Month: November 2021

We have numbers from the NHS

Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths

Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons, as experts called for an urgent government inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable.

Fears are growing that NHS delays at the height of the pandemic left large numbers of people with previously treatable conditions suffering illnesses that have now become fatal.

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that England and Wales registered 20,823 more deaths than the five-year average in the past 18 weeks. Only 11,531 deaths involved Covid.

It means that 9,292 deaths – 45 per cent – were not linked to the pandemic.

Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: “I’m calling for an urgent investigation.

“If you look at where the excess is happening, it’s in conditions like ischemic heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes, all which are potentially reversible.

“This could be the fallout from the lack of preventable care during the pandemic, and what happens downstream of that.

Can we extrapolate those numbers?  Can we ballpark at 30,000 additional non-COVID deaths in the last year?

I said this was happening and now someone at the NHS has put numbers to it.

I want to know what that fallout is in the US.

As I mentioned the other day, the Governor of New York just ended elective surgeries in her state, so what will that fallout be?

The government honestly and sincerely didn’t care about saving lives or preventing deaths, just so long as they could pretend they were doing something to stop COVID they were willing to sacrifice countless people.

Any accountability from this should include Nuremberg like trials, with similar punishments, which is why this will all get swept under the rug.

They murdered people through medical neglect to bolster their power with COVID.

Never forget that.

DeSantis just loving slapping the dickens out of Liberal Media

I daresay he is better than President Trump at it.

He just does not just destroy them, but sets them on fire and then douses the flames pissing on their remains.

Scratch a Liberal Democrat, find the Racist.

You can almost hear her panting and fanning herself: “A Negro with guns! The horror!” So, she tags the Federal Bureau of Instigations for what i surmise would be to bring him back into the plantation with legal floggings and real chains.

And to make it even funnier, she is the proverbial cat lady:

But wait, there is more! She the applies a twisted version of “But I have black friends.”

We are sure consciously you “believe” (say) that, but just seeing the thousands upon thousands of people displaying their collection of firearms in Twitter and you just happening to pick and snitch on the Black guy who embarrasses your kind by stating a truth?

Will the mistress require a mint julep and a slave boy to rest her feet upon?

Never Get Out of the Boat.

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting that occurred overnight after a man looked at his Ring camera.

The incident happened around 12 a.m. when a homeowner on Michaela Circle went outside to investigate some suspicious activity he noticed on his Ring camera.

Authorities said the homeowner was transported to a local area hospital, and the search is on going for the possible suspects.

Clarksville man shot after looking at Ring camera (

Short of having a family member in danger or you see somebody about to toss a Molotov cocktail at your abode, you have no reason to go outside if your gut tells you something is afoot after getting warning via your frigging door camera!

Stay inside, stay safe. Be ready to repel boarders.


The Second Family does performative Judaism and I hate it

This fucking bullshit Tweet:


This from the Forward:

Ella Emhoff isn’t Jewish (and she doesn’t want to talk about it)

And so when I was putting together the Forward 50, I chose Ella rather than her dad, the now-official “Second Mensch,” for our list of intriguing and influential American Jews.

We knew it’d be a longshot to get the increasingly in-demand — and also still enrolled in college — Ella to join one of our Zoomversations with members of the Forward 50. But when the polite decline came, the reason threw me. “Ella is not Jewish,” wrote Joseph David Viola, the spokesman Ella’s Instagram refers queries to.

No, sadly. Viola said in subsequent emails that Ella’s dad has been “celebrating Judaism for a few years now but out of an independent search,” and that Ella was living on her own in New York during this period. “It’s not something she grew up with,” he explained

So not a Jewish family, not raised Jewish, not a Jewish household, and Doug just recently started doing some independent Jewish type stuff (which in my experience is code for some new-age Reform bullshit).

This is political Jew-face.

What else could you expect from one of the most inauthentic and shallow politicians out there?

Remember when Trump was repeatedly called an antisemitie?

His Hanukkah lighting with his Orthodox daughter and son-in-law was infinitely more genuine than this performative bullshit.

This Substack article touched me soul

Jew vs. Jew
On the real lessons of the Hanukkah story.

On Friday July 16, I moved across the country and into a Moishe House, one of a network of communal Jewish houses in cities including Boston, New York, Kansas City, and Pittsburgh. On Thursday, July 22, my two roommates asked me to move out. What could possibly have gone that wrong in less than a week?

