Month: July 2021

Where the **** is Michael Moore and the defenders of the Cuban Health Care?

I know I have been disconnected from the usual news sources, but even here in the semi-boonies of Tennessee, the silence from the left and specially the fat ass champion of Fidel’s Socialized Medicine is deafening. They created this super “deadly” pandemic, the monster that could not be left unchecked and suddenly they have people screaming for their lives because a shitty Health System could not even deal with a façade of urgency.

Where are you Michael Moore? No money to be made in a documentary about the Cuban Government’s violent use of guns in response to a failing Socialized Health Care system?

And to the Cubans in the Island: You have machetes, use them to get weapons’ upgrades.

Positivity from Surfside that the media won’t show


I hope a lot of guns get lost on fishing accidents in the Florida straits

Biden and Harris are conspicuously silent.

I don’t doubt they support the Cuban regime.

My hope is that a lot of American guns get lost in the Florida straits by Cuban-Americans going fishing.

Nothing would make me happier than to see Communist thugs get slotted by freedom loving Cubans who find ARs washed ashore from fishing accidents.


This is how foreigners really see America

If pictures are worth a thousand words, this Tweet is a treatise against America’s Leftist elite.

The Leftist elite love to tell the rest of us just how embarrassed the rest of the world is of us and we should aspire to be more like the other wealthy Progressive nations of the world.

Out elite celebrities, athletes, academics, and talking heads tell us how the American flag is a symbol of racism and systemic oppression.

But when actual oppressed people are being crushed under the boot hell of despots, what country do they appeal to for help and what flag do they wave as a symbol of freedom?

Old Glory.

The Stars and Stripes.

The Star-Spangled Banner.

The American Flag.

We are only an embarrassment to foreign Progressive elites who hate freedom and long for control.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

I would be happy to trade every Cuban waiving and American flag, chanting “libertad” for every Leftist who Tweeted anti-American bullshit on the 4th of July.

Cuba is only 90 miles away.  It’s a short flight.  And to save time we can just toss the American Leftists out of the plane during the decent approach so it’s empty and ready for new passengers when it lands.

“You poor deluded Black Folks, we are White, we are Antifa and know better.”

And then this:

This was in Oakland, I believe the most dangerous location in California. The Mayor is a lefty SJW weakling that has the police hands tied to the back and the gangs have taken over pretty much whatever they did not own already in the streets. Seeing gang members OC is not uncommon and shows the level of IDGAF they have for what passed for Law and Order down there. Antifa is officially supporting this gangs with their actions because it is convenient for them politically and if minorities need to get hurt in the process: Eggs & omelets as Tovarisch Stalin mentioned once.

I give the demonstrators a lot of points for patience. These idiots should have been dumped in the water unceremoniously, preferably with a car battery attached to their necks.