Month: November 2021

Uninformed Professors write idiot OpEds

My Take: Uninformed juries produce incorrect outcomes

Kyle Rittenhouse represents a character in the larger story of the divided American society. I follow these events and the attitudes and opinions surrounding them as an expert researcher focused on healing divided societies. There are many bifurcations, and the casualties that are not being discussed are healing and truth. His acquittal is a springboard, and the public is now at increased threat.

No criminal trial is motivated by healing or truth. Trials are about fact finding and fact exclusion. The truth, for example, that after pleading not guilty earlier this year Kyle posed with Proud Boys while flashing a white power hand sign and T-shirt that said “Free as F—,” was not allowed in trial. Rittenhouse remains “Free as F—,” unpermitted facts notwithstanding.

This process focuses on justifying punishment for offenders who have been convicted beyond reasonable doubt, but uninformed juries cannot make informed decisions.

This is not justice, and it does nothing for healing. The families of the victims, the communities, Kyle Rittenhouse, and so on … nothing about the process is intended to help them heal or find closure. Punitive justice serves a role, but there are other options. The verdict only affirms that the US remains committed to its long history of vigilantism, an ugly bloodlust embedded throughout the American mythology promoting white supremacy.

Not once in his OpEd did he discuss a single fact in evidence presented to the jury.

Not once during the trial did White Supremacy or any racial issue come up, even from the prosecutors.

The Proud Boys has nothing to do with Kenosha at all.

The jury was informed, presented with evidence, video recordings, and eye witness testimony, and made their decision.

This asshole didn’t see any of that and instead inserted his own ignorant opinion.

This man is a professor of conflict resolution.

I think he should be fired for writing this.

Clearly he’s unable to do his job and is unqualified for his position if he can’t discuss a single bit of trial evidence and relies only on his prejudices to make decisions.

His students should demand refunds.


Government hates competition, especially if it hits their pocket

Misleading title is misleading.


Basically, the Grupo de Auto-Defensa was told to stand down or having to face two enemies: The Cartels and the Government. And no, previous self-defense groups were not infiltrated and became part of drug cartels but got chased and disbanded by the government. Why? because they actually were effective and chased the local cartels off the state. That mean local officials were not getting the usual “mordidas” (bribes) and that could not be allowed to happen.

I believe it will come the time in Mexico (or should come) where the Auto Defensas do a “Uno por Uno”: Take out one cartel member and one government official till the lesson is absorbed. Maybe then they will finally achieve some freedom and a smidgen of peace.

I need to work on an EDC woodchipper

Taking pictures of little girls in Walmart then claiming doing it because the unmasked little girl was a threat to him.

If this guy wants to stay alive so badly, taking pictures of little girls in public places without their parents permission is probably a lot riskier than COVID.


I can’t get enough of videos like these

It’s like watching the Vandals sack Rome.

There is no saving California.  I can’t imagine that state taking the initiative to do what it needs to, to reverse this.  It’s all down hill from here.