Month: May 2021

Why we do not trust the Media. Sun Sentinel and Michael Hernandez

A tweet curtesy of the Sun Sentinel.

This was a sensational case back in 2004. The little shit got a school buddy into a bathroom and knifed the kid to death. Much to the screeching of local liberals, Hernandez who was 14 at the time, go tried as an adult and convicted to Life in Prison.

The walking idiots who just glance at the tweet and have no idea when this happened will probably be horrified that such a poor young fella died in a state prison. Of course, the Sun Sentinel could do what even the poop-catcher Miami Herald and other outlets did and publish a much later photo of the convicted murderer.

Or even the last one in record according to the Department of Corrections:

I am sure soon there will be an editorial blaming DeSantis or Trump for all this.

Another triumph of Socialism in Venezuela.

If you are wondering what is WFP, here is their Twitter info:

I remember in school helping pack boxes with canned goods to send to the Biafra conflict and then later also helping to send food and clothing to Peru and Nicaragua after horrible earthquakes devastated them. Anywhere people suffered and needed food, Venezuela always shared its wealth without delay or questioning.

Now Venezuela is the devastated country in need of international help to combat starvation and save children thanks to Socialism. Remember when I predicted Venezuela was going to be the Somalia  of Latin America?   They even have pirates too.

Do you know why these people in Austin are waving the communist flag with pride and energy? Because their bellies are full.

If there are to be warring clans, I expect they get to target Chavistas and do to them what they have done to the Country and its people.  There are plenty of light posts in Caracas in need of the proper decorations.

Moving Woes: You need time, lots of it.

If there is something to be grateful about our situation is that we had a lot of advance and we could start planning on how to tackle the moving your belongings or what George Carlin defined as ” your pile of stuff.”

Warning, whatever you plan and think you have set with the precision of a swiss watch, will not stand but a week.  Just deciding the pros and cons of which way we were going to move our stuff took us 2 weeks to decide, about a dozen Youtube videos and finally a talk with a customer rep who settle my fears about taking the  pile of stuff I wanted to take with less restrictions than anybody else (They did frown on cars and corpses for some reason).  Deciding what goes, what gets donated and what goes to the dump? Hell, we have been fighting that one since day one and still are making last minute changes. More on that on a future post.

One of the things we were going to do this year was some serious internal renovations. One room was all done and was to be my wife’s “she-shed” with minefield included so I wouldn’t go in, but instead it has become the mock up container: If the pile stuff we want fits in there, it will fit in the happy travel box which has its dimensions properly explained in the company’s website.  The Customer service Rep was surprised when I gave him dimensions and volume of objects we have so far and helped him help us with the selection of happy travel box.

Your millage will vary, but the best pricing on moving supplies was amazingly from Home Depot. And here comes another admonition: Stick to the boxes they sell and do not go hunting for thrown shit in the back of supermarkets. Standardized sizes will fit in the happy travel box much easier and without a waste of space.  If you have experience playing Tetris, it will be even better for packing stuff in the boxes and then placing the boxes in and orderly fashion.  My wife is in awe at how I can pack 75 odd shaped objects in Home Depot Medium box, stuffing included.

IMPORTANT TIP: Keep a log of every single item in every single box. The moment you say “We won’t need this before we go” you can rest assured you will 5 days later, and you better remember which box has it or have it logged to avoid the missus hating you even more.

There is always a magic object that will save your day and in my case it has been the plastic shrink wrap. Enough of that crap will keep a box from bursting out when you have already stuffed it with vacuum-packed garments and find too late a couple of bags had leaks. And be generous with is usage.

Back to planning: we initially thought about leaving and begin our travel north when the house was sold and the company came to pick up the happy travel box, but that also died. We were going to have the inside of the house fully painted but the Real State Agent strongly suggested to have all floors (all tile) and bathrooms professionally steamed clean after that. That means an empty house will be the cheapest and fastest way to get both done and also means we will have to leave the house but not leaving just yet. And I am sure you understand what that means for my sleeping cycle.

The only piece of good news is that thanks to the pandemic, all the real state signings can be done remotely which means we can begin travels as soon as the house is ready for viewing and finalize the transactions  via Zoom and other electronic ways.

Does it feel I am kinda all over the place? You betcha! But if you have moved before, you understand.


Answers to some questions

I am leaving the government contract defense world for private sector consulting.

The job I have held for the last year has been nice to me, but I am tired of “live by the contract, die by the contract.”  Writing SBIRs and funding proposals and getting one approved out of every 10 or 15 submitted.

I’ve come to discover that the world of government contracts is more “who you know” than “what you know.”

I’ve seen some contractors get big-money contracts, then subcontract the whole thing out because they can’t do the job but knew the brass handing out the money.

If you know the players and have the connections, life is cheddar.  My boss did his 20 for a big-name outfit then went out on his own.  I’m new to this world so don’t have any connections.  I’ll either have to put in the next 20 years making them just to start making real money as I near retirement, or I’ll spend the rest of my life as a cog in someone else’s money printer.

I have connections in the private sector world and can build myself a reputation there.

In addition, given all the political shaking up going on right now, not being a contractor has its perks.  I know more than a few people who are starting to get antsy about if or when the government decides to do its ideological purge of the contracting world.  This administration is stupid enough to do that.

I’m moving to North Carolina.

I’m still pursuing my second master’s degree.  I eventually figure out how to use it.

I took my last exam tonight.  I think I did alright on it.

I’m pretty sure I aced Shockwaves in Solids.  It’s just dynamic materials science and materials science is intuitive to me.

Shockwaves in Air was a little tougher.  All my previous fluids experience was as a chemical engineer and it was all highly viscous shit in pipes.  When they train you to pump crude oil around a refinery, it’s very different physics than determining the velocity of a Mach stem when you set off an airburst charge of TNT so many meters above the ground.

I’m not taking classes over the summer but I am moving, so I just traded one difficulty for another.

This is just the next adventure in life.

To Miguel:

I’m going to be disappointed if you don’t see me once in Huntsville before I move.  I assume you’re going to have to do one house hunting trip before you relocate.  If you drive up from Miami to Nashville, you need to stop by.

If I were the Governor of Texas I’d order the TxANG to bomb Austin

These people are carrying Hammer and Sickle flags and posters or Marx, Stalin, and Mao.

If I were the Governor of Texas on Saturday, I would have seceded from the Union and ordered the TxANG to napalm the rally.

Fuck freedom of speech.

Sorry, don’t care.

People who advocate for a system of government that repressed human rights and murdered 100 million people in the 20th century can and should die in a fire.

Woke CIA is the worst CIA

The CIA has always been borderline evil, but truth be told it’s a rough world out there and we need an organization to do some real underhanded goon type shit out there on our behalf.

If saving American lives meant smuggling some Soviet officer across the iron curtain and covering up his war crimes, destabilizing some Communist South American nation, or applying electrodes to some terrorist’s testicles, that’s the cost of doing business.

The evil that I never expected from the CIA was for it to go Woke.

What the fuck is this shit?

Even going American’s LSD to try and turn them into brainwashed spies was not as bad as this.

We are going to lose all of our strategic and tactical intelligence around the world because we’re cheering on some “girl boss” over identity politics.
