I take it all back, I’m glad the Army is going to be filled with UC women’s studies majors
For Fiscal Year 2020 the Department of Defense's budget authority is approximately $721,531,000,000.
Your collection of ar 15s will not stop that if our government turned on us. Pick a different line to defend the need for weapons of war in civilian hands.
— Eric Garcia (@EricG1247) May 27, 2021
Tell me again how highly motivated irregular armed people on their home turf are not an effective fighting force against a technologically superior invading army?
He should know, he’s a Marine. I’ll point put that fact makes this Tweet even more egregious. Garcia is another Leftist veteran who hates our civil rights and wants the military to stomp civilians.
I’m glad the military is going Woke.
I’m pretty sure the civilian Trump voters who shoot IDPA, USPSA, and 3-Gun are more capable than Corporal Two-Moms who undoubtedly supports gun control and hasn’t fired a weapon since basic training.
I’d bet on any Midwestern deer hunter, let alone an actual long range shooter, over some PFC who has spent more time in US military doing racial sensitivity training than at the firing range
Does Eric Garcia have and idea how many guys like that spend a day at the range then come home and clean their guns while watching Red Dawn and yelling “WOLVERINES!!!” at the TV?
At least if Garcia gets elected and turns the military against the people, they will be easy to defeat.