Month: November 2021

Bad behavior unchecked gets repeated

Retail piranhas.

This will continue to happen in California till they reverse the pro-looting laws (Proposition 47 Laws) or open space stores as we know them will disappear and people will have to get items, one at a time through a barred widow or behind bulletproof glass in selected localities.

And I am waiting for the inevitable shooting of looters that will happen when they go after a mom & pop store whose owner has nothing else to lose but his mind as he sees himself looted into bankruptcy by “misguided youth.”

Why do I have a healthy aversion to Hospitals?

My Mother-In-law had to be taken to the hospital where she spent 3 days under “professional” care. This was one of their wristbands warning about her allergies.

How the fuck do you misspell codeine and have an alleged medical certificate of some sort that allows you to work with patients? And since she was checked up in a regular basis, how come nobody else said “Oh shit, that is awful. let me change that.”

And before you complain I am exaggerating, tell me how much confidence would you have on an “expert” in our field of interest saying stuff like Kolt revolvers, Sig Sour, Level action rifle or similar.


Deaths will increase dramatically, but as long as they are not COVID deaths it’s good

The absolute state of New York:

Again, let me remind you surgeries are either emergency or elective.  Elective surgery means it’s scheduled in advance, not that it’s unnecessary.

Having a malignant tumor the size of a marble removed from my kidney was elective because they scheduled it more than 24 hours in advance.

But if you think simply ending elective surgeries is where they will stop, guess again.

Cancer surgeries, heart values, stents and pacemakers, bypasses, joint replacements, all canceled.

Emergency rooms closed.

They will kill a lot of people with these measurements, but as long as they pretend it will reduce COVID deaths, it’s all fine.


Another reason I own guns- forced vaccination edition

I saw this an went through this person’s Twitter account.  I really wanted to determine if this was legitimate or trolling.

I am having a real Poe’s Law moment because I can’t tell if this is a very good parody account or a completely deranged human.

I am leaning in the direction of completely deranged because her bio says “Secular Jewish Woman” which is a detail not many trolls would include.

So I will take this a face value:

Yes, having government thugs restrain parents while their children have chemicals forced into their bodies against their will.  Where have I seen that before?

And it is particularly grotesque coming from a Jewish woman.

This is not a path they want to go down.

I’d normally say something along the lines of “they better send single men” but not anymore.  They are not prepared for what will happen if they go this far.  Force chemicals into my children against my will and I will return the favor.

I don’t want the bureaucrat worrying that he won’t return home to his children.  I want the bureaucrat to worry that at the end of his shift he will go home to the burned remains of his house with his family’s bodies lying in the yard.

What will be done to the bureaucrats that cross this line would make William Tecumseh Sherman say “that’s fucked up.”

I know I am not alone in this.


California looters take a life

Again I will post this quote:

Crime will expand according to our willing to put up with it.

California has put up with looting and it has expanded into lethal violence.

I can almost guarantee that no first time looters shoots a security guard.  This is the work of a seasoned and emboldened looter.

Had California not allowed the situation to get this bad, this would not have happened.

Now here is the question I have.  The demographic of the looters is well known.  So much so that we’ve been told not to use the term “looting” to describe this mass theft because of its racist implications.

Given the identity of the victim and the probable identity of the looter shooter, how much traction do you think this story will get in changing California’s response to the looting.

Violent crime increases, [minority] hardest hit

This news story:

Trans woman shot to death in parking lot by cold shooter who then steals her car
Tennessee was the leader among several states to enact anti-trans legislation this year. Now trans people are being murdered and misgendered there.

Advocates have confirmed that a victim in an apparent carjacking and murder weeks ago was a 35 year-old transgender woman, who was misgendered in reports of her death by local media and police statements.

Police are searching for a man seen on camera as he jumped into the victim’s vehicle after shooting her in cold blood.

The shooting took place outside the Bellevue Inn, a motel right next to Jesse Turner Park in the city’s Rozelle area, barely miles from downtown. Danyale’s body was discovered and taken to a hospital, where she was declared dead.

Police believe her shooter drove off in her 2010 black Nissan Altima right after.

Little other information has been offered about Danyale’s death, and the few reports of the shooting refer to her as “a man.” The Memphis Police Department tweeted that she was a “male shooting victim.”

“Having lost yet another Black transgender woman to such tragic means is heartbreaking, but also serves as a reminder that we must continue to fight for the safety of our community, especially when it comes to gun control,” Tori Cooper, Director for Community Engagement for HRC’s Transgender Justice Initiative, said in a statement for the organization. “Too often, members of the transgender community are senselessly and violently taken from us by firearms. Danyale’s death comes at a somber time for the community as we recognize this year as the most violent and deadliest year on record for our community.”

This is the Tweet in question:

This not not an inaccurate statement, transwomen are male.

So the victim’s car was stolen.

The victim goes by Danyale but there us no information on what the victim’s ID says.

The victim dies, the corner sees a dick and balls on the body and writes down male on a form, the police send out a Tweet based on the information on the form.

The news repeats the information based on the police report.

Memphis is one of the most dangerous cities in America and carjackings are way up.

This appears to be a carjacking turned deadly but that doesn’t help The Narrative.

The problem is, this sort of bullshit makes me less inclined to care than more.

This story should be about how bad crime is in Memphis, instead it’s about why we’re bad people for being transphobic.  This person was not shot because people in Tennessee didn’t want boys using girls’ bathrooms in schools.

Fix the crime rate in Memphis, which is 64.4% Democrat. But that doesn’t help The Narrative.


California Dreaming

Not quite the song, but the Socialist wishes.
