Month: June 2021

Dad shoots ‘peeping Tom’ in Texas

Several readers sent me this story.

A Texas father took action with his licensed firearm over the weekend after allegedly catching a man peeping at his young daughter through her bedroom window and fondling himself.

What happened?
The father, along with his wife, reportedly confronted an intoxicated man who was inappropriately touching himself outside their 10-year-old daughter’s window late Sunday night, according to KTRK-TV
The child spotted the man first and screamed, alerting her parents to the situation.

Dad shoots ‘peeping Tom’ after allegedly catching creep staring at his young daughter through her bedroom window – TheBlaze

(IANAL interpretation follows)

Disgusting? Yes. Deserving of a good butt whipping? Also yes and add fire ants to the honey-covered genitals while at it.  But shooting the guy specially when you helped precipitate the event?

The father reportedly told Harris County Sheriff’s deputies that he and his wife instructed the man to lie down in the grass and wait for police to arrive, but the suspect didn’t listen. Instead, he fled across the street to a Valero gas station, and the couple followed him.
At the gas station, the father recalled to KTRK that while he went inside to ask the attendant to call the police, his wife held the suspect at gunpoint.
The suspect, however, was able to wrestle with the mother and take her gun away. The father said he exited the gas station to find the man pointing a gun at his wife — and that’s when he opened fire, striking the man three times.

Texas being Texas, I have no idea how the D.A, will act, but I would not be surprised if some sort of charges are brought against the parents. I understand the feeling and hope they don get charged.

As for the rest of us, I believe pepper spraying the family jewels and then calling the cops is a sound resolution.

Cops: “Where is the suspect?”
Homeowner: “Follow the screams of pain.”



Giving criminals a fair chance ?

Two squad cars in Madison’s South Police District will be patrolling with their blue and red lights activated — but no sirens — during certain, unannounced nighttime periods as part of a broader, summerlong plan to reduce crime and better connect with residents.
District Capt. Mike Hanson said in a Tuesday afternoon blog post that “the intent is to reassure residents that police are present in their neighborhoods and to warn those with criminal intent that we are in the area and will continue to be in the area.”

Some south Madison police to patrol at night with squad lights on | Crime |

I am sure that criminals, seeing the bubble gum lights flashing, will have a change of heart, quit their evil ways and go to church to pray for forgiveness and mend their ways.

Or they will just wait for the cops to go away and attack the unsuspected victim who is feeling safe because the cop car just went by and that means nothing bad will happen.

Florida Legislature: CS/CS/HB 259 – Safety of Religious Institutions signed by the Governor!

I was getting nervy

Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Ninety-Four Bills

Here is the text.

And with that, I am closing the Florida Legislature section of the blog.  If a fellow Florida Gun Blogger wants to pick up the slack, I’ll give him/her the few resources I have and whatever pointers I can pass. It is a good thing that most legislative stuff is now “automated” and an email away from you.

The future fights will be centered in removing the restrictions imposed after Parkland and going after Constitutional Carry. And in a very unpopular opinion, go for Open Carry of sidearms if we can get it so we can go fully OC down the road.  Incrementalism works!

 “If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.”

Now I have to figure all things Tennessee Legislature and Gun Rights. Already been warned I may develop a bout of agita.