Month: October 2021

This needs to be in all 50 states and make it permanent.

Just saw this and it has my full support:

Click to enlarge.

Hell, anything safety should be Tax Free (OK, everything should be tax free, but will discuss that at a later date) because I am tired of being told I need to be responsible with my firearms, but I don’t get the break other “approved” groups get.

I am not asking for state or federal grants to buy a Liberty Safe Presidential 50, but a simple tax break for a steel cabinet? Yes, very much so I will take.

I see that this break comes with an expiration date. Let’s see what is going to be done about it by the State Gun Right groups.


Countless people will suffer and die needlessly, but as long as it’s not from COVID nobody cares

This is absolutely a hill worth killing and dying on.

Everything in life is a risk/reward balance.

According to the government the risk of a non-vaccinated doctor or nurse giving a patient COVID and causing a severe negative reaction or death is worse than the risk of delaying the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, heart problems, disabiling joint disease, endocrine problems, and a myriad of other progressive diseases by bottlenecking access to medical care.

I don’t know who did that math but it’s wrong and evil.

I said before, I have a friend whose wife found a lump and was delayed treatment for the better part of a year because of the lockdowns. By the time she got in to see a doctor her cancer has spread and she nearly died.

If my wife found a lump or one of my children started to get sick and I was told “it’s going to be several months until we can see you because we laid off a whole bunch of staff over the vaccine mandate,” well…

California Correctional Officers mandated to vaccinate.

That in itself is not strange since the local governments are willing to kill sick people by firing unvaccinated medical personnel.  But what caught my attention is that vaccination appears to be optional for the inmates.

Mind you: Even this judge must have thought about the futility of ordering the forced vaccination of incarcerated criminals because they will simply say “Fuck You” twice and then start a riot which would not look good in the news. Although it would have been worth having the riots to see if the ACLU would jump in defensed of the poor prisoners abused by the system or continue with their latest policy of ignoring  violations of civil rights during a pandemic.

Do notice that when the real threat of violence with consequences is present, the Left suddenly gives way.