Month: November 2021

One victory I was not expecting

This on shocks me.


If Seattle can elect a Republican then that shows you just how toxic Leftism has become to normies.

As much damage as Democrats have done, perhaps it’s good that they sunk America under COVID restrictions and won 2020.

Much like how my grandparents never threw away glass jars and washed their aluminum foil because of the Great Depression, perhaps this will shock a generation into realizing what Leftists do.

Obama and Biden both had high high gas prices, crime, and unemployment.  We learned that lesson twice, harder the second time.

Hopefully we won’t have to learn it again.

He deserves a medal not a conviction

Father ‘killed his daughter’s boyfriend, 19, by stuffing him into the trunk of a car and repeatedly stabbing him’ after discovering he’d sold her to a sex trafficking ring: Body was found after a year

A father killed his daughter’s 19-year-old boyfriend by repeatedly stabbing him and then stuffing him inside a car trunk after finding he’d sold her into a sex trafficking ring, detectives have revealed.

Aaron Sorenson’s rotting corpse was found in the trunk of an abandoned car on East Everett Avenue in Spokane last month, police said on Monday. Detectives believe he was killed in November last year.

Eisenman discovered in October of that year that his juvenile daughter had been sex trafficked into Seattle by Sorenson for $1,000, according to a police press release.

He was able to rescue the girl from the city and bring her back to Spokane that month.

He then learned that Sorenson was going to be at an address in Airway Heights so he drove there and waited for the 19-year-old to arrive.

‘During that encounter Eisenman abducted the victim, tying him up and placing him in the trunk of a vehicle. Eisenman subsequently assaulted the victim by hitting him in the head with a cinder block and then stabbed him repeatedly, causing his death,’ police said.

‘After the homicide, Eisenman drove the vehicle to a remote area in North Spokane County and abandoned the car with the body still inside.’

This is quite literally the plot of a Hollywood franchise staring Liam Neeson that grossed almost a billion dollars.

I am absolutely fine with this by the way.

Parents should have every right to hunt down and kill, as painfully and gruesomely as they want, people that sexually abuse or exploit their children.

I’d nullify this jury in a heartbeat.

“Not guilty, you’re free to go, here’s a ‘World’s Best Dad’ coffee cup I got for you on the way home last night.”

I know Miguel has a problem with frontier justice, but as I watch our judicial system become ever more corrupt and perverse, I get more and more comfortable with letting parents solve the sex offender problem however they see fit.

We all absolutely know that Seattle would not have done anything to the boyfriend for the sex trafficking of a minor.

And to be totally honest, that fact that the state is going after a guy who killed the man that sold his under age daughters into prostitution is just more proof our elites are a cabal of pedophiles.



The Republican are so racists!

And she won.

Better writers than me will cover last night electoral massacre (for the Democrats) in Virginia. But I felt at least I had to share this.

I do hope there is an audit of this election because I want to know how  Glenn Youngkin had a comfortable 12 point lead and ended up with barely 3 when all was done and closed. And ultra blue Fairfax County went all Broward Electoral commission stopping the count and announcing it had to “re-scan” all the votes, the announcing it was done 100% only to go back and say they weren’t done while the distance between candidates grew smaller.

Trust me, every conservative I know would love to teach this

How about this truth?

Three term DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 that interred Japanese Americans and that all but one of the Supreme Court Justices who upheld EO9066 as Constitutional were DEMOCRATS nominated by FDR himself?

That it was also DEMOCRAT President Woodrow Wilson who segregated the US Military and DEMOCRAT President FDR who maintained the segregation, if we’re going to talk about WWII history.

We could also teach how DEMOCRAT President FDR commissioned Project M to relocate Jewish Holocaust survivors and American Jews to Madagascar, because he was an Antisemite too.

Those are some inconvenient facts though, so that might be a little too much truth.

Of all the things that happened in 2020, the one that I find most disappointing was Japanese Americans not desecrating FDR statues.  If they started, I’m sure I could find some Jews to help with that.

FDR and Woodrow Wilson deserve to be spit roasted in hell for eternity.

Teach that.

Let them eat Teslas

The last truck I bought was a 2000 Toyota Tundra with the 4.7 V-8 and 55,000 miles.

That’s not a typo, 55,000 miles.

Twenty-one years old and runs like new.

That replaced my 2003 Silverado, which only got replaced because 13 if it’s 18 years were spent in snow country and it literally rusted through in places.

My Ram is three years old and just rolled over 24,000 miles.  It’s gonna last another 20 years at this rate.

How long does a Tesla last?

The battery is under warranty for 8 years or 50,000 miles, but most Tesla don’t last that long.

Hybrids approaching 10 years old have no resale value because the batteries are near dead and can cost nearly as much as the vehicle to replace.

The average age of a US car is 12 years old.

So they want to give you credit for a very expensive car that needs frequent replacement.

Essentially not the sort of car the average American buys to hold onto for 12 years or more.

This is a tax giveaway to the rich under the color of an economic improvement.

I’d tell Buttigieg to eat my ass but he’d probably enjoy that.

This whole administration is dog shit.