Month: November 2021

I have a lack of confidence in the entire upper echelon of the US Military

They ran a submarine into a mountain.

Sure…. why the fuck not.

Marko Ramius, this captain clearly was not.

They ran a fucking submarine into a fucking mountain.

Then the Marines lost a war game on their home turf at Twenty-Nine Palms.

Fuck our military sucks.

This Administration hates you and enjoys your suffering

She absolutely has that magic wand.

It’s the same one Trump waved around.

It’s allowing drilling on public land and reauthorization of KXL.

But she won’t do that because hurting peasants is how the elite get their jollies.

Rarely do I see something that makes me feel the the c-word just isn’t invective enough to describe someone.  This is one of those times.

The moment you realize you are no longer in Miami

You open the front door and everything is covered in a white substance that did not come from Colombia.

Last time I scraped ice off a windshield was almost 40 years ago and used clear half of cassette box. It usually worked better than the tools designed for the chore.

I am afraid the diet is gonna take a hit. It seems the body does not consider salad a proper winter food and is letting me know it.

And yes, I expect thicker “shipments” of the white shit in the coming months. You don’t have to rub it in.

I do need thicker socks.

Yes it will you expert class s*it-weasel

From my experience in the gun community, the people who go out of their way to get carry permits know more about gun laws, regulations, and real life than most pseudo expert, ersatz intellectual, shit for brains, fuck-faces like Nichols here.

The goes a long way in creating a good legislator who will solve a real problem instead of creating a worthless shit-ass grifter who gets elected to line his pockets by peddling influence.

The fact that Nichols doesn’t get that just proves he’s a know nothing pseudo expert.

This video is a litmus test

Watch this:

There are two kinds of people in this country:

Those who think this guy is fucking nuts.

Those who think this guy is taking perfectly reasonable actions against a deadly virus.

The problem is that the pop culture and current political majority seems to be squarely in the latter camp.

The crazy hypochondriac are running society.