Month: November 2021

What about my mental health?

It’s a threat to my mental health to make me do this.

I believe that 2 + 2 = 4.

Two plus two always equals four.

I will not deny reality.

I will not be forced to subjugate myself to someone else’s fantastical whims.

To violate that, to force me to acquiesce to someone else’s delusion is a threat to my mental health and I will not do it.

There are four lights.

I told you the NJ ballot printer was going to go brrrrr….

This is my shocked face.

And tell me which Democrat judge in NJ will demand an audit and authentication of those ballots?

Yeah, I thought so.

This fraud is comically transparently but they are going to get away with it.

This is a preview for 2022 and 2024, and maybe even Virginia this year.

Thomas Binger is either the dumbest lawyer in the history of District Attorneys or is a secret Rittenhouse fan – corrected

Holy fucking shit this actually happened in court:

The entire jury now knows what sort of piece of shit one of the guys Rittenhouse shot really is.

He threatened to murder his brother and threw a chair at his grandmother and forced her to clean his house.

I would almost guarantee that there is not a juror in that box a person watching the trial  that doesn’t thing Huber deserved a couple of freedom seeds and the world is a better place without Huber in it.

I thought this was in front of the jury. It was not.  However, I suspect that the way the judge has been deciding, I suspect at least some of this will be presented to the jury.  If Binger tries to portray Huber as a good guy to the jury, the defense may be allowed to counter that.

If ADA Binger wanted to make it look like Kyle shot an angel it may open the door to Kyle’s lawyer making it look like Kyle was out there doing God’s work taking out the trash.

Either Binger is the dumbest person to pass the bar or he’s a secret Kyle fan and is setting up the defense with easy ways to score points with the jury.

When you try to shoehorn sand into a drinking straw.

A Hispanic Color ID Chart according to a Pew research:

I love “research” like this. Without having to go to the effort to read pages of  “investigation”, you know there is a heavy political tint in it. And I am not accusing the researchers of malice at all, but it is simply what they have probably been taught: Race is color and color is the only to be considered in the interaction between people.

And that makes them ever so wrong. Hispanic is not skin tone based but culture based.

According to the chart, I am a Hispanic Number 2 Shade (I feel like I am a Revlon eyeliner all of the sudden) which makes me White. But when you use the word “White” in the US, you get the Anglo-Saxon connotation : English Language native, Protestant and enjoys the snow and Macy’s Parades. If you know a Hispanic, specially one born outside the US , you know that there is nothing ever so different with the same skin color than your Anglo and a Catholic, snow hating, soccer-watching Hispanic. And if you have a lot of Hispanic friends, you know our skin color comes in Crayola box variety.

And then, to make things more confusing, Hispanics  get balkanized per country/region: You may sit me in between to an equally “melaninized” male from Uruguay and a dark black lesbian from Dominican Republic and I will have more things in common with the woman than the male simply because we were raised in the Caribbean basin sphere of influence. From the accent of your Spanish to the commonalities in the food we eat and the music we hear, we share many similar aspects, including the deep envy for the quality of beef the Uruguayan bastard has access to, allegedly some of the best if not the best in the world.

And then, if you really want to be confused, add the immigrant aspect to the Latino mix. Argentina has a well known German immigrant history, Brazil somewhat less. Peru has a lot of Japanese descendants and Venezuela had a lot of people coming from the Middle east back in the late 1800s, early 1900 which for some obscure reason were always tagged as “Turcos” (Turkish) even if the were from Saudi.  Now and to get even more confusing, add the European refugees from the wars of Mid 20th Century and you will have kids from different colors and cultural backgrounds whose parents and grandparents came all over the world, but they themselves identify as Hispanic because they speak Spanish, live in Latin America and even they do maintain cultural ties with their parent’s land of origin, they have the commonality of the culture they grew up with. And because of some sort unexplainable magic, all balances.

Trying to shoehorn Latinos into a politically-motivated racial mold is a fool’s errand, but one that provide us with many chances of laughter.

The media keeps proving they are the enemy of the people

The media put more effort into a story about the 17-year-old son of the Republican Governor-elect of Virginia asking if he can vote for his dad than they did the adult crackhead son of the former VP and Democrat Presidential candidate selling access to his dad to China and Russia for millions while banging his widowed sister-in-law, having drug-fueled threesomes with hookers, knocking up strippers, and leaving computers full of compromising information lying around.

Because one story is clearly more media worthy than the other.