Month: November 2021

Setting roadblocks against the police and lighting them on fire isn’t a big deal

Let that sink in.

This is a prosecutor, an officer of the court, sworn to uphold the law of the State of Wisconsin,  downplaying a man in the middle of a riot creating barricades and roadblocks to stop police vehicles (Bearcats) and setting them on fire.

No wonder Kyle felt compelled to do what he did, the county ADA clearly puts hindering police and arson tantamount to saying bad words.

I honestly can’t imagine this saw well with the jury.

What a piece of shit this guy is.


These have to be the worst attorneys in America

Yeah, I agree, what the actual fuck?

Miguel and I have documented multiple accounts of people being killed by a strong punch.

A mob beating is not like a fist fight in the movies.

Let’s remember what happened in Portland only a few days before when an unarmed man had an encounter with the mob.

God created all men, Eugene Stoner made a 17-year-old equal to a three adult men.

What the ADA is saying is such monumental bullshit.

Adam Haner, the man kicked in the head was also just trying to help people who were the victims of a mob and ended up with a TBI for his troubles.  Marquise Love got barely 20 months for giving a man brain damage.

That’s what the ADA’s are advocating for.  For Kyle Rittenhouse to be brain damaged and Rosenbaum and Huber to get slaps on the wrists.

Under the law one must use reasonable force to prevent grave bodily harm.  It does not say you have to stand toe to toe with a prime age adult male that weighs one-and-a-half times as much as you and fight him bare knuckles to be fair.

This is unconscionable.

These prosecutors need to lose, not just this case, but their law licenses when it’s over.


This is a classic sign of grooming and child sex predation

Telling kids to hide sexual things from their parents.

This is what groomers and child sex offenders do.

This org apparently created a tool that allows them to groom children more efficiently.

These are people preying on vulnerable children over the internet and acting like a charity.

They ARE coming after your kids.

What the everflying f*** are you saying?

We kept saying that there are living-breathing (not thinking) morons who herd the accusation that Kyle Rittenhouse was a White Supremacist and immediately processed in their pea-sized brains that he shot 3 black individuals.  I believe we do not need more evidence.


Via Andy Ngo, we find out Gregory McKelvey may have somewhat of a violent past against women..

The importance of a guilty verdict in the Rittenhouse case.

This case has nothing to do with the punishment of alleged murders or seeking justice for the poor misguided fellas that only wanted to surrender/stop an active shooter or whatever other BS they are pushing in the selected media sources.

This case is for the survival of the BLM movement and the resurgence of Antifa and similar conglomerations. Full Stop.

Forget about the backgrounds of the Kenosha attackers, they do not mind much (they do have some bearing) and think of their actions and what lead them to their deaths/injuries. They all showed a level of high aggression and total disregard for what it would happen to them because till that fateful day, they were told what they did was right and they would suffer no consequences, at least legally.

What had been happening prior to that day? Antifa, BLM and assorted protesting Lefties would gather , create havoc, set stuff on fire (loses in the billions), attack police and civilians with almost impunity. And if they were arrested, 99 times out of a hundred they would be released in time to catch some waffles before sun up and their cases eventually dismissed.

And besides the immunity granted by the politicos, they would be also protected and even lionized by the Media who helped their cause by feeding their egos. They were blessed warriors in a crusade for social justice and they could do no wrong in the eyes of the “journalists” while mom & pop defending their business built with blood and tears would be nothing more that white supremacists who deserved what was coming to them, mostly in the form of ashes. And if you dared to protest too loud, your body would be suffering the consequences of the righteous indignation of the Holders of The Truth and Justice.

But by the time the killings in Kenosha happened, people were having enough of that destructive narrative and starting to either doubt or outright oppose this “revolution.” And when people start to find out how in true revolutionary fashion some were economically benefitting from the “cause”, how they were acquiring power in governmental positions, how they were accomplice to crimes in their autonomous zones which were nothing more that feudalistic fiefdoms ruled by the violent ones while others wallowed in misery, the dream of equal justice was revealed to be a cruel an deadly hoax.

And then came the new occupants in the White House who in less than a year have managed to sink the country they promised they were going to save from Mean Tweets. I won’t even bother to go over the invasion through our Southern border or how much it hurts to visit a gas station or a supermarket because you know it better than anybody else.

So back to the Kyle Rittenhouse trial: The idea that the revolution and its violent actors  can legally be stopped by violence while they are trying to kill you is something the Domestic Enemies cannot allow to exist. Kyle needs to go to jail not for something he did but to serve as warning for something you might have to do in the future.

If you have ideas that run contrary to the Party dogma, you must be punished.

If your property is about to be ransacked and burned but you stand against it,  you must be punished.

If you are attacked and defend yourself, you must be punished.

You should get used to the idea that you have no rights and not even privileges because you are not a pure member of the Party.

And that is why the Left needs Kyle needs to be found guilty. They need you to be scared for the consequences of demanding to be a Free Citizen of this country.

That is all.

Politics has broken people’s brains

All they had to do was NOT defend a serial child rapist and a serial wife beater but they couldn’t.

They had to call them heroes.

If you’re out there defending a man who spent 10 years in prison for raping boys as young as 5-years-old, you need to reconsider your life.