Month: November 2021

The truth means nothing, the narrative uber alles

This son of a two dollar whore admitted under oath that Kyle only yeeted his bicep AFTER he pointed his gun at Kyle, Good Morning America turns him into a fucking martyr.

“Would be murderer?”

I hope Kyle goes balls to the fucking wall with libel and slander suits after his acquittal.

The corporate media is the enemy of the truth, justice, and all that is good and holy in this world.

When you’re a Jew-hater but want to virtue signal

Hmmm… I wonder who was targeted in Kristallnacht?

What are we supposed to remember?

I dunno, that looks like a picture following one of those mostly peaceful protests from CNN.

Something is missing here.

I have figured out what elective I’m going to teach

I’m going to become a professor of Woodchipper Studies.

The lab section of the course is going to be wild.

I have a feeling that I will have no shortage of volunteers for demonstrations.  All one has to do is advocate for pedophilia as a sexual identity deserving of dignity.

Kyle is the martyr we needed

Forget George Floyd and Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse is the true martyr of 2020.

The trial and tribulations of Mr Rittenhouse is actually creating converts and saving souls.

Like I said yesterday, there seem to be a number of left of center moderates who watched the trial and have come to the inescapable conclusion that the media and Democrat politicians are nothing but shit-peddling liars and everything they were told to think about Rittenhouse was wrong.

The second person makes a good point, it’s not jut the Rittenhouse trial.

It’s the media saying everything is fine and inflation is good even, while the people hearing this are bring squeezed so hard it hurts.

They are realizing that the elites and activists on the Left are incapable of putting the truth over the narrative.

And clearly the absolute disconnect between what the talking heads said and what they saw in the trial has been part of that awakening.

Kyle is suffering and I hope him nothing but the best, but his suffering has ripped the wool from the eyes of normies and for that sacrifice I thank him.

And nobody had a knife?

Obviously they do not represent an imminent danger of death or grave bodily harm, but I believe a stab on the side of a couple of tires would have been a solution.

Hard to get away with 2 rims eating the macadam.

Always carry a knife, heel carry two knives!