Month: October 2021

No mean Tweets but Biden endorses stalking women in bathrooms

This is as pro-harassing women in bathrooms as Biden could get and still get away with it.

A real leader as President would put his foot down and sat that’s entirely unacceptable.

Biden is not a real leader, and has probably followed a few women into bathrooms himself.

This is atrocious.  Much worse than mean tweets.  I hope the normies are happy that the President has put activists going after women in public restrooms on the table.

I’m curious…

A buddy of mine sent me this:


What would happen if you bought this and mounted a bump stock and oil filter solvent trap to it?


A still with a bump stock, oil filter solvent trap, full of Fruit Loops flavored vape juice and menthol cigarettes.

It summons the ghost of Janet Reno to burn your house down and Lon Horiuchi to shoot anybody who makes it out.

The bottom is about to fall out

The family went grocery shopping on Saturday.

Food was abundant, albeit more expensive than in the past, it was the other consumables that we had a hard time finding.  Things like shampoo, body wash, mouth wash, cleaning supplies, foot spray, OTC drugs, were low, especially the store brand generics.

Today I went to Walmart at lunch and it took was low on a lot of non-food supplies.

Some specialty food items like Gatorade/sports drinks have been low or empty for weeks.

I haven’t seen store shelves this picked clean since the early lockdown days of COVID over a year ago.

This time is different.

In Red states, the lockdowns are essentially over.  Everyone who wants the vaccine has gotten it and everyone has chosen to risk it.

Manufacturing, transportation, and distribution should be back into near-full swing.  The economy should be recovering fast.

Instead, it looks like we’ve rolled the clock back 18 months and we’re about to get fucked.

I think the bottom is about to out of the market and it’s going to be a disaster.

I hope Senator Sinena has her AZ CCW and is prepared to use it

There is nothing a Leftist hates more than another Leftist who breaks ranks.

They followed her into a bathroom.

This is way beyond the pale of acceptable protester behavior.

I hope she is prepared to defend herself because and group willing to accost a woman in a bathroom is capable of anything.

I don’t care what sort political theater this is supposed to be but it’s got me oiling guns and loading mags

I guess this is supposed to be a Leftist retort to the Texas heartbeat law, but I fail to see how attacking men in Pennsylvania does anything to advance abortion rights in Texas.

Moreover, I’m not sure how a ban or abortion equates to compulsory sterilization.

What do do know is that any time a politician talks about compulsory surgical sterilization every hackle in my body goes up and my trigger finger starts burning.

Compulsory sterilization has long been a weapon of Progressive tyrants against the undesirables, from Nazi sterilization of the Jews to American Progressive eugenicists.

This isn’t funny and it’s not an empty threat.

It’s cruel and unusual violence and will be responded to as such.