On my sixth day, I attended my first Moishe House event. Toward the end of the evening, a couple of people, including my roommate Michelle (because of the unpleasant story I am about to tell, I am changing the names of all who are involved) and her boyfriend, invited me to a bar. Michelle’s boyfriend drove me to the bar, while Michelle and her friend drove separately. As we were driving, he asked what I did for work. I replied that I work in digital technology for a defense contractor.

He replied that my employer “killed lots of people”, and that I only thought highly of the company “because they paid your bills.” Shocked, I replied that my view of the company was motivated by reasons other than my paycheck, namely my belief in the need for American leadership on the global stage.

As a Jew and a political conservative who grew in Massachusetts, I am very used to being in the minority. But my family’s Shabbat dinner table taught me the value of voicing my opinions respectfully and engaging others in good faith. No one ever made me feel that I didn’t belong because I had a different view.

What I encountered in the Moishe House was not the Jewish vibe I grew up with. At the bar that night, the group spent hours interrogating me. There was no conversation. No discussion. No back and forth. When I explained that I am politically conservative, someone responded, “On purpose?”

The next evening, my roommates sat me down in our living room and demanded that I move out. They explained that when they agreed to accept me as a roommate, they did not know I was politically conservative. Michelle said that she felt “unsafe” around me, and that she would not be able to take her birth control or bring her queer friends around me. My other roommate, Sarah, said that she did not think to ask about my political views because I was the first young conservative she had ever met. They both repeatedly said that my political views made them “uncomfortable.”

In an email later that week, Sarah wrote me: “If you cannot unequivocally say that you are anti-racist and support gay rights and women’s reproductive health and prison reform and defunding the police, among other important platforms, then we have an irreconcilable differences that would not lead to a harmonious living environment.” She continued: “I implore you to look inside yourself [and] consider why your viewpoints make us so uncomfortable.”

The Jewish community is not immune from the growing censoriousness of American political culture. While Jewish tradition treasures discussion and debate, my ordeal suggests that the Moishe House does not tolerate any deviation from left-wing orthodoxy, or at the very least is not willing to support someone who does. The Jewish community these days purports to prize “inclusion” above all else. But if my experience is any indication, inclusion does not include people who are judged to have the wrong political views.

I have never lived in a Moishe House, but I have experienced similar in Synagogues before.

Then there is this comment:

I am a conservative Jew and I worry once this idiocy called wokeness comes crumbling down (and it will) the Jews are going to be blamed for stoking some of the zealotry and be blamed for dividing the country. It will be easy for the Right and the Left to find a common scapegoat to blame once the dust settles and people demand a reckoning.

Cynical and prominent Jews like Soros, Schumer, Nadler, Jeff Zucker and Adam Schiff (who are equally despised by the Right and the radical left) are playing with fire and potentially creating a very precarious situation for the rest of us Jews. There are of course as many conservative Jewish voices, but they’re rarely aired by the mass media. And there is a perception among most Americans that all Jews are leftists. This is a bad situation and conservative Jews need to find a way to speak out more forcefully. Judaism should not be conflated with Progressivism like many American Jews seems to do.

I felt that one deep in my soul.

I have stated many, many times before just how much I hate Leftist Jews.

I am grossed out every time I see some radical, purple-haired, Leftist, with a Socialist rose emoji, and weird pronouns in their bio also identify as Jewish.

I have begun to wonder just how many straight, normal, healthy, functional Jews are left in American society.

I have come to believe that American Jewery is the victim of its own success.

Academic and financial achievement that is a hallmark of Ashkenazi Jewish culture was the product of discrimination.  When Jews were forbidden from owning land, a movement intended to keep us poor in agrarian societies, we developed skills as artisans, craftsmen, traders, bankers, etc.  We got a jump start on the knowledge economy.

In America, that tradition has made us successful.

Unfortunately, it has resulted in two generations of Jews who have become the indulgent, pampered, sophists that become radical Leftists.

They reject everything Jewish about themselves to become Progressives, confusing the Talmud for the Communist Manifesto.

And I agree with the comment so much it hurts.

I am terrified of the position that puts Jews in.  The Left always turns on the Jews.  There is no safety in assimilating with them.  On the other hand, Progressives are the most public face of American Jewery, feeding the antisemitism of the (Alt) Right.

And just to make matters worse, this has caused a breakdown in Jewish unity.  Leftist Jews are more than happy to feed us Conservative Jews to the Leftist crocodile, not realizing that won’t satiate its hunger.