Month: November 2021

White Supremacists are the biggest threat to the country” and in other news…

Over 100,000 deaths by overdose in the first 12 months of the COVID Horror Theater.  From April 2020 to April 2021.

And if the death ratio has been maintained, another 51,000 deaths by OD are already in the books.

But my AR and the color of my skin are the ones causing death and destruction across the land right?

There is a reason why is called National Felon League

Well, she is White so probably had it coming in the World According to CRT and BLM.

And if you dare to say you need/want 30 minutes with the gentleman, his joints, a cordless drill and a set of rusty drill bits, you might be racist.

White Supremacists attack Asians in Philadelphia


We need the FBI to investigate these incidents of White Racists attacking poor unsuspecting Asians for kicks and giggles….. (Sarcasm off/>)

But rest assured, this attack will go into some Hate Database but once again conveniently failing to give details about the attackers because the Narrative must be protected.

The Machine must be fed so it will turn against its creators/operators.


The College Democrats of America — the Democratic Party’s national organization presiding over 500 chapters on campuses across the country — is in turmoil.

The group’s leaders are publicly firing off accusations of anti-Blackness, Islamaphobia and anti-Semitism at each other. Impeachment proceedings are now in the works against the organization’s new vice president, Nourhan Mesbah, who is Muslim. College Democrats say that screenshots of tweets that their peers sent in adolescence spread rapidly through group texts, which already caused a student running for president of the group to withdraw their candidacy in September. And national advocacy groups for Muslim and Jewish Americans are now weighing in with criticism.

Allegations of bigotry and calls for impeachment rock College Democrats – POLITICO

You need to read the whole article. It is hilarious to see how the supposed woke and above all group is actually more racist and bigoted than a Klan parade back in the old days.

The new adage keeps proving itself right: Scratch a Liberal, find a racist.

Hat Tip KevinC

More expensive gadgets are not going to solve the problem

In May 13, 1979, an idiot who had a fight with his girlfriend decided to get shitfaced. Not enough being drunk, he got behind the wheel of his caramel colored Dodge Dart and proceeded to speed down the hillside roads near where he lived. It had been drizzling all day and he lost control in a curve, invaded the incoming traffic lane and t-boned himself into the dodge Aspen of a 19 year old college student.


So, rest assured that I have a Torquemada-devotion type of hate for drunk drivers. My position was and still is that the fucker attempted against my life and he should have paid even more than the 9 months he spent in the hospital recovering from his fuck up. And if you add to the injury the fact I was arrested for “investigative purposes” (That was the law back then in Venezuela) our family lawyer realized I wanted to inflict more damage on the asshole and warned me severely against even being in the same zip code with the guy till my case was resolved.

Now that you know my “credentials” allow me to state that I am absolutely opposed to the latest Biden Bullshit faux solution for drunk driving:

It’s a tragedy she feels could have been prevented, and now part of the recent infrastructure bill would mandate anti-drunk driving technology in vehicles.

“It’s the simple fact that there’s technology out there that could spare another family my pain, that could spare another community’s pain is huge,” Read said.

Some of the driving monitoring technology will slow the vehicle down and pull the car over if the driver shows signs of impairment

“This technology is going to save lives,” Phaedra Creed, Mothers Against Drunk Driving State Program Director, said.

Creed says for years this nationwide organization has been pushing for law just like this one. With this type of advanced technology, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration believes this could prevent more than nine-thousand drunk driving deaths a year.

President Biden’s infrastructure bill could help prevent DUIs | News |

No, it is not gonna save  nine thousand people from dying, somebody is trying to push the idea that some gadget created by man (and obviously can be disabled by Man) will suddenly eliminate 90% of the DUI deaths a year

The math comes to 10,585 deaths for 365 days.

This is a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the shit pie that is the Infrastructure bill to garner support from the original Mommies Demand organization that has/had some clout among Americans.

Of course the fact that the magic anti drunk system will only result in an increase on the price of vehicles, will mean nothing to the government and MADD and it will be seen as the sacrifice you have to make for a safer society.

And I have to fear the idea that not only the device will affect driving, but how? It does only stop the vehicle or will it also sent notification of your law violation to the local LEO?

Sorry, but what could have been dismissed as conspiracy theory 2 years ago, is now regarded as spoilers of things to come. For some reason I have the feeling that .Gov would love the idea of making every car depending on government programming to function, pretty much like John Deere is doing with their farm equipment.

And yes, I am crazy, but that does not mean I will be proven wrong. But I hope I am.

A well deserved dress down

And the crime was particular hideous, so I understand why this online response to cyber idjits was less than “polite”:

Click to enlarge


Here are some of the highlights:

Court documents say that on September 16, the FBI provided the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office with pictures sent to the FBI as a cyber tip. Some of those photos showed Rainwater partially nude in a cage. Other pictures showed Rainwater’s body bound to a gantry crane device. Authorities say this device is commonly used for processing wild game. That same day Phelps was arrested.

During the execution of a search warrant, investigators on the scene of the Moon Valley Road property found the gantry crane, potential blood evidence, and items from a freezer that appeared to be human flesh dated July 24.

Norton told investigators that Phelps asked him to go to the property while Rainwater was sleeping. The documents indicated the two would attack her while Norton held down her legs and Phelps strangled her. Authorities say the men then hung her body on the gantry and Norton helped Phelps dismember the body.

And if J Kb can find a bit of space, I believe the gents accused in this case may need a trip to the woodchipper if found guilty.