate the way things are being run in Florida, I am sure UHaul has excellent prices to move to New York.  Not the same for a move from NY to the Sunshine state since there is high demand for their equipment.

Ain’t that something?

PS: Damn it, I almost forgot. One governor is being investigated for sexual harassment an it ain’t Ron.

UPDATE: Seriously, Cuomo is the perfect choice for Liberals and their hypocrisy

Cuomo directed NY health officials to prioritize COVID-19 testing for his relatives: Report | Fox News


This is f**king bad… the big luau might be starting soon

From Forbes:

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear oral argument in Caniglia v. Strom, a case that could have sweeping consequences for policing, due process, and mental health, with the Biden Administration and attorneys general from nine states urging the High Court to uphold warrantless gun confiscation.

But in its first amicus brief before the High Court, the Biden Administration glossed over these concerns and called on the justices to uphold the First Circuit’s ruling. Noting that “the ultimate touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is ‘reasonableness,’” the Justice Department argued that warrants should not be “presumptively required when a government official’s action is objectively grounded in a non-investigatory public interest, such as health or safety.”

“The ultimate question in this case is therefore not whether the respondent officers’ actions fit within some narrow warrant exception,” their brief stated, “but instead whether those actions were reasonable,” actions the Justice Department felt were “justified” in Caniglia’s case.

Basically, given the context of the case, the idea is that the police should be able to confiscate guns without a warrant if they think it’s reasonable for community caretaking.

Given the slippery slope and Democrat prejudices, the Biden DOJ could argue that any citizen should be able to have his AR-15 taken without a warrant if it’s good for the community.

With the way the Left criticized white men following the Boulder shooting, the Left could argue it’s good caretaking of the public to strip this group in particular and all AR-15 owners in general of their  guns.

This is the decision they would need to enact door to door confiscation, not just destroying the Second Amendment but the Fourth as well.

They are laying the ground work for bad things with the case.  We need Trump’s SCOTUS picks to go to bat for civil rights, now more than ever.

9th Circus goes after concealed carry. This might go to SCOTUS

Of course the 9th Circuit Court, aka the 9th Circus voted against concealed carry.

Here’s the problem, the 7th Circuit came to the opposite conclusion in Moore v. Madigan.

We have two Circuit Court decisions in conflict.

I think SCOTUS might have to get involved in this.

Without a doubt Roberts will vote against concealed carry, I just hope that Trump threw the court far enough to make the Court recognize concealed carry as a Constitutional right.