Month: November 2021

The Rittenhouse Prosecutors were worse than we saw during the trial

EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutors HELD BACK high-def drone footage of Kenosha shootings from defense and gave them low quality video – sparking them to file mistrial motion that could see teen walk free

Prosecutors in the Kenosha shooter trial withheld evidence from the defense that was ‘at the center of their case,’ only sharing the high-definition drone video footage on which they have hung their prosecution after the trial had concluded, can reveal.

Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger played the enhanced drone footage to the jury during his closing statements and claimed that it showed Rittenhouse ‘pointing his gun’ at people – an assertion that opened the door to the state claiming Rittenhouse provoked the violence of the night of August 25, 2020.

Now, in the motion obtained by, Rittenhouse’s defense insist that the state only shared it with the defense after evidence had closed on Saturday November 13.

The prosecution cannot do that.

It’s a violation of the law.

If Kyle is not acquitted this is absolutely grounds for a mistrial.

Given previous fuckery by the prosecutors, I doubt it would be anything short of mistrial with prejudice, followed by civil suits against them and disciplinary action by the Wisconsin Bar.


If you want to know how biased the system is

This Tweet is still live and active after more than 43 hours:

The screen shot for perpetuity:

You know this has been reported to Twitter and they don’t care.

It’s fine to openly call for the mob to murder an 18-year-old on the Right but you and I would get kicked off for not referring to a male rapist with pink hair in a dress as “she.”


I guess the trash followed me to Tennessee

Fucking ambulance/Race Card chaser here? Damn it.

Federal authorities should investigate Rutherford County prosecutor John Zimmerman on charges of racially profiling businesses, civil rights attorney Ben Crump said.

“We’re here this morning to ask for the Department of Justice to open a pattern and practice investigation into the allegations that Assistant District Attorney John Zimmerman has discriminatorily targeted minority-owned businesses,” said Crump, who’s representing Free at Last Bail Bonding in Murfreesboro.

Civil rights attorney Ben Crump demands investigation of prosecutor (

I guess fucking up with the Zimmerman in Florida, he is trying his hand at one locally. And I hope the County understand that he is supposed to be shady enough to try tactics that are somewhat underhanded. A lot of his interventions prior to Florida’s Zimmerman trial in the self-defense killing of Trayvon Martin looked like were responsible for the unnecessary trial and outright faux racial animosity developed around it including the birth of BLM.

As for civil rights, I believe he does not care much for unless they come attached with a substantial paycheck and lots of Media time.

On Violence

Miguel recently had an excellent post on “Jump Kick Man” from Kenosha.

We both covered the criminal history of the three men Kyle Rittenhouse shot.

If you follow Andy Ngo on Twitter, he has extensively covered the criminal records of the Antifa members arrested in Portland and elsewhere.

The common theme is these people are overwhelmingly violent scumbags.

Yes.  That should be obvious.

In a civil society such as ours, violence is discouraged.  It’s possible to live a happy, successful life never having gotten into a physical fight.  I’d go so far as to say that except for professional pugilists, a key feature in being a happy and successful person in modern society is not having gotten into a physical fight after grade-school.

We are so conditioned to be peaceful people that most good people are hardly capable of engaging in serious violence.

I have talked about the 80/20 rule, where studies conducted by the military after WWII showed that 80% of soldiers could not consciously line up their sights and kill an enemy.  To get good people to kill, they either can’t see their targets (such as artillery or aerial bombardment) or you have to break them psychologically and recondition them to be shooters (such as the military’s reflexive shooting training).

What we know about violent crime is that the vast majority of violent crime is conducted by a small percentage of people.

It’s those who have the propensity for physical violence due to mental aberrations (such as a lack of empathy, i.e. sociopathy or psycopathy) or conditioning (such as being raised saturated in violence).

So, when you find a group that engages in public destruction, violence, and anti-social behavior, naturally that group is going to be a magnet for people with a proclivity for violence.

Most of the violent actors are there for the violence and the social movement is cover for that.

As these movements have gone on they have become more distilled.  The people who come out night after night are the die-hard ideologues and the people who want an excuse to indulge in their violent desires.

So it is no wonder that when these violent actors in the mob are identified they have a long history of violence.  That long history of violence is what attracted them to the moment in the first place.

Kyle was the odd one there.  The good guy who applied controlled violence.  Generally the good people stay away from the violence because they are repelled by it.  When he started to cry on the stand you could see that he was a person not used to violence who was pushed to having to use it three times and that caused him emotional trauma.

This is the same thing we see with PTSD in soldiers.  Interestingly, some of the highest rates of PTSD are among drone pilots.  One theory is that a large contributor to PTSD is not violence done to a person but violence done by them.  Drone pilots may not have been shot at but they saw the faces of people they snuffed out in HD on a big computer monitor.   Engaging in targeted killings as a 9 to 5 job, then going to their kid’s soccer game after work is severely traumatizing.

It should also be noted that throughout the 20th century, despots recruited from prisons in their rise to power.  The best way to guarantee that one of your political thugs was a true pipe hitter was to recruit experienced pipe hitters, which generally meant criminals.

The point being, it should be no shock to us that the people in Antifa or at other political riots who are violent have a history of violence.  Those with a proclivity for and desire to do violence are always attracted to opportunities to do violence.  The Social Activism simply legitimized their violence by the media and pop culture.