Month: November 2021

The White Supremacists of the Big Apple

When will this madness stop? We cannot allow these Klan-like attacks to continue happening in the City That Has Never Been Woker.

The probably unvaccinated suspect last seen swerving around the piles of garbage bags collecting in the streets.

The pandemic blankie comes in different shapes and sizes

This is not health prevention. This is fear-based ritualism for its own sake and has nothing to do with science.

We used to laugh about Howard Hughes and his germaphobia. Now it seems  to be the latest stupid fashion shared by way too many equally unstable people.

We will be seeing the negative consequences for this government-induced paranoia for at least a couple of generations.

Via Law of Self Defense – TRAIN WRECK: Rittenhouse prosecution implodes with state witness Richard McGinnis

Jack, there is a 12 minute video of the short video from the last post.

Check HERE the exchange between the prosecutor and Richard McGinnis. ADA Binger ended up almost treating him like a hostile Defense witness.

J Kb wonders if the Prosecutor is fucking up on purpose. I believe he just thought he had an easy case and coasted the preparation.

IANAL, but I think this establishes intent

This is such a fuck-up it makes we wonder if the prosecutor wants Kyle Rittenhouse to get off.

I’m going to quote Brown v. United States (1921):

“Detached reflection cannot be demanded in the presence of an uplifted knife. Therefore, in this Court, at least, it is not a condition of immunity that one in that situation should pause to consider whether a reasonable man might not think it possible to fly with safety or to disable his assailant rather than to kill him.”

Detached reflection really can’t be demanded in the presence of a guy shouting “fuck you” and reaching for a weapon.

The f**kening is going to hit your pantry

Well fuck me right in the shopping cart why dontcha?

If this shit gets any worse I’m going to start growing and frying my own potato chips at home.

I swear, we are going to be making kids clothes put of flour sacks by 2024.

The f**kening is about to intensify, here come $8 gas

That last part is bullshit.

The eco-elites have already told us that gas, along with meat, energy, and everything else they don’t want us to have has to get more expensive.

What Biden doesn’t want is the ramifications of raising gas prices another couple of bucks before Christmas.

It’s hard not to believe this is deliberate enemy action against us, every action taken on oil makes us more dependent on overseas foreign oil and less independent, as well as scuttling one of the strongest domestic sectors of the economy.  A sector which is overwhelmingly high paying, in rural/Red areas, dominated by men, and conservative.

The outcome for you and I is another couple of bucks per gallon for gas.